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Lobby Dossar

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Posts posted by Lobby Dossar

  1. 1 hour ago, Martin_T said:

    I don't think Hearts 'chucked cash at it', we had a bigger budget than most of our opponents this season, by virtue of the fact that we were a big fish in a small pond.

    Jordon Robert’s couldn’t get a game for you and went to Motherwell on loan was on £7k a week !!! If that’s not throwing money at it I don’t know what is.

  2. 19 hours ago, FairWeatherFan said:

    Just the 17 clubs in the LL with a simple majority needed. So 9 clubs. Bonnyrigg have came out against. CSS are meant to be against. Kelty should have enough common sense not to be a deciding vote since there's a good chance they won't even be involved next season. With how fractious the topic is I don't see it get enough support.

    11 for 5 against and 1 abstention   … … Looks like it’s going to happen 

  3. 3 hours ago, FairWeatherFan said:

    I don't see it happening. The Tier 6 leagues have come out against it, the SFA came out against Rangers POV on what has been happening behind the scenes, and ultimately more questions than answers have been raised.

    With less than a month to go on AGMs the whole thing seems too messy to set resolve. Instead of focusing on getting fans back in the grounds and Kelty potentially getting promoted the whole thing has been a PR disaster.

    Who has the final say on this ??? If it’s the Lowland League I can see this happening. A number of teams in that league have invested a fair amount  of money and could see this as a way of getting some of it back. Money talks.

    Have also heard that Spartans have received a substantial amount of money from an American investor for next season.

  4. Let’s not beat about the bush here. If it’s only 25% or 10,000 which ever is greatest  that are going to be let the clubs are not going to fight for that for the final 2 games.

    In all likelihood if that was the scenario the clubs would be out of pocket so why should they bother? It’s only fans and as has been shown they don’t seem to matter.

    Here’s hoping it is sorted out for the start of next season … … Not holding my breadth by the way 

  5. A lot of these players will have received a decent wedge as a signing on fee last year.

    I’m  sure some clubs will want some of it back if they are going to pastures new this season. 

    If it not forthcoming they are perfectly within their rights not to release these players 

  6. 2 hours ago, craigkillie said:

    How could you possibility legislate for that? Which offences would you be allowed to retaliate to without punishment? What degree of retaliation would be acceptable within these rules? Would he still be immune from punishment if he put him in a coma?

    The important thing here is that if Kudela is found guilty, which I expect he will be, then his punishment far outstrips that of Kamara, which I'm sure it will. If Kamara did assault the guy and it was reported then I don't see how they can turn a blind eye to that though.

    If he did assault him he should be charged with said assault by Her Majesty’s finest.

    No way there should be one rule for footballers and another rule for the rest of us 

  7. 2 hours ago, Dev said:

    It's a shame that the SG isn't bringing in the LTF covid tests for free as is happening for every person in England (if they want it). That would have made it possible to restart the season but that cannot happen now in any case.

    Get over it ……… season null and void …… move on to next season with a full compliment of clubs in the league

    The best team will win it 

  8. See the normal pish has started with regards to a young Old Firm player (Nathan Patterson)

    Teenager played half a dozen first team games for Rangers and 4 games for the U21s 

    Now we must get him in the team … … if the press are going to clamour to get a young player into the team it should be David Turnbull who has been consistently better than either McGregor or Christie in the Celtic team this season 

  9. 4 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

    Either play Tierney at left back or on the bench.  Right now, he’s in better form than Robertson for club and country.  

    Right back is a different position entirely, and as long as you don’t want him to attack at all, he’s fine defensively.  If this guy Patterson at Rangers is any good whatsoever, I’d be getting him in the squad pronto.  O’Donnell simply isn’t up to scratch, handsome charmer that he is.

    Won’t be able to get him into the squad as he’s about to get suspended for a least 8 games 

  10. 1 hour ago, yorkshirepud said:

    Can Stevie Clarke please take his negative, defensive tactics and shove them up his arse? He set the team up to avoid defeat and only had a go in both games when they went behind. They have ended up with 2 points so even picking up a win and a defeat would have been better. Last night's game was just awful where they dropped back into a defensive structure whenever Israel got the ball. In that first half they sat 30-35 yards out and just let Israel pass the ball around and through them, with absolutely no pressing. It's not as if we haven't played Israel recently and didn't recognise the threat came from Dasa, Zahavi and Solomon so to set up in a structure that allowed them so much time and space was bordering on criminal. For f&%" sake Clarke, have a go at winning games.

    Agree with a lot of what your saying.

    if you give any footballer time and space, and time to set themselves 25 yards from goal, as we did with all 3 goals that we lost in these 2 games you will get punished. The shutting down and pressing from our midfielders was criminal at this level of international football, it is just not acceptable and you will get punished as we eventually were.

  11. Just now, Jambomo said:

    Gilmour isn’t even on the bench for Chelsea and after injury, has barely played this season. You can’t bring him in.

    He’s been playing the last few games …… more skill in his wee toe than the 3 that played there tonight …… all cart horses who couldn’t pass water .

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