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Lobby Dossar

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Posts posted by Lobby Dossar

  1. 54 minutes ago, glensmad said:
    1 hour ago, jimbaxters said:
    No and they can't be forced to. Surely the rules at the start of the season regarding penalties for non completion didn't allow for this sort of financial outlay and so should not be enforced.

    There has been no suggestion whatsoever of clubs being forced to pay for tests to enable the season to be completed.

    Surely if it is a requirement that clubs must test their players all clubs across the divisions would have to agree to it for the season to continue. 

    The leagues cannot continue with only the clubs that are prepared to pay for the tests

  2. 14 minutes ago, jimbaxters said:

    The LF tests are garbage. My wife was feeling ill last week and took one of those which came up negative. She got a bit worse and then I felt rubbish. We both went for the swab test last Wednesday which came back positive. We still had one LF test at home so I took it on Friday and it showed negative. Not sure if there are different types but these ones are pointless.

    On the point that there may still be a chance for matches to restart, what if the SG give the go ahead? Do the clubs who were taking part HAVE to restart or do they have they option to can it? Can see plenty of them having no appetite to cram all those games in, especially in the lower leagues.

    In the discussion with the Cowdenbeath and Forfar managers they were saying some teams would have to play 10 games in a 3 week period. Both agreed that this was a farcical situation to put teams in. 

  3. 15 minutes ago, glensmad said:

    Last week the clubs were told they needed to be testing to even restart training. Then on Tuesday the First Minister changed that.

    There are still 3 weeks till 3rd April, a lot can change. We'll wait and see what happens, that's the line in the sand.

    Was not aware of that …… what are the new rules with regard training?? and how many teams have restarted ??

    Cannot see league 1 and 2 clubs being happy if there are different rules for them and the teams in the pyramid below them. Heard the managers of Cowdenbeath and Forfar being interviewed on the radio yesterday and the testing regime and number of games that had to be played was a real problem for them. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Dev said:

    I may be mistaken but the Championship, Divs 1 and 2 clubs have been given cash/compensation already so that they can afford to carry out even the more expensive PCR tests through until the end of the current season. 

    The problem lies with the SG's insistence that testing should use expensive PCR tests. This is strange because it doesn't sit well with the science. Not only is it prohibitively expensive at Tier 5 and below, if clubs had to purchase it and administer it, but, by the time it takes for results to come back from the Laboratory it only tells you that you have had the disease.

    As I  understand it, reading not just on P&B, it is the LFR test which tells you if you have the virus and are at a most infectious stage of the disease i.e. at increased risk of spreading the disease at the time of the test. It also gives results in 30 minutes and so can be done on the day of a match. The PCR test has to be sent away to a laboratory before results are known. 

    Check out the details below which the SG is supposed to be aware of - but I sometimes  frequently wonder what planet it's on when it comes to the ability to read plain English and to understand it and its' practical implications.


    Types and uses of coronavirus (COVID-19) tests - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

    Guidance for the general public on the different types of coronavirus (COVID-19) testing available, including which types of test you should use and when, and what you should do when you receive a test result.

    Test to check if you have coronavirus now

    Taking a test usually involves taking a sample from the tonsils (or where they would’ve been) and from the nose, using a swab.

    Types of test

    There are 2 main types of test to check if you have coronavirus now:

    • polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests check for the genetic material (RNA) of the virus in the sample. You send the sample for processing at a lab
    • lateral flow device (LFD) tests detect proteins called ‘antigens’ produced by the virus. They give rapid results, in 30 minutes after taking the test

    Are you just thick or what … … it does not matter what you think should or shouldn’t happen the clubs have been told as has been stated publicly by more than 1 manager that testing is going to be required before clubs can start playing again. Wether you like it or not that is the clubs are being told by the scientists who advise the Government that make the rules. 

  5. 10 hours ago, Bestsinceslicebread said:

    Read it already

    It isn't the 4th of April yet, is it, so the season could still start back in the WOSFL, and if so then the point I put could still officially happen if they decided to go down that route but is my idea a valid one that could work, I think it could

    Work it out, why haven't the Lowland League not issued similar, I know for a fact they haven't
    I am unsure if the EOSFL added anything similar to the WOSFL statement

    Going by the statements from various managers the the only way leagues below the Championship will start up again is if there is testing being carried out on a weekly basis. Clubs at WOSFL can no way afford this talk of £1000 per week.

  6. Lanark United boss Jamie McKenzie speaking to the local press

    “With the news last week about Leagues 1 and 2 coming back, there was a big emphasis put on testing the players. I think financially that makes it almost a non-starter for our leagues.  I think it is upwards of £1,000 per week just to test players, management and committee guys. Those kind of figures are way outwith what most teams can afford.With the news that the authorities are demanding the tests be done, I think it’s looking less and less likely that we will restart.A few months down the line, hopefully we will be in a better place and we will be ready to start.It’s a blow because we would all love to get back to playing, but as the weeks go on, we are not really any closer. I think that hope is rapidly disappearing as teams at our level having to pay £1,000 a week just to do testing alone would be impossible.The West of Scotland League probably need to come out as an organisation and tell us where we’re at so we can just draw a line under it and plan for next year."

  7. 15 hours ago, FairWeatherFan said:

    So do the exact same thing, but make it more meaningless?

    Nay just common sense 

    When travel is restricted for the majority of people, the likes of Forth will be travelling the best prt of 60 miles to Greenock, Irvine, Ardeer and Kello !!!!!

    If they want to play and get their squad up to speed for next season, within a 12 miles radius the could play the likes of Shotts, Newmain, Wishaw, Lesmahagow Carluke and Lanark.

    As we hopefully close to exiting these restrictions it’s all about minimising the risk to the wider public to keep the infection numbers DOWN.

    Feck me what’s to stop these clubs having a mini tournament amongst themselves with none of them travelling more than 12 miles

  8. 48 minutes ago, FairWeatherFan said:

    There are still players  and coaches out there that would rather play football for the next 2-3 months having already spent as long as that idle.

    They could still play bounce/friendly games against local opposition to get up to speed for hopefully the start of next season 

    As far as Conference A, B, C that is all they are, bounce/friendly games with clubs having to travel miles all over the West of Scotland to achieve it.

  9. 11 minutes ago, jimbaxters said:

    So just completely ignoring the post from a player then?


    BUT Clydebank see this as their big chance to get playoff spot.

    They know when league is at full compliment next season their chances diminish exponentially 

    Nothing like looking after number 1 

  10. Where has it been stated that England will let in large number of fans. The FA with fanciful thinking chasing money as normal.

    As far as I’m aware their June 21st BIG BANG is all dependent on a lot of things going to plan after stage 1,2 and 3 !!!!

    There is a lot of water to go under the bridge before fans being allowed in especially in large numbers and there will definitely be constraints to this happening.

    Once again lots of Hot Air and bluster from UKs windbag PM. I’m afraid 

    Also as has been said I don’t see Germany, France, Spain, Portugal or Holland letting large number of fans attend games. 

  11. 2 hours ago, thruthenight said:

    It is though? We might not have picked up a point last night, but we're clearly doing something right. Rangers have scored in every single game they've played this season (including Europe) other than Almondvale earlier in the season, and we were 5 minutes away from keeping them out twice. Unfortunately we just didn't manage to get there, but we've demonstrated that our defensive structure is excellent for the resources we have.

    Completely agree with you about Lawson. I really like him as a player, but he'll be MOTM one week and then useless the next.

    Think you’ll find that the “shite” pitch has something to do with it 

  12. 36 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    The vaccines being rolled out have been actively tested in the UK, Brazil and South Africa where variants are dominant. Evidence is already readily available that confirms that the vaccines are still effective where severe infection are concerned. The number of hospitalisations would not be dropping like a stone in places like the UK and Israel otherwise. The significant differences observed on efficacy so far have primarily been on mild and asymptomatic infections.

    Hope your right and we can all get back to the fitba safely for the beginning of next season

    My worry is how long does the jab provide protection???

    If it’s like flu jab we’ll need to to start to vaccinate people at the beginning of 2022 ……… again a logistical and expensive exercise 

  13. 11 minutes ago, theesel1994 said:

    Things back to normal (in England) by June 21 according to the bold Boris. 

    I wonder if Wee Nippy agrees.

    They'll all be led by the science and data- but never tell us in advance what targets (data) need to be met.

    We’ve got to cross a lot of bridges before that happens !!!!

    Never trust a compulsive liar 

  14. 11 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

    The starting XI against County was Carson; Grimshaw, Gallagher, Lamie, McGinley; O'Hara, Donnelly, Polworth; Turnbull, Long, Hastie

    So no Campbell or Carroll. Donnelly was out after this game and McGinley was out for 6 weeks or so. Lang was suspended after his red card.

    I mean, right now I'd say all things considered our genuine preferred starting XI would be:

    O'Donnell, Mugabi, Gallagher, Carroll
    Campbell, Donnelly, Maguire
    Lawleff, Cole, Watt

    Yesterday 7 of 11 those weren't available (personally I'd probably have O'Hara instead of Mugabi but he wasn't/isn't available either).

    What an absolute shitshow.

    You still sticking with 4-3-3

    Apart from us the only team that plays 4-3-3 in the league is Rangers … … but they have the players that can play that system … … we unfortunately don’t 

  15. 1 hour ago, capt_oats said:

    Tbh, against my better judgement I can understand why Alexander's stuck with the 433 in so much as it was working well up until last weekend, 

    4-3-3 hasn’t worked for the last 2 years not since we lost Gorrin !!!!! 

    And before you say we finished 3rd last season with it, if the season hadn’t been curtailed we would have finished 6th … we were in total free fall 

  16. 10 hours ago, Jacky1990 said:

    I see Lennom being a mouth breather again going after the Scottish Government.

    It was clearly a turn of phrase rather than specific. Just another excuse he had tried to use this season.

    He’s also complaining about having to play Ross County on a Sunday night

    Cant say I blame him 

    But if anyone has a problem with it they should take it up with SKY and be prepared to give them their money back 

    Man who pays the piper calls the tunes I’m afraid 

  17. 27 minutes ago, Luke92 said:

    Last night was absolutely massive, you can't help but feel chuffed for the boys after the effort they put in second half. I think a few of them proved they do actually care a wee bit more than we thought. We aren't out of the woods by any means however and I still think we need quite a few changes. I was majorly bricking it throughout and I think we need to acknowledge that the game could easily have went either way at points.

    In terms of highlights, I thought Mugabi was excellent and he has really surpassed my expectations recently. Watt and Cole were also terrific. I actually wouldn't mind seeing them working as a two I think it could work really well. I also think you would get more out of Long coming off the bench in a two.  I admit to being a Devante Cole fan boy but he is the one guy I look at who always looks capable of being a goal scoring threat.

    In terms of negatives,  I really like Alan Campbell but i feel like he escapes alot of criticism based on his workrate and general attitude. I've watched countless games this season and he is really frustrating to watch, he seems to repeatedly lose the ball rather than just playing simple passes. Clearly the good outweighs the bad but I really feel like his form has dipped this season. As for the goal, hopefully Gallagher is embarrassed watching that back. I would be If I had put in a tackle like that at 7 a sides.

    Final moan is no doubt controversial given that he has provided many with a nostalgia trip but I am 100% over Jock Brown. Overall his analysis is pretty pish and his clichéd 'standing in ceremony' and 'no quarter given' patter is driving me up the wall. If the media team would fix the sounds levels it might not be so bad but the overall 'match day experience' is pretty sub par. 

    Agree with a lot of what you say there.

    Barry Maguire is fortunate that the ball breaks back to him but he immediately gets it under control and lays a simple 10 yard pass into O’Donnell stride who instead of trying our normal 40 yard cross field pass slides a ball inside the fullback for Long onto and the rest is history.

    Cant help but think Campbell would have tried to run with the ball and be disposed.

  18. 44 minutes ago, Swello said:

    I think I'm right in saying that Seedorf has had more minutes that Hastie so far under GA and that might tell it's own story about where Hastie is. The period where Hastie was on good form along with DT was a brilliant time to watch us and I had hoped that we could get him going again - but it simply hasn't happened. 

    Hastie played against StMirren and I thought he was better than what he has been of late.

    He was not allowed to play against Rangers and the team performed well and it was hard to change the team for the Aberdeen game.

    IMO I would have played Hastie before Seedorf

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