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Lobby Dossar

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Everything posted by Lobby Dossar

  1. Funny how’s it’s the 2 managers of the teams that are under achieving that all of a sudden have discovered flaws in the protocols
  2. The way thing are going if the 1st and 2nd division don’t finish like last season there ain’t going to be any play offs. As I’ve said before turkeys don’t vote for Xmas
  3. Bang goes his playing at the Euros if he not playing week in week out
  4. I could be completely wrong but St Mirren asked for the game to be postponed but the SPFL did not sanction it, then St Mirren said they could not field a team for what ever reason COVID suspensions and injuries being sited.
  5. Probably a couple of clubs threatening legal action if anyone other than SFA or government pulled the plug
  6. There not testing staff at Greenock Tesco either …… yet 2 of their staff members are dead from COVID
  7. Was speaking to a Conference B President/Chairman call him what you like yesterday. His team are playing and the reason they wanted to play was that they were expecting fans back in by end of October. Players coaching staff are not taking a penny from the club which they are grateful for otherwise they would be in some pickle financially as officials, insurance, utilities and training facilities still have to be paid. They now have drainage problems again with their park a lot of time ,effort and money spent last year and he thinks it will be months before they are able to play a home game, meaning more money to rent other grounds to play home games. He was scathing of the League Management Committee and accused them of putting their heads in the sand and hoping the weather comes to their rescue over the next few weeks rather than them having to make a decision. If a vote was taking today wether to play on it was his opinion that the majority of teams would call it a day.
  8. Look mate … … your right this is a WoSFL football forum and this topic is about “ Cancel the Season “ I would suggest that if your not interested in other people view in regard to this topic … Then don’t read or comment on it !!! Going by some of your posts I doubt that you have enough grey matter between yours ears to understand this point
  9. Reason that some clubs started was because they thought fans would be able to return by the end of October. There is now no chance of them returning this season. Regarding the “Professional “ status of these team … have you been on the moon for the last 20 years they never have been professional and never will be. As stated they are a part-time clubs with players from all walks of life plumbers,joiners,shop workers, bankers, police, firemen etc. run by local volunteers No one is making a living from playing at this level. I could go on but it would probably be to much for you to take in.
  10. The deaths of a further 93 people who had tested positive for Covid-19 have been recorded in the past 24 hours - the highest daily total since the pandemic began There were also 1,530 people in hospital, higher than the peak of 1,520 last April Don’t let your craving to try and get into the playoffs get in the way of the facts. You’ve got to do it this year as you’ve no chance next year when a full compliment of clubs are back playing.
  11. Have you been on the moon for the last 6 weeks !!!!!
  12. Dalbeattie Star, whose manager, Ritchie Maxwell, works in the NHS, said in a statement: "We are classed as elite professional players, but no provision is available for Covid testing at our level. "We do, however, query the professional status as we are a part-time club and all players have other careers out with football. "Like all clubs in the league, we would love to be able to be able to complete this season in a timely manner, but the safety of our committee, management team, players and of course the people of our local community is of more concern than football." Never truer words spoken, again someone who is seeing the bigger picture of what is going on in the ground.
  13. At last someone with the balls to call it as it is
  14. Agree re no Factual contributing factors but what about the Common Sense contributing factors …… Do we just ignore them ???
  15. The mere fact that the JRG deem that the WoSFL (former juniors ) to be professional teams deems them not fit for purpose
  16. New restrictions have been placed on outdoor gatherings in level four areas, with only two people from separate households now permitted to meet up. Travel restrictions remain in place between local authority areas and in and out of Scotland, and people have been urged to stay as close to home as possible when going out for exercise. There are more than 90 patients in intensive care units in recent days, with new modelling suggesting that figure could more than double by early February. The modelling sets out different scenarios with the most pessimistic predicting hospitals admissions could soar to more than 8,000 with over 700 patients requiring intensive care.The document also revealed that Inverclyde - which a few weeks ago had relatively low levels of Covid - now has the highest case rate, almost 550 per 100,000 - East Ayrshire, East Renfrewshire, North Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire all now have case rates exceeding 300 per 100,000. But hey ho the WoSFL are elite professional sportsmen so let’s just carry on regardless. Not saying they should abandon the season but the management committee of the leagues should grow a pair and suspend the leagues until this current lockdown is over. Most of the teams at this level (not all) are community based and rely on that community for their very existence and If they keep on playing through this lockdown it could come back to bite them in the future.
  17. That’s a good point regarding training ……… take it there is no indoor training and with parks frozen solid even the all weather one’s… where and what training are teams doing ??
  18. Looks like Bojo has just shut down English football
  19. Man who pays the piper … … … Calls the tunes
  20. Agreed but only if there paying the tax and insurance on that payment and not receiving it in a brown envelope or via expenses
  21. The voting structure in the SPFL will take years to change with the way it was set up. When the SPFL was setup these teams could see the writing on the wall and the voting structure was setup accordingly. 11-1 for example Also the playoffs within the SPFL leagues was setup in favour of the team in the higher league Think they call it self preservation
  22. Do Clydebank and Yorker own Holm Park ??? Or do they just rent it With regards the SPFL2 clubs whilst I agree with you would need a rule change and Turkeys aren’t going to vote for Xmas
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