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Lobby Dossar

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Everything posted by Lobby Dossar

  1. Hamilton are playing Celtic today without 10 players who are either injured or suspended
  2. This takes me back to my previous point re the investigation ………. What exactly were the clubs told by test & trace and were the whole club told to isolate Still think both St Mirren and Killie were at it ( due to suspensions and injures ) and thought they could get away with it. Remind me just how long the investigation took before they came up with the punishment ???
  3. So your saying you’ve got 3 players suspended and a few injured you just ask for a postponement ………… PISH
  4. Horrendous injury list and suspensions don’t come into the equation !!! Part of the game. Motherwell have had at least 6 players who would 1st team picks and 2 players who had to isolate due to U21 f**k up and yet they just had to get on with it.
  5. What’s the difference between what you did and Dundee United having 7 players + manager a coaching staff not available.
  6. Think there’s more to this than meets the eye. The investigatin then the awarding of 3-0 took weeks to announce. No way would it take that long for them to be told by test & trace the players who had to quarantine
  7. You’ve got a £40K suspended fine at the moment
  8. So what punishment do St Mirren and Killie get for not following the rules Which by the way both have admitted too. Dundee Utd played a game that they would almost certainly have tried to get postponed due to the action that the SPFL dished out.
  9. We should never have been awarded the 3 points in those games … … they should be played Having said that St Mirren should be docked 6 points and Killie 3 points for not fulfilling those fixtures … … anything else makes it a farce
  10. Not a Gow supporter, if Motherwell are away from home I check Gow, Larky, Albert, Carluke, Lanark and Forth fixtures and decide which one to go to. 3 playin and 3 not playing and the decision to play cost one of their management teams to resign. As you say the importance of football for the local community at this level should not be underestimated but explain how the community can look forward to something they cannot attend on a Saturday ?? This new strain is 70% more infectious and everyone is being advised not to make unnecessary journeys or travel between local authorities. At the moment Scotland has relatively low numbers with the cases mainly in Glasgow and Lanarkshire areas. No one is saying playing football is the problem it hundreds of people travelling unnecessarily all over the West of Scotland that is the problem,all for a game of football (friendly) that counts for nothing at the end of the season. Perhaps if these team had any respect for their local community they would suspend playing till new strain was under control. Oh if your under any illusions on how bad things are take a trip to Wishaw General, there is not a spare bed in the place and they have been turning ambulances away for close on a week.
  11. Let’s hope we keep it that way !!!! Don’t think playing friendly’s will help us
  12. Top-level domestic football in Wales will cease immediately after having elite status rescinded as part of efforts to combat the coronavirus pandemic. At last the penny’s beginning to drop
  13. So tell me what is the end game for all those playing this season apart from maybe bankruptcy Take it Clydebank are praying that they get a shot at the playoffs so they can take another step to try and reach their holy grail of reaching the big leagues. You were there once before and made a rip roaring c**t of yourselves so just content yourself with trying to be Billy Big Bass at the level your at.
  14. It’s not about stopping football !!!! It’s WoSFL playing friendly’s with no fans and no income, it’s an unnecessary risk to take for both committee, players and officials with nothing at the end of it.
  15. Nobody knows as no testing is taking place at our level
  16. If the scientists, Sport Scotland, the Scottish Government and the SFA thought it wasn't right to play then they would say so. But none of them have done so. Just because you can do something does not mean that you NEED to do it. The management committee should grow a pair and show some LEADERSHIP and cancel all games till at least the end of January
  17. The whole of Europe is banning travel from the UK BUT hey ho WoSFL want to keep playing friendly’s Fecking stupid
  18. Their professional …… they can apply for a loan and pay it back !!! why the feck should the tax payer give money so clubs can give people playing sport as a 2nd job money. As I say it’s a sport and not these guys main source of income if they want to play the sport then by all means carry on but no way should they be a looking for joe public to bail them out. There’s going to be enough people shortly with no job without throwing money at clubs who will just pish it against the wall paying stupid wages to a lot of very average football players.
  19. Even if you wait till he’s out of contract in the summer … he is still under 23 so you’ll have to pay development fee Think he’s been at Motherwell since he was 10 so you won’t get him for buttons
  20. Aye f**k him I set up my own business September 2019 so when this pandemic kicked off I got sweet f**k all from the government and have not had a penny since McInnes should maybe come into the real world and see how the other half are trying to survive Maybe if he did not pay over priced shite footballers £10k a week I might have some sympathy with what he’s spouting
  21. How many season tickets have Aberdeen sold for this season ??? Say 1000 or even 2000 fans are allowed in I take it they will all be season ticket holders by ways of a ballot for each game. Could end up messy you get a Hamilton game and your mate gets an old firm game. So with all the extra procedures that will have to be put in place and no paying customers how does the club make money ?? The big bucks are from hospitality and I’ve had hospitality at Aberdeen and there crammed in … this ain’t going t happen anytime soon ( hospitality I mean ) Genuine question how many paying customers do Aberdeen need through the gate before they make money from them
  22. Naw it will all be a massive con job come Monday Did Darvel manage a cheeky we training session somewhere in Glasgow on Saturday … … Asking for a friend
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