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Everything posted by Curmudgeon

  1. Madwullie cup, Aim Here defeats Board_stupid by train crash. I was never in it and it got worse the longer it went on.
  2. You should've suggested that he phone up Hamilton Accies. Maybe he could've got them to part with a couple of mill which would've made a decent transfer kitty for us.
  3. Two Americanisms in the sentence " An intruder was shot to death while a house a being burglarized." It's a bizarre way of putting things.
  4. Board_stupid beats beef2711 by resignation. I seem to have become something of a bogey team for beef, although I don't expect that to last. There was nothing in it until a queen breakthrough caused some issues.
  5. I quite enjoy the occasional episode of Columbo. You know as a viewer right from the beginning that he's going to catch the criminal. Everyone knows that he'll win. The boys back at the station will know it. If he killer had any shred of self awareness he'd know it too. It's a bit like that playing against Trogdor. Deep down I probably know that it's futile trying to beat him and it's just a matter of seeing what he'll do to come out on top. Dearyme beats Board_stupid by asking more difficult questions than I have answers to.
  6. In the cup Board_stupid defeats N5_SPUR by checkmate. It was really even for the first 20 or so moves, but the game turned on an apparently free pawn that ended up costing a rook.
  7. That should be Invergowrie taking on KenDeans in the second tie.
  8. I'd like to suggest an alternative midpoint of Saturday. At 1PM. When there will be 182 days and 12 hours either side of that point. This is what I'll regard as half time when my team will be getting the hair drier treatment.
  9. Ask her "was it your sister by any chance?" I then expect she'll realise how silly she's being and you'll both be laughing about it in no time.
  10. I'm surprised you weren't tempted to check her out.
  11. @Ziggyhas timed put against me. I also see he's timed out against @Trogdorand @Aim Here so I hope he's ok and he's just having technology issues or otherwise temporarily unavailable. His account still seems to be valid so it's not a suspension issue.
  12. Yes, absolutely correct, you'd lose your queen. Although at that stage of the game it recognises that you're pretty much beaten so it favours the move which prolongs the game the longest. Qe3 shows that checkmate could be arrived at in another 8 moves. Qd1 could've kept it going for a bit longer than that despite losing your queen although ultimately it really wouldn't make any difference to the outcome.
  13. Division A Board_stupid defeats Invergowrie by resignation. Invergowrie played a solid game and there wasn't much in it until a back row vulnerability let my queen cause some damage.
  14. I had the red one but it's now stapled to the roof of a bar in Alcudia. The roof? That must've been a wild night.
  15. Division A Board_stupid defeats PurpleKangaroo89 by resignation. I managed to take Craig's queen, but it cost me a rook plus a knight so it only seemed like a marginal benefit at the time. However having the queen did give me the mobility to apply some good pressure and was starting to close in when the end came.
  16. Rub his belly and tell him he's a good boy. Hang on, you probably mean Bully, don't you? Ah well, just do it anyway. It'll make his day.
  17. In the Madwullie cup Board_stupid defeats beef2711 by resignation. Beef just never really got going, I think there's definitely an advantage to going white in this format.
  18. A shite situation. Did they say why they thought there was some wrongdoing? Can only presume there was something in your game against me or Invergowrie, but although you played well as usual, they certainly weren't flawless games which might've caused suspicion. That's 3 times we've had players suspended in similar fashion which seems to indicate that chess.com are overly draconian.
  19. Division A Board_stupid and Dearyme draw by agreement. Playing solidly up until unwisely weakening my defence chasing a knight had me in trouble. Trogdor uncharacteristically didn't drive home the advantage and allowed me back into it.
  20. You know it's been a tough season for @Stellabozwhen he's lost to a player that didnt realise he was in the league.
  21. I'd say completely random. It'll be tough enough for the lower league players to make the later stages without giving the Division A players an extra advantage. And give byes to enough entrants to give us 16 second round competitors, although that already seems to be your intention.
  22. Gcarlos9 defeats Board_stupid by checkmate. I just never got going. Pinched a pawn early on, but as a result couldn't develop my pieces as my queen got chased about the board. Well played, @Loki Two defeats in quick succession and it's Trogdor next up. This season is going to be a relegation battle for me.
  23. Ziggy_The_Spider defeats Board_stupid by resignation. Edged out in this one, I couldn't see a way to either stop a pawn promotion or force a draw. I felt I didn't do too much wrong, but in this league you don't need to do much wrong to end up on the losing side. Well played, Ziggy.
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