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Everything posted by TxRover

  1. The Official Trump Watch Collection has launched…can we expect a review here? https://www.gq.com/story/donald-trump-100000-tourbillon-watches Note the following: “The images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product.” They’re being produced by “TheBestWatchesonEarth LLC”…
  2. The really sad bit was that the silly sod hadn’t figured that out, and when pressed, the figure was something like 38.3%…mindbogglingly dumb.
  3. Alta Vista, please. And could I get a new version of Netscape with that?
  4. Didn’t take it that way, and your point is quite valid.
  5. Ccleaner is pretty decent for cleaning up a hard drive, but: 1) Only download and use the free version, and watch the tricky ad buttons that say “Download Now” from third parties. 2) Don’t worry about the PC tuning and stuff. 3) Don’t use the registry fix. It’ll take a few minutes the first time to configure what to clean (you’ll want to keep passwords, etc… you choose per program) Also, download and start using Revo Uninstaller for removing programs. It cleans up all the orphaned crap that clogs hard drives.
  6. On the other hand, we had a Manager who actually said this to a person they were talking to about sick leave usage, with a straight face: ”I’m concerned that almost 40% of your sick leave is being used in conjunction with the your weekend.” Now, this is a job with very strict rules on working ill, and that disqualifies from work for days for some otherwise normal medications. 2/3 of the sick leave usage the manager was “concerned” about was due to the employee taking his bi-weekly dose of a MS medicine right after work on his Friday. That disqualified him from working on his following Monday (72 hour disqualification) unless they had “non-safety related tasks” available for him to do, a choice the same manager had to decide upon. The same manager regularly denied him the option to work on those Mondays, forcing him to take sick leave. The c**ts aren’t just the employees.
  7. First action by Routh’s lawyer will be a recusal filing. Second will be an appeal of the denial. Then she’ll be taken off the case due to conflict of interest…just before she’s taken off the revived documents case.
  8. One of three common methods uses a tendon from the hamstring, but it’s not certain they used that method.
  9. Don’t disagree, but doesn’t demand “just someone” in.
  10. The inherent problem is team know we want/need a striker a bit more seriously than most, so could be holding out for better terms until the last minute. While it does suggest their player would get more time, they can also see that Vaughan and Hamilton are near stick-on starters when healthy, so that period of getting plenty of time might or might not be limited. There’s also the issue of the level we’re at, in that a striker for a League Two team is much easier to find. I suspect we won’t get anything on loan in the striker department (happy to be wrong).
  11. DJT trying to rally, but it’s unclear if any of the insiders have sold yet. Reporting of sales of stakes is required, but often screwed up.
  12. Melania "who gives a f**k about Christmas stuff" Trump's 2024 Christmas Decorations are out...and priced up at $75-90 per, or $315 for the set of four. 2023's sold for $35-45 each, BTW, so a 100% or so markup. Two of the four seem to be lightly reworked versions of her recent Mother's Day and Vote Freedom necklaces. There is an option for a digital collectible too.
  13. The only way it should have exceeded £4,000,000 was if they were digging it into a canal!
  14. Log Cabin Republicans is a group representing LGBT Republicans and advocates equal rights. Their name calls back to Lincoln. The LCR have been playing a long game and hosting Melania for years…but apparently not paying for it…probably trying to influence Donald on the sly. P.S. She got about $250k per speech.
  15. Huge consideration. Base cost of living in New York City is nearly twice Edinburgh, and that’s without considering Manhattan. Not a hope in hell for a reasonable cost accommodation in central New York, and schooling would almost certainly be Private $chool (called Public in the UK). There are a number of expat sites to search, and don’t forget healthcare costs. The coverage the hiring company provides is nothing like what you’re used to…and you’ll want to know what YOUR portion of the premium is too.
  16. To be fair, more than a few had difficulty with his given name after a wee bit of pre-game prep.
  17. Melania, and Donald, facing questions about payments for speaking engagements. The disclosures were filed saying the Log Cabin Republicans paid her, but the LCRs say it wasn’t them that paid. That makes for a disclosure issue for Donald on his forms where he stated the LCR paid her.
  18. Nope, an aggressive and self-confident player with an attitude…but seems to be missing the heads gone aspect of someone like Davo.
  19. Looks like he’s perhaps trying to reestablish himself coming back from some injuries and other issues. That’s he’s chosen Raith because we need a RB suggests he feels healthy. Maybe a little Marv in the way he plays?
  20. I figure I can do it for about £20,000,000…plus I’ll subcontract @Melanius Mullarkey to provide some of that concrete they’re demolishing cut into “rugged blocks” to inspire onlookers with an image of the highlands while we help local councils get rid of the shite. Should let me offer a good number of jobs to the lads on here, and we’ll have @RH33 run the project office. Plus we’ll add a zip line for the tourists
  21. Now offering official Trump silver coins. Interestingly, as is the way with these “collectibles”, the more you buy, the less premium you pay. For a couple of coins you pay about $5 over spot silver price (for 1oz of .999 pure), but lots of 500+ as low as $2.34 over spot, and a special offer (unpublished) for purchases of 2,000+. At a price of $35-40 bucks, that’s at least $17,500 to get the lowest advertised rate…and gives at least $1,000 profit. Purchases of 2,001+ would likely require $68k plus…a nice way for the Russians to show appreciation for the Donald, eh?
  22. TxRover

    Week 3

    Indeed, this weeks postgame sports radio show will be even better than last weeks. There is a non-zero chance that McCarthy might be fired mid-season by the Cryptkeeper Jerry Jones,
  23. We need more good Judges with guns to stop the bad Sheriffs with guns!
  24. A number of reports that the third parties Trump and the RNC have been hiring to door knock are AWOL. Musk just fired the company he hired in Michigan to go door to door for failure to perform. Local Republican officials saying they’ve seen no sign of a ground game from Trump, and the reliable knockers are being skipped over for unproven firms with ties to donors.
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