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Everything posted by TxRover

  1. After some debate (internally, that is), I'm electing to only do predictions for the Staurday games, and not consider the weekday fill-ins. So, you know the deal, 3 points exact, 1 point result: Airdrie 2 - 2 Clyde East Fife 2 - 1 Peterhead Forfar 2 - 0 Stranraer Montrose 3 - 1 Dumbarton Previous winners (# if multiple wins): Round 24 - African Sunset (2), fifer67 Round 23 - jagfox99 (2) Round 22 - CC52 FFC, Highland Bully Wee, jagfox99, Mantis Toboggan and Diamond Oracle Round 21 - Stevo Fife (4), roman-bairn (3) and falkirkzombie Round 20 - African Sunset Round 19 - Stevo Fife (3) Round 18 - roman_bairn (2) Round 17 - TxRover (2) Round 16 - Marshmallo and ++Ammo-Airdrie++ Round 15 - Stevo Fife (2) Round 14 - No picks Round 13 - TxRover Round 12 - Steakngravys Maw and Larry Hood (2) Round 11 - Gordon EF (2) Round 10 - Wee Jackie, Life on Marrs?, EFFC1938 (2) and Stevo Fife Round 9 - keyser_soze Round 8 - shawfielder Round 7 - Gordon EF Round 6 - Larry Hood, EFFC1938 and macclyde+ Round 5 - Wullie McNaught Round 4 - roman_bairn Round 3 - Wilson92FFC Round 2 - Easy Days for Raith Round 1 - Bairn in Exile
  2. A really light slate, and really light on even close to correct predictions...the joint winners are @African Sunset and @fifer67...both with two predicted draws and one of them exact, for 4 points. Twenty-one players: The two winners with 4 pts., five with 1 pt, and the remaining fourteen (including your host) with the 0! This is African Sunset's second win, and fifer67's first! Previous winners (# if multiple wins): Round 23 - jagfox99 (2) Round 22 - CC52 FFC, Highland Bully Wee, jagfox99, Mantis Toboggan and Diamond Oracle Round 21 - Stevo Fife (4), roman-bairn (3) and falkirkzombie Round 20 - African Sunset Round 19 - Stevo Fife (3) Round 18 - roman_bairn (2) Round 17 - TxRover (2) Round 16 - Marshmallo and ++Ammo-Airdrie++ Round 15 - Stevo Fife (2) Round 14 - No picks Round 13 - TxRover Round 12 - Steakngravys Maw and Larry Hood (2) Round 11 - Gordon EF (2) Round 10 - Wee Jackie, Life on Marrs?, EFFC1938 (2) and Stevo Fife Round 9 - keyser_soze Round 8 - shawfielder Round 7 - Gordon EF Round 6 - Larry Hood, EFFC1938 and macclyde+ Round 5 - Wullie McNaught Round 4 - roman_bairn Round 3 - Wilson92FFC Round 2 - Easy Days for Raith Round 1 - Bairn in Exile
  3. Who left the bleedin' window open...blowing all kinds of shite in here!
  4. Down to predicting two games...Peterhead - Forfar is off.
  5. Anyone hazard a guess at crowd size? 300, 400?
  6. Good luck to her too...and that game is likely to be considerably more silky than the pending hurricane show.
  7. And here I was thinking it would be early because the carrier pigeon with the reel of film would have a tailwind! Highlights = Nice....Safety of Volunteers = Priority...Sleep of Editor = Not Applicable In all seriousness, thanks to all the volunteers again, as always!
  8. I certainly agree that it appears good decisions are being made with regard to the future of the club. A failure to gain promotion would be disappointing, but also would have to be considered with the possible costs and downfalls of trying to reach the promotion and falling short. I’d much rather have a financially solid Rovers club, developing young talent and building a team capable of getting promotion next year than the stumbling, shambolic band of mercenaries at Falkirk, who might well struggle badly next year if promoted.
  9. 100% correct, what did it take? Last at the bottom in 1986, purchase by a local businessman with money, a plan and a willingness to take the time to do it right. It took a move to a purpose built facility (check), after selling their previous pitch to a supermarket (check), that they own (whoops), and a lot of careful development, but the payoff has been excellent. St. Johnstone also develop local talent, something Falkirk did well till the Academy was closed, and that Raith seem to have finally got a bead on, with results we are seeing. The ugly reality of the BoD certainly seems to be that there is no master plan to rebuild Falkirk F.C., just a stumble from crisis to crisis. Good coaches and rent-a-players can only do so much to paper over the huge cracks in the foundation, something that many posters here see only too clearly. The real question is, who is Falkirk’s possible savior? After the MC fiasco, it seems that the club has become an unattractive target, unless there is a wealthy fan out there. The BoD are too comfortable with the status quo, and unfortunately it seems likely that nothing the fans do will make them uncomfortable without risking crippling the club. If I had to guess, a buyout is the only way out of a slow spiral down the leagues, but the blind and deaf idiots at the top don’t care yet.
  10. “Self inflicted”, yes, but... Everything you posit is correct for damn near any team, in almost ant sport, these days. The changes in sport and societal views have created a results now demand, and very little patience. In business, short-term return is hyped rather than long-term development, much as it is in sport now. Very few teams have leadership willing to stand around during a slow rebuild, but rather want results NOW. The academy costs money and doesn’t always pay off, close it...build up a team of mercenaries, we have to win...buy a big name coach, we have to win....splash out money before the season, we have to look committed to win for the fans to pay up. That’s “businessmen” running the club, not supporters, and the infection runs across many teams and sports. Teams with stability weather the downturns quickly and safely, those who don’t are at risk for much worse. You are right to worry, but not only about a failure to earn promotion, more right to worry about the people in charge for the future of the club beyond bobbing between League One and the Championship.
  11. Regretting my prediction with the weather forecast, but sticking with it.
  12. Probably increased the compensation with that contract signing too. Given the accuracy of JMcG’s instincts on Tait and Bowie, I’m kind of interested to see what Mendy can do too. He might be a huge bust, but he played well for Kelty and has the physical tools...
  13. “We have already made contact with their coaching staff and look forward to working closely with them in the next few months. This connection could help us both in the future. We wish everyone at Fulham good luck in their challenge to get back to the Premier League.” -JMcG Keep an eye on Tait this summer or next year. This kind of a love-in seems unlikely without something else going on. If the stories are right, the add-ons might be significant if Ziggy can move on up.
  14. Last I heard that wasn’t paid by Falkirk, but by a supporters group or such. Agree they should, but it is League One. Current forecast for kick is about 8-9 degrees, with a 33 mph SSW wind, gusts to 56 (gently called possibly locally damaging) and some rain. The good news is that Stair Park almost East-West, so it should be, at worst, a quartering tailwind/headwind.
  15. Yep, and no life apparently... GMT+6 Edit: Yea, GMT-6 is right, stevoraith.
  16. Regarding the question on the deadline for signing a loan in League One and Two: (finally located in SFA 2019-2020 rulebook) Extension Provision for Clubs Entitled to Participate in League 1 or League 2 66 Notwithstanding Regulations 55(ii) and 55(iii), Clubs, for the time being entitled to participate in League 1 or in League 2, shall, subject to the conditions set out in Regulation 67, be entitled to Scottish FA Register and League Register a Player on the basis of a Temporary Transfer, during September and February in any Season.
  17. Finally found it...end of February! Extension Provision for Clubs Entitled to Participate in League 1 or League 2. 66 Notwithstanding Regulations 55(ii) and 55(iii), Clubs, for the time being entitled to participate in League 1 or in League 2, shall, subject to the conditions set out in Regulation 67, be entitled to Scottish FA Register and League Register a Player on the basis of a Temporary Transfer, during September and February in any Season. 67 The conditions applicable to a Temporary Transfer proceeding under and in terms of Regulation 66 are: (i) all of the other provisions of these Regulations relating to Temporary Transfers, in particular, but without prejudice to the forgoing generality, Regulation 57, must be fully complied with; (ii) the term of a Temporary Transfer beginning in either of the periods specified in Regulation 66 must not terminate earlier than the first day of the first Registration Period following the date of commencement of the Temporary Transfer of the Player and the date of expiry of the term of the Temporary Transfer must fall within a Registration Period; and (iii) in the event that, during the course of a Season and during the term(s) of subsisting Temporary Transfers undertaken in terms of Regulations 66 and 67, by reason of and/or connected with intervention by football regulatory authorities the Board considers it necessary to prematurely terminate the extension arrangements for League 1 and/or League 2 Clubs provided for in these Regulations 66 and 67 and/or to terminate any Temporary Transfer permitted by Regulations 66 and 67 the League and/or Company shall suffer no claims or liabilities by or from any Clubs and/or Players which/who are or were parties to any such Temporary Transfer(s) and any and all such Clubs and/or Players waive and forever discharge any and all claims that each and/or any of them may in the future have against the League and/or Company as a consequence of, resulting from or in connection with, such premature termination of such Temporary Transfer(s) and/or any Registrations resulting therefrom or connected with same. and any transferor and transferee Club(s) and Scottish Football club concerned shall hold harmless and indemnify the league and Company in any claims which may in such circumstances be made against one or other or both of the League and/or Company.
  18. I thought so too, but have seen Feb 9th bandied about and can’t find shite on the SFA website or rules.
  19. Loans available through at least 9 Feb, I believe...can’t find a later date, but I thought it was.
  20. Quite. I saw some of his play from highlights and such, which is inevitably painting him in a better light, but even then he seemed a moderately talented, but disinterested, player. One wonders what he sees in playing when he seemingly hates it, guess it’s all piling up the cash.
  21. Just enjoy seeing Falkirk’s reputed high earner playing now for Kelty...it’s not a time for facts.
  22. Nah, he’s just a twat. Yea, but if you stay consigned here to League One a couple of years, your numbers will likely look similar. And yes, it hurts that we have the stupid Burnt Sugar Cookie Cup match kill our biggest or second biggest home payday of the year! I do wonder the odds last August for betting Tidser would be in the Lowland League?
  23. Not defending Nat, but you played to a 0-0 draw in the second half. I’d love to understand what happened in the second quarter that made Airdrie such a juggernaut and has once again disappeared.
  24. So Mendy is recalled from Kelty and Tidser drops to Kelty from Falkirk, so Mendy > Tidser? Didn’t see that one coming.
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