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Everything posted by TxRover

  1. Very interesting week with mostly unsurprising results...the winner, with 2 perfect, 2 correct and one miss, for 8 points, is @African Sunset An honourable mention to both @Chapelhall chap and @Angus of the Mo for picking all the games correctly and one exact for 7 points. 24 players, everyone got something right. One winner with 8 pts., two in second with 7 pts., four with 6 pts. (including @jagfox99 with his 2-1 across the board call), three with 5 pts., six with 4 pts., and eight with 3 pts. First week I remember with no one below 3 points! Previous winners (# if multiple wins): Round 19 - Stevo Fife (3) Round 18 - roman_bairn (2) Round 17 - TxRover (2) Round 16 - Marshmallo and ++Ammo-Airdrie++ Round 15 - Stevo Fife (2) Round 14 - No picks Round 13 - TxRover Round 12 - Steakngravys Maw and Larry Hood (2) Round 11 - Gordon EF (2) Round 10 - Wee Jackie, Life on Marrs?, EFFC1938 (2) and Stevo Fife Round 9 - keyser_soze Round 8 - shawfielder Round 7 - Gordon EF Round 6 - Larry Hood, EFFC1938 and macclyde+ Round 5 - Wullie McNaught Round 4 - roman_bairn Round 3 - Wilson92FFC Round 2 - Easy Days for Raith Round 1 - Bairn in Exile
  2. The first yellow was quite soft, the second yellow was never a yellow and barely a whistle. Davo in for McKay next week, solves the question.
  3. Any more complaints about my calling for Tait to play?
  4. Kyle Bow signs a Modern Apprentice contract with Raith Rovers. Keeper from Hillfield Swifts. https://www.raithrovers.net/42739/kyle-bow.htm
  5. Here's hoping you don't lose another phone, or teeth. So Si's your only out player, no injuries?
  6. Yea, more like six clubs fighting for promotion spots. It does prove the thesis that if you stack shit high enough, one of those turds is on top.
  7. Just to distract from this silly rumor, for the more long standing (I.e. older) fans, it’s interesting to reflect on the behaviors that were known or acknowledged by players in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s (and, in many cases into the 90’s) before we started to take less of a boys will be boys viewpoint. In fact, until after about 2000, I suspect more than a few similar cases quietly disappeared. There are plenty of shocking tales of footballer antics out there, after all. It’s quite satisfying to see that times have changed, but the suggestion about mandatory exclusion periods for set crimes (earlier in the thread) would not be intelligent, in my opinion. The superior choice would be to have a judicial officer for the SFA, possibly a retired judge, to review cases and recommend periods of suspension for offenses against the public order. There are many factors in determining what is appropriate, and that isn’t captured in a “this gets you that” table. The clear example of that being a drink driving conviction at the lower limit with no incident is much different than the same conviction with four or five times the limit and property damage and/or injuries/deaths. They are both clearly crimes and stupid, but one is clearly criminally reckless, where the other lacks the same sky-high level of inherent stupidity.
  8. What is missing from the puzzle is the net expected savings from the Hybrid conversion. Without knowing the financial implications of that change, it’s difficult to judge our progress.
  9. OK, that answers what I asked, thank you...raised more questions, but I can find those answers. Cheers.
  10. Not really, still looking for the extra capacity question answer.
  11. Heard a rumor that the Rovers offered to pay for Durnan’s salary as long as he started for Falkirk at CB.
  12. Wondering if anyone knows what the attendance was reported as for the last Derby game? Also, is the 1,980 capacity including anything besides the stand seats? Thanks.
  13. No links to validate, however, Raith Rovers F.C. Official Pages show Munro and Baird contracted through May 2020...so no changes there. Gullan is out for now, back to Hibs. https://www.fifetoday.co.uk/sport/football/raith-rovers/raith-rovers-blow-as-top-scorer-jamie-gullan-to-return-to-hibs-1-5069382
  14. Strangely enough, that’s one I’m confident is “true” in a relative sense. He has played at midfield, but I’m pretty confident he wouldn’t thrive there these days. That doesn’t mean, like Davo, he couldn’t do it for a time, if necessary.
  15. Raffaele De Vita joins Falkirk on loan for remainder of the season. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/50965720
  16. He won't get a game in hibs first team so he would benefit from staying. FYI, currently Hibs show just three forwards on the first team. Scads of backs and mids, thou..haven’t dug into it..
  17. Munro loan ends 1/1/20, but neither Ross nor Raith have made any statement. Gullan loan ends 1/6/20, but neither Hibs nor Raith have made any statement. Baird’s contract expires 1/1/20, no statement from Baird or Raith.
  18. Wait, what, chopped up in a cup!? What kind of an animal are you! Forget all I said about laughing at The Pars...
  19. I thought you got really bored sometimes but folk going all the way back to dig up stats really need to get a life. Why, thank you, I think. The problem both sides here have is a paucity of achievements overall. We’re not big league teams, but we still love them to our very core...both sides have moments of glory and years or decades of ignominy. We should really revel in each other’s joy in watching this game, but then we have a game against the b*****ds! Can we stop one upping each other for a day or two in the New Year, and simply enjoy disparaging The Pars, since they’ve lost three straight?
  20. That's still an issue in Methil have you seen the state of most of their fans. Noting that both groups of fans likely have their fair share benumbed and supine this morning. Most of those that aren’t seem to be enjoying having a go while still under the influence.
  21. Not to be cynical, but has the Council and/or SA ever said they would consider selling their interests in TFS and associated concerns? Or is there an agreement that allows it? Most fans say that should happen, but it seems unlikely they would part with a cash cow. Just wondering why it comes up as much.
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