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Posts posted by Dalziel8

  1. 15 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Its set that way so, in theory, both teams play 38 games before the final.

    Realistically 4th shouldn't even be in the play offs, and it should be 2nd v 3rd then v 11th.

    I suspect you're one of these people who are outraged at the "closed shop" top flight, but never appear to criticize League Two clubs.

    While your comment about 4th does hold some merit, if you take last seasons championship, going into the last game of the season only one team (us) went into it with nothing to play for. Every other side had either promotion or relegation at stake. That kind of set up stops dead rubbers and keeps the competition entertaining. I’m all for that! 

  2. 59 minutes ago, San Starko Rover said:

    Just to be pedantic, Brown wasn’t born in Kirkcaldy.  He was born in Renfrewshire and moved to Kirkcaldy aged 3.

    Personally I’ve zero time for him politically after some of the pish he came out with during the referendum but fair fucks if as a Rovers fan he wants to help the Rovers out.  So unless he’s planning on making political points during the video His political views are pretty irrelevant to Raith Rovers Football Club. 

    What about the pensioners though?

  3. 5 hours ago, TxRover said:

    Why do you say that? I find it interesting that Potter apparently drove him to Dundee, which would suggest IM and Potter had a discussion on the way back. If the Board had rejected Dundee’s request to talk to IM, it would likely have soured the relationship. For all we know, the Board may have told IM to go and listen, rather than IM being happy to go talk…we just don’t know. If you were a Board Member of a team with debt, and faced the possibility of a cash payment to steal your manager in late May/early June, you’d be insane to say no way.

    I think the comment made about Potter driving him to Dundee was a joke mate. It’s a common one used over here for when someone is desperate for someone else to get a job. ‘I’ll drive him there myself’

  4. 2 minutes ago, Right in the Stanchion said:

    Random one but what does the appointment of Potter mean for that guy you brought in as scout when Murray first came in?

    I’d forgotten all about him tbh. I’m not sure what his official connection was to the club. Was he actually employed by us or was he a freelance scout that Murray just liked to use?

    Given the standard of player signed during the season I don’t think he will be much of a loss anyway!

  5. 16 minutes ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

    Ah well. It's the hope that kills you...

    I hope the board have noted that Murray will clearly be off the first chance he gets, and we show similar loyalty to him if we start the season the same way we've just ended this one. 

    I’m of a slightly similar opinion myself. On one hand he’s in the press telling us all how wonderful it is having the new owners and the new management structure while he’s applying for other jobs on the sly. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and give him a chance to build a better squad than he managed last season. If it doesn’t start well though then yeah… f**k him!

  6. 12 minutes ago, SanStarko said:

    The issue with that is who's going to take an injury prone player who's on good money.  Gullan and Ross were two of the contracts Sim called out in the AGM if I remember right, which would suggest they're on a decent amount of money.  

    Which means we're stuck with them until their contracts end.  Which might be fine if it turns out all the surgeries this season has properly fixed the issues for them, or if Murray's idea about what's causing the issues is right.  But that's a big if.

    You’re right. Unless they get fit and start putting in stellar performances, we are ‘stuck’ with both until at least January.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Michael W said:

    Took a rare visit over to Fantalk to see if anything had been posted on there RE the takeover. Nothing going, but saw this from the AGM, posted by @Specky Ginger

    Fucking hell. Things are even worse than I thought they were. Genuinely thought we'd make a profit given the Rangers game, but still staring down the barrel of a loss double the average during Sim's tenure. 


    I can’t get my head around accounts like that when our owner is a top dog in a global accounting firm!

  8. 27 minutes ago, Kooz92 said:

    I'm cautiously optimistic about this move. Of course, that's also because i'm not an idiot who is hyper focused on their current league position looking at a way to tear the club down again. Curious to see what Dean McKenzie is getting back for his investment though.

    Pretty much the way I see it too. I’m hoping he’s bought the lot. The club and the stadium. I’ve always thought having both of them working together is far more beneficial rather than as separate companies with different sets of accounts.

    As an aside, you’d like to think that the new guy will be in a better position to carry out building and repair work on the stadium too!

  9. 6 hours ago, renton said:

    It's about where I expected us to finish. I don't think we had a decent squad last season. We got a but of shock value early doors, but really- the 2nd half of last season was closer to the typical level that squad would put in than the first. 

    Imagine if Zanatta had not given his career best performance over 3 months, there?

    Absolutely the case that the season before that, we had a decent squad. Armstrong went on to Killie, Hendry down south. Bene and Davo hadn't hit their limit yet. 

    Yer through out all that, we still haven't found a decent No 9 and Murray hadnt had the luxury of 3 fit and able CBs.

    McGlynn, or his training, is the source of our injury woes. Matthews spent the last portion of last season playing through the pain and taking injections to play, for example. 

    Also, f**k the challenge cup. McGlynn got lucky that Poplatnik was in the middle of his little purple streak. 

    Through out the last two years we've been reliant on one or two guys stepping up and giving us 5 good games, and enough guys have given us those 5 games to see us through by and large.

    That needs to change, but by and large it's not Murray's fault he's been forced into playing a season with guys who can only play a 4-2-3-1 and then only with an elusive type of striker. I don't think that would even be his first choice of shape but he had enough pragmatism to let the guys play in the most natural shape. It's on McGlynn that he signed guys on 3 year deals that would only fit a given shape (and then spent half that time unfit) 

    That’s the rant of a bitter, jilted ex. I take it you didn’t like Mcglynn?

  10. 8 minutes ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

    Yeah, I don't think Murray has taken us backwards. That's unfair. He's possibly not taken us forward much either, but given the fact he came in relatively late and has had some hellish injury problems to put up with, I think he's done a passable job overall.

    Safe from relegation with half a dozen matches left, a Scottish Cup quarter final and a challenge cup final is pretty decent. 

    We just need him to learn to give up on the sort of nonsense we saw on Tuesday night... 


    I base the ‘backwards’ comment on us finishing 5th and winning the challenge cup last season and finishing 3rd and reaching the playoff semi the season before. Mcgylnn had hellish injury problems to deal with too. It’s nothing new for us.

    It’s certainly not a ‘Murray out’ rant but  a 7th placed finish (if that’s where we end up) is pretty disappointing.

  11. 22 minutes ago, CALDERON said:

    To be fair to Murray, the only one of those number 10s he signed was Easton.  And he has a decent amount of defensive cover tbh.  3 defenders were out injured today, and an additional one during the game.  There's only so much additional cover you can sign.

    The major concern today is the number of injuries happening at the same time, it happens too frequently.

    When you’ve got injury prone players in the squad then you need to balance things out on the probability that you’ll be without said players for chunks of the season.

    I like Murray but he’s not managed to build on what was a decent squad that he inherited. He’s taken us backwards and the fact he’s friendly and straight talking in interviews can’t paper over the cracks. 

    The squad was crying out for an experienced centre half and a proper number 9 and he’s failed to sign either. He definitely deserves another go next season but he really needs to get it right quickly. 

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