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East of the Rock

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Posts posted by East of the Rock

  1. 6 minutes ago, super-son said:


    As for Ruth, you’re reading too much into the post match comments, he’s not going to come out and say he’s away. There’s a really good chance he will be playing league 1 football next year, I just hope it’s with us.

    True, I thought I was reading too much into it, I just needed brought back down to earth!

  2. I watched some of the BBC coverage of the Spartans second leg again the other night and, when asked at the end about the prospect of League 1 football next season, Michael Ruth says ‘we’ll be looking forward to it’… Is that a sign he’s staying or am I reading far too much into it?!

    Also, surely Gray can’t leave after getting a club badge tattoo. Surely…


  3. What a night. Brilliant. It had Forthbank 1995 vibes for me from the moment we arrived. Great travelling support, sunny day, and Michael Ruth is maybe not quite Charlie Gibson stature yet but he’s heading in the right direction. 

    I thought the whole team were terrific. Durnan was colossal, Lynas put his heart and soul into everything, Gray was classy, but Ruth definitely the stand out.

    I quite liked the ground actually - I enjoyed the atmosphere. I thought the whole thing was a great advert for lower league football in general. It certainly seems to have hooked my eight year old.

    Not sure I’ll sleep tonight but luckily BBC Alba is on iplayer!

    Well done to everyone. 

  4. I’m a bit behind the times as usual but just finished the latest podcast. I really enjoyed it. Thanks Jan and team for such a professional and insightful production. I thought Stevie Aitken came across very well. I always wondered why Andy Dowie looked so serious after the goal against TNS!

  5. 2 hours ago, PWL said:

    Paul Shields was his name I think. 

    Could name just about everyone in that pic from 30 years ago. Yet don't ask me to study for a work exam!!!

    What a team! Yep, Paul Shields. I think, and this could be my memory playing tricks on me, that he used to dj in the Clyde Bar in Helensburgh too. 

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