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Posts posted by TheBrit

  1. 3 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
    33 minutes ago, TheBrit said:
    Well from this moment forward I will be treating you like a friend. If you wish to act childish and refuse the hand of friendship that is your right. I hope one day you can move on. 

    Grow up


    And the biggest bully of the lot appears. Remember you were all newcomers once. It's not a prerequisite to round on the new guy. 

  2. 33 minutes ago, Bairn in Exile said:

    *bully's: pertaining to or belonging to a bully

    bullies: noun, plural of bully

    bullies: verb, he bullies the smaller boy

    People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.



    Thank you for correcting me. I'm offering you the hand of friendship now and hope you will put your petty grudge  behind you and we can move on. 

  3. 1 hour ago, champions said:

    Agreed, you're bullying of shadwell was out of order.


    1 hour ago, champions said:


    Nobody is bullying anyone so shut your hole four eyes 😂


    Make up your mind. 

    The bullying does exist, I've seen it happen to pretty much every new poster who signs up. I must be an alias because I'm not just meekly hiding in the background. It's pathetic paranoia from the bully's.  I've also witnessed those who raised concerns on MC rounded on. Shouted down and told nobody is interested. We are better than this as a group. Yes it's fucking pish right now but taking it out on fellow fans is not the way forward. 

  4. 6 hours ago, muppetshow said:

    lets all take the prophet as being the main man in the know...….. this another guess then yeah? like the 2 more players to be signed post the other day that oddly didn't materialise?  or the MC presentation was poor post? you obviously aren't anywhere near in the know as u like to make out, if I were you i'd stick to selling pens, paper and post-it notes or just deal in facts and do every FFC fan a favour...…….


    On 19/08/2019 at 00:55, muppetshow said:

    MC will be at the helm on Friday at the very latest, 



  5. 6 hours ago, muppetshow said:

    lets all take the prophet as being the main man in the know...….. this another guess then yeah? like the 2 more players to be signed post the other day that oddly didn't materialise?  or the MC presentation was poor post? you obviously aren't anywhere near in the know as u like to make out, if I were you i'd stick to selling pens, paper and post-it notes or just deal in facts and do every FFC fan a favour...…….

    Gogs is one of the most hardworking, loyal and committed Falkirk fans I've ever met. I'd encourage you to focus your anger elsewhere because he is the last person that deserves it. 

  6. 42 minutes ago, Shodwall cat said:

    Christ almighty I'm no going back and counting ffs. It was highlighted at the time though.  Why are u so bothered anyway having never posted before today? Why no enlighten us to your thoughts on the team instead of this pish.

    Here we go again with you dictating what subjects are acceptable for discussion on this thread. 

    6 minutes ago, ShaggerG said:

    Would someone who claims to be a Falkirk fan and has been reading P&B for 5 years not know the answer to that?


    Given I genuinely don't know the answer I'm going to say no, they wouldn't necessarily know the answer to that. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Shodwall cat said:

    Monkey tennis was on this thread every day for weeks whilst there was hardly a thing posted on the queens thread. The morton crew were on here every day for a while too whilst tumble weed rolled through the morton thread but that has become more sporadic thankfully. 


    So how many posts has Monkey Tennis made on this thread compared to his own? And why does it annoy you that posters use this website in exactly the manner it was intended? 

  8. 16 minutes ago, Shodwall cat said:

    You can look at their thread and see how many posts they've posted there or just click on their user name. It's no rocket science. 


    Your initial claim was that they "spent more time" on this thread. I asked how you knew this? It's not rocket science. 

    I mean I've only made 8 posts on this thread but ive spent countless hours reading it over the course of about 5 years. 

    Since you've gone down the number of posts route instead, what are the usernames of the posters who post more on this thread than their own? 

  9. 13 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    I think whilst you expect users from other teams to flit in and out now and again you do wonder why some people spend more time on our thread than on their own. I would certainly find it strange if I was more interested in what was happening with say Dundee United than my own team. Would you not? 


    First off, how do you know they spend more time on this thread? Secondly equating the number of posts made on an Internet forum to genuine interest is completely daft. Now if they started attending more Falkirk games than Dundee Utd games then I would find that odd. Posts on an Internet forum that take seconds to compose? Nah, not so much. 

  10. 37 minutes ago, Bairn in Exile said:

    Seems like we’ve got ourselves another looky loo.





    1.    a person who comes or stops to look at something out of curiosity, especially when such attention is unwelcome.


    When I come onto Pie and Bovril I think I can honestly say that 99% of my time is spent on the Falkirk thread. I occasionally look in on the various Politics threads, the predictions threads, “Top of the league and you’re no” thread, and, in the past, the BRALT, all of which are genuine multi team supporter threads, (if that is the right expression?). I will also pop into and occasionally contribute to the match threads, Falkirk vs Whoever. For full transparency, I have posted once on the Morten thread ( commiserating with them for us poaching McKinnon, would you believe) and made one post on the QoTS thread, apart from that, zilch. In the main, unless a Scottish club is going bust (see BRALT) or are about to sign Lionel Messi, then I am not interested in the minutiae of goings on at other clubs. I just don’t understand supporters of other clubs regularly going on to another team’s threads and posting (sorry, Monkey Tennis, you know that I think that you are OK). Banter about us being Box Office Bairns aside, what is the fascination?



    This is another thing I find quite odd, you've signed up for a website that was specifically created to allow Scottish football fans to engage with supporters of opposing teams, then have the audacity to act surprised when the above happens. What exactly were you expecting?


  11. 7 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    I never said I don't want to discuss the takeover in any of my posts.  Its just getting tedious going over the same ground we went over 80 odd pages ago again. If you have something new to add then great but we're getting far too much of the same pish over and over again. Some people also enjoy talking about football instead of trawling through pages and pages of the same old crap.


    Instead of dictating which area of the takeover we are allowed to discuss why not just skim past the subjects that don't interest you? This is a thread for all Falkirk fans, not just the ones who meet your criteria. 

    Personally I approve of the fans who are doing some digging of their own. It shows they care and the only harm done is for some reason a number of falkirk fans disapprove. 


  12. 4 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:


    .  And whilst discussing the takeover is one thing we've now had hundreds of pages of people saying I heard this fae my aunties cousin twice removed etc etc which is now getting feckin boring. 


    Plenty of posters don't find it boring though, me included. It should also be noted that many people who read this forum don't post on it. If you don't want to read posts about the takeover then skim past them instead of shouting down those who do want to talk about it. It's an Internet forum dedicated to a sport,  if you don't like reading rumours then you're in the wrong place.

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