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Eric the half a b

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Posts posted by Eric the half a b

  1. 12 hours ago, ++Ammo - Airdrie++ said:

    I need to agree with both the sentiments above.
    I could cope with being beat 3-2 or 4-3 if the effort is there.
    Its the going out with a whimper (see 0-1 vs. Raith then again vs. Montrose).
    That's the exact reason the fans turn.
    I've stayed and clapped guys off the park following a defeat where they've actually earned their wage and put in a shift.
    We've seen in fits and starts this year that there's performances in there (first half vs. Hamilton is one of the best halfs of football I've seen from an airdrie team).

    The fans turning lead to the manager getting told to get the finger out  and turn things round pronto and there is a recognition in places one or two people not long associated were causing a rift with their ridiculous statements and threats of bans. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Ballboy said:

    I understand the current board have investment to look after and money to make. I wish them well as it means I get to see some success.  What I'm saying is to some of us it doesn't matter what league were in. Good players or mediocre.  I for one know I'll be there next year and the year after. Theres some guys been dedicated to our club longer and will be still. We all go in hope rather than expectation this year will be better than last. If the current group think fans will not voice an opinion at games when players dont perform they have come to the wrong club.  The last few games have shown this.  Shocking performances at home and fans have to let players know it's not good enough.   Forfar away and dumbarton on Saturday and fans really got behind the team. Nothing to do with messages on DTV or Facebook.  Regardless of who the players or manager is airdrie fans will come and watch.  Good play and fans will get behind them, bad play fans will complain.  I've seen plenty stay behind to applaud players off when we have lost because we seen hard work and decent play.  It won't change and I for 1 hope it never does.  

    I agree been saying only started playing when we were chasing the game and changed formation and the fans were made the scapegoat for poor home form. What irritates me is they want fans expect us to pay our cash but don't moan if the product we pay to see is piss.

    What initiatives are there to encourage fans never see press articles to get fans excited, get a bus running in a loop from town centre pub route. Staying in Holytown I get bombarded with info from they sad individuals that wear frilly knickers and run like hell. They try to get not just kids but all ages to go to games when do you see anything out of Airdrie.... and I stand corrected if the club do all that but I don't see it even the social media is bit poor.  

    As you say good footie few wins will get the fans behind the team.

  3. 3 minutes ago, stuartcraig said:

    If that video is an attempt at getting fans back onside, it's a pretty misjudged one.  It scans like an "I'm sorry but ...." apology.

    On a more hopeful note, Saturday's change to a more aggressive, attacking play-style was big step towards addressing recent complaints.

    Was right out of the Reverend I am jolly script. Looked a totally different team with changes. 

  4. 17 minutes ago, Ballboy said:

    So very true.   The thing they need to realise is it's our club. The players wear our shirts with our diamond on.  Players, managers even board members and chairman change with the passing years but the fans dont.  Having grown up at the old broomfield with my dad taking me to games then years going to broad wood now I take my son week in week out home and away.  I've sat and watched good times and bad. One constant over the years with all the people running the club at various times is the lack of communication with fans.  Our fanbase have always been quite vocal with opinions during games good and bad. Through all the seasons all we want is to have a team who looks like they care, work hard play for the Jersey.   Kenny black moved dugouts to avoid the pelters he used to get.  Now the current board think we should all sit like school boys and not have a say when we pay hard earned money to watch players not even look like they want to play nevermind win.  I've been going to watch my team for 30 years  some players have been good some bad. Same with managers and chairman.  When I go to games I know win or lose I expect to see a team who work hard and know it's a privilege to wear our diamond.  If a steward or someone had ever to had me a letter asking me to hand my season ticket back I'd tell them where to go.  I've voiced my opinion at games and will continue to do so.  I'll tell the next players, managers and chairman the same in years to come. 


    52 minutes ago, Pesadilla said:

    First time I've listened to the podcast. Usually can't be bothered with stuff like that but I've got to agree with Colin Telford's 10 minute tirade at the start. There's certainly a bit of an atmosphere surrounding the clubs relationship with the fan base. The change in relationship with the trust being the most obvious. There are fans who've been season ticket holders for 20+years who've not renewed. I sat in the pub on Saturday with at least two other Airdrie fans who just couldn't be arsed going up to watch the game. The quality on the park is just so poor, though I do accept Saturday may have been better, I don't accept the assertion in the podcast that we've any strength in depth. The midfield is devoid of any creativity whatsoever.  I don't know what the answer is, though I don't think we'll be winning anything with the likes of Millar in the middle.

    Good points raised about the passing from the back option. Fine to do that when you've skillful players, but for all his attributes, expecting Sean Crighton to play us out of possible danger is mental stuff. 

    And here's the problem. I'm not on Facebook but if folk are getting lawyers letters from the club for what's being said on the Wild West of the internet, then there's a massive issue. Surely no-one can be saying anything that bad which would warrant getting the law involved. There seems a bit of petty behaviour, from what I read and I've heard personally coming from the club and we aint gonna win the stay away fans back through that sort of stuff.

    I'd like to see Hetherington take part in the podcast so we can hear his vision for the club. Maybe gauge the man on his own thoughts rather than what I've heard - most of which could not be described as a ringing endorsement.

    Not sure ihow accurate however one fan got a call after a post about the stadium. A good source said were talks after the Montrose game hence some changes and a video for the fans. Chairman has invested in the team he like us must want better results to get the club promoted.

  5. 42 minutes ago, Pesadilla said:

    The "ting, ting, ting" sound of coins hitting the fence and dodging lit fags and double A batteries when there was a goal. Them were't days.

    Oh the memories... alcohol clouded ones lol and you had that annoying man Stainrod who would do something stupid and score lol 

  6. 49 minutes ago, MrDust said:

    You won't have most teams playing 1 up top and 5 in midfield most weeks tho.

    We don't have a real option at left wing back for us to go with it.

    You do need effective wide players with decent engines on them to make the 3-5-2 to work tho

    The balance of our starting 11 is horrific with no real method of how to attack, we will most weeks grind a team down but it won't be pretty

    It's a funny old league this one  did expect a bit more from Falkirk in the first game. I just hope it's a good game and Airdrie don't go back to 3 5 2 as the team has had a much better shape last couple of games.

  7. 2 hours ago, Chapelhall chap said:

    Went off to watch Sportscene "highlights" so missed seeing your post till today. I have stopped commenting on the refs when we lose because it is usually a deflection from the other reasons why we lost-poor play and better play by the other team.I also agree that most of your problems stemmed from player decisions on Saturday. I was not suggesting that other people should do the same and maybe I did not express myself well enough. I am genuinely puzzled at your reaction to his refereeing. If you are correct in "dozens" then that is at least 24 wrong decisions and I am struggling to understand your exaggeration.  Which decisions really upset you?  In our long spell in L1 I have seen many worse referees and even more awful players so maybe you had better quality in your well merited spell in the Championship.

    Well said. I thought the ref was not bad and he did the Sons a favour not sending of the number 6 for persistant fouling and even more his persistant shouting at the ref lol. 

  8. 4 hours ago, MrDust said:

    Broomfield was always a good away day with a 5 sided ground in the Luton manner, whereas our new grounds are decent modern day and comfy, they are both not the old grounds by far

    McShane at least has legs that work, Tidser is all very one paced and I dont think him and Gomis works, same problem up top also in that we havent got a top 2 who seem to have clicked.

    For me we really we shouldve been looking at a 3-5-2 as we seem to get at times outnumbered in midfield with our wide players basically being instructed to concentrate mainly on the attacking sense whilst most teams have 5 in midfield, it also couldve gave McKinnon that safe guard/erection that 3-5-2 can be 5-3-2.


    3 5 2 has been killing us particularly at home unless you have two speedy wingers it becomes too defensive and isolated the two strikers. Is it also in the coaching manual to pull the front players wide our manager persisted with it we were awfull at home look much better playing 4 3 3.

  9. 1 hour ago, Passionate said:

    Credit when credit is due,  first class today attacking football in the first half shows we can do it, when set up correctly.   Murray appears to have made a shrewd signing in Co!in Cameron seems more energy and intensity in the dug out area,  I liked Fitzy a good servant possibly Murray and Fitzy was a marriage of convenience at the time...... 


    Already looking forward to Falkirk , have we ever won at that stadium.....

    Don't think we have beat them 11. 1 in 1950/51 settle for 2 0 this time lol 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Passionate said:

    Credit when credit is due,  first class today attacking football in the first half shows we can do it, when set up correctly.   Murray appears to have made a shrewd signing in Co!in Cameron seems more energy and intensity in the dug out area,  I liked Fitzy a good servant possibly Murray and Fitzy was a marriage of convenience at the time...... 


    Already looking forward to Falkirk , have we ever won at that stadium.....

    If only we had set up like this in the previous home games. Just hope we don't bottle it at Falkirk and go back to our defensive shell as we can go there and win. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, stuartcraig said:

    Maybe we need to start talking again about setting up a singing section.

    I freely acknowledge that I wont be part of the solution.  I'm not at all vocal at games.  Others will have to carry that torch.

    Few months ago some young chaps came with a drum ... now it can be very annoying ... security came and took it of them. Is it just me thinking the way to get fans in to raise the atmosphere is to play attacking football not blame the poor home form on the fans complaining or lack of noise even the video today trying to get the fans on side was hardly full of excitement just same old if we don't we will hurt the sensitive team. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Preston Diamond said:

    The few loudmouths who come along to shout abuse must surely realise that they do effect the confidence of the players, particularly the young players. In a crowd of 4000 they can not be heard, in a crowd of 400 they sound like a majority.

    What about us the poor fans who have to seek counselling after some of the awful football we watch as we can't Express our displeasure in the age old form of constructive criticism in case we offend the staff. We deserve credit for caring and supporting about our team. 

  13. Lol good point.  Shouldn't fear anyone in this league  this season we have been too defensive minded allowing teams to control midfield. If we change the team that played second half this week or the 4 3 3 it would be outrageous. If the team put pressure on teams at home we may win a lot more games which in turn would encourage fans back and create a better atmosphere. Nothing more intimidating than a bunch of excited Airdrie fans watching an exciting team of Airdrie footballers.

  14. 34 minutes ago, Chapelhall chap said:

    In terms of wearing the diamond I am a bit of a traditionalist but I quite liked black shorts. I also discovered yesterday , never having twigged it,  that in a certain Texaco cup game we were prevented by the Ref, in wearing the diamond,and used a different strip. I know it was the 70s but any veterans guess the answer?

    Now that's a question. 

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