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Walk Glasgow

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Posts posted by Walk Glasgow

  1. More relief than pleasure for me. A season of mainly excruciating disappointment and anger at how club was being run.  Let's hope lessons have been learned and we never again allow club to be run by those unfit for purpose. 

    I was convinced all week that Stranraer would win and just praying our guys would turn up and do the business too.

  2. 1 hour ago, BullyWeeStonehouse said:

    I don’t understand this mentality.

    Whoever finishes bottom deserves to at least be in the playoff and if they lose that then they definitely deserve to go down. The same way as whoever wins the playoff deserves to come up/ stay up. Every team that has come up from the LL or HL has more than proven their worth.

    Would you care if we were all league 1 and Stranraer got relegated to league 2 rather than us?! Whether it’s LL or League 2 or WoSFL Div 3 they got relegated to at our expense they’d still be a league below us regardless.

    At the end of the day the LL is part of the pyramid and has been for a while now and let be honest, as long as it’s not Clyde, who cares who goes down to the LL or the HL.

    It's isn't a "mentality" other than self-preservation and that applies to every team in every league.  Dropping one division from SPL to SPFL 1 is a world of difference to dropping out of SPFL 2.  Even if we were already safe I wouldn't want to see the bottom club drop out.

  3. Ironic to think we are battling for league safety in our final game with opponents being Elgin. At start of season we had such a hopeless squad that we thought Elgin were the only side that could save us from the drop as they were reputedly even weaker than Clyde!! Both improved in second half of season, obviously Elgin more promptly than us.

    While I desperately hope we can stay clear of bottom place I don't want Stranraer to drop out either. We've already lost enough clubs to the wilderness of the LL.

  4. Same sentiments from me. Nobody saw our demolition of Stenny coming and they have shaded in recent weeks so it is not inconceivable that Stranraer (if up for it) could get a surprise result so we too have to set up to play for a win. Our record at Elgin is far from impressive.

    Strangely enough I had bid for a house near Stranraer (Leswalt) and was so irked at the antics at Stair Park that I seriously considered pulling out, but blew my nose and calmed down. It's only a game ffs!

    Ps  I lost the bid anyway.

  5. The other bottom half sides will be odds on to win their home ties with the non-commited top half sides and no amount of platitudes from the latter group will change that outlook.

    But if our bottle doesn't crash we still have outside chance. Must admit I don't feel confident about getting off the bottom but I do feel now that we will be favourites in the play-offs (again of course subject to us turning up).

  6. In some instances football is unpredictable but, where least expected, it is mega predictable.

    Stranraer were never going to lose to Dumbarton the other night; nor were Bonnyrigg going to lose their match (no matter how late they got their equalizer). There's no scientific evidence, it's just the natural order of things.

    Other than the outside chance East Fife will catch Dumbarton to make the play offs there is nothing at stake for any of the top half clubs.  So when nothing-at-stake meets everything-at-stake you don't need a PHD to work out where the points are going.

    In other words, Clyde need not only to win far more points than their league position suggests they are capable of but are also reliant on the other bottom half sides playing each other rather than the under-motivated top half sides.

    Only a strong finish gives us any chance of avoiding the playoffs and I still fear the draw v Peterhead might be our nemesis.

  7. On 21/02/2024 at 12:54, Ghostoftommyring said:


    If we were properly run and had a squad fit for purpose at the START of the season I could accept us having a bad season and going down.

    But, without being disrespectful to the opposition, we are in the shit because we were set up to fail due to our own breathtaking mismanagement and not because of the quality of the opposition.

    It is an unbelievable irony that we can still stay up by winning just ONE game (at the very end of this season). That said, the club is so bereft that even this escape route looks like a mountain to climb.

  8. 6 hours ago, Ghostoftommyring said:

    Tin pot club. Fans are absolute bellends! Not to mention the underlying Nazi element amongst the support. Middle and Connor, you still got your blood and honour tattoos? Nazi scum. Good riddance! 

    Maybe you shouldn't post when your drunk or just had a tiff with your boyfriend.

  9. It would be nice if we weren't Clyde, then we could dream of just continuing Saturday's form and hopefully get another 3 points and a platform to give our fellow stragglers something to worry about.

    Ironically, I wouldn't be broken hearted if we played really well on Tuesday and didn't win as I now fancy us to see off either Brechin or the Bride Killers.......better not to test that theory though!

  10. Oh jeez, why are we even talking about the kit man. Gotta get over these kind of side shows. If there's violence tell the police; if there's silliness from opposing players then rebuke them (either verbally or by a physical adjustment to their wellbeing in the true spirit of the pre-woke era).

    I think we seem embedded in some form of inertia or self-pity that will stop us improving enough to avoid playoffs.  I would suspect that recent results are not directly related in the case of most of the team to their actual ability but their loss of confidence/motivation or because they are only in it for a few months pay hike. The same might be said of Mr McCall, culminating in a team selection on Saturday that looks inexplicable and unjustifiable.

    I wouldn't trust the chairman with a job as a lift attendant - even if he does have experience of going down quickly.  But to be seemingly sunk in early February in spite of recent signings does reek of the need for a total top-down overhaul but the irony is we can't do that till the stage where its probably academic anyway.

    If we are in the LL with no backer, no ground, no community, no support then there realistically is no way back.

    We stay up or we fold.  It really hurts to say that but we all know this has been hanging over us like chemotherapy for a lot longer than 2 seasons.

  11.  My head says we can get out of this based on our current squad and games remaining - providing obviously we turn good performances into good results. That being the case there is no need to get fixated on what other teams are doing. Accordingly our past away form is irrelevant to the new squad and at this level we aren't exactly going to be intimidated by raucous home crowds.

    Against that of course there is the psychological aspect which does mean we really do need a result at Stranraer - not just for ourselves but to remind every other side that we are up for the fight.  If we even half the deficit over the next month not only will we have every chance of clawing our way to safety but if we do finish bottom we will still fancy our chances more whoever we face in a playoff.

    But when all's said, it's what we do in every game, not just the other badly placed sides.

  12. I just tracked the 2nd half on Bet365 and it was glaringly obvious the goal was coming.....and it looked like Elgin didn't even need to close shop as we did SFA to retrieve things. Players just not turning up with so much at stake is sickening.

    I know he is usually one of our better players but should Cuddihy have been kept on given his persistent absences through injury?

  13. Bearing in mind how we have been steadily improving since most of the duffers have been shunted I don't think it unreasonable to think we can win just half our remaining home games and even just draw half of the away games. That modest target would potentially see us stay up and still not win a single away game. Throw in just 1 more home win and a single away win and that should be more than enough to be comfortable. Anyway, I expect none of the players support Clyde or know or care about the away record so probably that is no bad thing.

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