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Bridie Vision

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Everything posted by Bridie Vision

  1. Any wonder kids sitting in your academy that'll get us promoted?
  2. I'm disappointed Murray has moved on. I agree he's not a star player but he was very useful and adaptable, plus he came from our development squad so that made him a popular guy around the club. He was one of the few players who actually tried to attack last season. I don't know where he'll go, unless he's leaving football to focus on his job?
  3. Shows you the quality of signings we made all last season. Our supposed striker and saviour was an over the hill scary looking man who's only good enough for a bottom half Lowland League team. 18 month contract was bananas
  4. Any rumours about Gary's backroom staff? At the moment we only have Wayne the GK coach and Mark the Sport Scientist. Is Docherty staying on board, as McInnes hasn't got a new job yet?
  5. Gary must have seen your comment as we're going to the Hedge on Tuesday 29th June. However, it's unknown if away fans will be permitted. I thought Doris and Mackintosh were under contract for the coming season. However, it looks like Nditi and Scally have been offered a contract but haven't signed on the dotted line, probably because their waiting to see if any other clubs come in for them. I could be wrong but that's what I think. I hope Nditi does sign again, there's a good player there and he or Meechs could play at left back, meaning Meechs and Nditi could start alongside 2 or 3 of our quality centre backs, what a mean defence to sit in front of the best keeper in the league!
  6. According to the website if restrictions stay open enough then season ticket holders will be permitted. As it won't be a full stadium I'm sure they'll continue with the Pixellot system.
  7. Two pre-season matches announced. A Dundee XI and Cove. Why have we arranged a game with Dundee when we'll meet them again only a couple weeks later in the cup? Surely Dundee United XI or St Johnstone XI would be better premier league level team to have a friendly against. Cove makes sense though, we tend to play them in a friendly most seasons. Gary hopes to have another midweek friendly organised. I would assume it'll be against a Highland or Lowland league side.
  8. All the best to Malcs, assume Baz and Foxy have followed him. Think he needs a few more seasons in the Lowland league before looking to get back in the SPFL.
  9. Decent signings, I hope! I'm happy Matty's back I said last season he should've stayed as he was better than the dross we originally signed (except Jordan Allan). Interesting League Cup draw for us. Local derbies for us in the shape of Dundee and Montrose. Brora will be an interesting tie, and then Ross County. Hopefully we'll have plenty of fans at Station Park for the games.
  10. Decent, nothing spectacular but then we didn't see him all too much and he was playing in a dreadful side. That's not very helpful is it?
  11. True, we all knew Petrie was the best person to bring in after Campbell, all except Alistair Donald and Gary Bollan.
  12. Decent performance from Forfar, annoyingly we are so surprised that we take the lead that we must instantly give it back otherwise we're scared we'll get a nosebleed or something. So much so we did it twice last night and then concede the final blow in injury time! That's one of the many areas Gary needs to improve ahead of next season.
  13. As I previously said, I wanted him to stay on as a coach but give the manager job to someone more experienced. However, maybe Gary was appointed because there was very little competition for the post. There were no names mentioned of who might be interested in the job except for Gary. No rumours on here or through the grapevine. Maybe Tony Docherty never even applied for the job and was just willing to help out an old friend until the end of the season. So, maybe that's why Irvine is now the main man. Obviously I wish him the best and hope he can win a league title in his first full season of management. It'll be interesting who he chooses for his backroom staff. I expect Wayne to stay as GK coach and Mark Farell as sports scientist/fitness coach. But not sure if Docherty will stay on now.
  14. Two wins on the bounce for Forfar, will we make it 3 and then officially Gary Irvine will have won more games in 1 week than Stuart Malcolm did in a whole year!
  15. I didn't like Gary to start with. He was past it and then the fight in the pub made me dislike him more, even the start of this season I didn't want him on the field. However after the injuries to Whyte and Anderson, Irvine has been fairly consistent and dependable. So, yes I was one of the folk who lambasted him but credit where credit is due my opinion of him has softened and I would be very happy for him to stay next season as a coach (definitely not a manager though). I'll just make sure I don't upset him when we're all allowed back in pubs proper.
  16. Interesting interview with Gary Irvine on the club website. He hasn't made any comments about taking the management gig but he says he would be happy for the club to talk with him. The fact it's mentioned on official club media makes me think the board might be keen on keeping Gary. Would that be the right decision, probably not. But he might get a coaching role at least next season. Just to clarify, this is my ramblings and maybe reading too much into it.
  17. 2 wins on the trot is really nice, but all in vain. It's a relief our relegation is confirmed now, be interesting to see how free our players feel, and how they go on Tuesday.
  18. I'm of the same opinion, don't mind Irvine staying on the coaching staff but need an experienced manager to lead the club.
  19. All Forfar fans know we're doomed but, the inevitability keeps getting delayed. Tuesday the Clyde match being called off saved us. Now we win a match with virtually the last kick of the ball. That microscopic glimmer of hope is still there, not sure if it's good or if it's killing me!
  20. Allan is definitely not hanging around sadly. I'd keep Murray for his versatility, Hoban (although he definitely deserves being a first-team keeper), Travis (he's fantastic to have around the club) and Nditi, because he's a great prospect to have under the right tutelage.
  21. Since the Clyde game was called off it means Forfar still aren't officially relegated yet, just prolonging the misery.
  22. Had a serious injury at Arbroath, Stuart Malcolm then swapped Hilson for Doris, I think only then did Stuart Maloclm realise that Doris hadn't played for over a year and spent that year eating popcorn and Haribos! He did lose a fair chunk of weight in the first half of this season but when the season was paused in January he piled on the pounds again. Still he's not as bad as Mark Hill who returned from the USA double the size of Doris and hasn't lost any!
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