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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. John earning his new 3 year contract here, Accies fans will be so chuffed they have him signed up to stop some of the big clubs sniffing about
  2. That auld fella in the ICT goals is having a fucking mare here
  3. Hamilton need to give that pub team back their strips and buy some of their own.
  4. I think the way we play means we don’t need a Brian Graham style of striker. We have goals all over our front players and for me Ross McIver links the play up great for us. He has to be given his chance as starting striker for me.
  5. Surely with the amount of managers they have churned lately too they will take a bit of time to make sure they get the right one. Enough time for Dylan to gtf anyway.
  6. I wondered that as well, but that could be a lengthy process getting a new manager. I would imagine they would release players before that is done to give them a chance of getting fixed up with other clubs.
  7. I think the gaffer will be looking at the flexibility of a number of players in the squad. The likes of Henderson who can play midfield/defence, Yeats is the same. When you run a small squad it’s good to have players who can cover a number of positions. I think if we can get Tait/Ross back at the club then apart from another goalkeeper, centre half and maybe another front man if Alan leaves, which I expect will happen I don’t think we’ll see/need many more.
  8. 2000 ST’s sold in less than 2 weeks of sales is great going
  9. Have you ever thought that the initial outlay for season tickets is maybe all some fans can afford, are they not true fans. I would say someone with very little spare cash is as much of a fan if they use it to buy an ST, than someone with wads of cash who stumps up an extra £60. I suppose it’s all down to how you view individuals financial situations.
  10. I wouldn’t bet on it, McCoist has got away with it for years.
  11. Kenny Miller needs to shut his hole here, he’s making an absolute c**t of himself, again.
  12. I’ve got the recordings of the full Montrose, Cove and Hamilton games from BBC Alba, they will be getting watched over the summer when I need a wee fix.
  13. I’m bored of this pre-season shit already, when does the league start again.
  14. Because the greed is good league does everything it can to make sure the top flight members have the best chance of staying there.
  15. Although I’m not on twitter the club have just released a clip of Brads pen from behind the goal which I can view and the noise when the ball hits the net is off the scale, makes the hair on the back of the neck stand up, tremendous stuff.
  16. Highlights/commentary are excellent, also noticed a wee pocket of Bairns fans in the bottom right of the away end. They don’t react to Alloa scoring and one of them reacts respectfully to the penalty being given. Good stuff on YouTube as usual from Mack Mate.com, worth checking out for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet.
  17. I was the same, I just watched the folk behind me for a reaction
  18. If we could I would keep Mackie, Ross, Tait and Shanley. There is a lot to be said about the togetherness of this squad and although if everyone is fit Mackie, Ross and Shanley wouldn’t be starters I think they are all good squad players who can offer something off the bench. Whatever John decides though I will trust him.
  19. Don’t think they are on sale yet, they all say coming soon, exactly the way I felt at the final whistle yesterday
  20. Loving the Invincibles range in Greaves sport, @Bairn in Exile did you not design they T’shirts with team on the back.
  21. If I manage to lift my arse off the settee today to go get a can from the fridge that will be a great achievement
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