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Posts posted by Stoosh83

  1. Scottish football, and how every decision that is made within it, absolutely bamboozles me. The SFA only seem to put forward a plan that results in a negative solution for the majority of clubs. 

    I can't for the life of me understand they don't sort the pyramid in a positive manner for the vast majority of clubs.

    SPL - 12 teams (I get why it has to be).

    Championship - 12 teams ( would mean no relegation, and 2 teams still promoted, therefore positivity).

    League 1 - 20 teams ( basically joining league 1&2 together, I can't see the sense in 2 part time clubs visiting each other twice) this would mean no relagation from league football, and both HL & LL champions going up.

    After this setup should remain at regions, but clubs would have to be promoted to make up league numbers, rather than relegation.

    This would allow play offs within every level of the pyramid, more teams being relegated from every league, and more importantly more teams in with a chance of promotion.

    The best example I can give is boness United, who's fans complained they had nothing to play for in January. This is the result of a one up (possibly at that) one down in an absolute joke of a boring league, who get what they wish for. 

    Swallow some pride and follow the English way. Meaningless games in January don't help any league.


  2. 3 minutes ago, Kennie said:

    Perhaps it might be better trying to make small inroads rather than a full on assault.

    1 automatic relegation from the LL,.

    4 way play-off involving the 3 tier 6 winners and the 2nd bottom in the LL.

    Top 2 get promoted.

    This might be more palatable to the clubs in the Lowland.

    I like that idea. Something has to give

  3. Just now, FairWeatherFan said:

    It's not quite the same. How many South wins over WoS Premier/EoS Premier teams can be pointed at?

    There's a reason why Threave Rovers are meant to be applying to the WoSFL.

    It's irrelevant whether there's a gulf or not. They have an entitlement within the pyramid to be promoted within the same rules as the other two regions 

  4. 1 hour ago, Casey Jones said:

    Doubt it very much, but if so, why even bringing it up. Saw a few laughable remarked on twitter saying as Auchinleck beat Bonnyrigg in last weekend’s cup final; Darvel would just need to turn up against Tranent and promotion was theirs. Granted in past 10 or so years, the West ‘Juniors’ have been on the whole superior to teams in the East, but for 2-3 years there was no real gauge to this as most East clubs were no longer involved in Junior Cup Finals.

    But since moving over to EoS there has been huge transformation in a number of on-field personnel and off-field progress in lots of grounds. This was only achievable. By moving to EoS set up and seeing the potential for clubs who want to progress through the pyramid scheme. 

    Much better if Lowland League / teams get their voting fingers out their erses and start at least 2 automatic regulations per season, as West/East Premier league winners should get automatic promotion. But if LL stick to their guns, stop assuming that in a one-off match that West teams will always come out top. Ain’t gonna be so one-sided these days as Saturday showed. 

    You have just totally dismissed the south league in the way the west do the east, as you claim they do. The south league have as much right to promotion to LL as easy/west do. I'm in total agreement that the trap door needs opened up, but it should be all 3 winners going up. 

  5. 8 hours ago, Bigbro19 said:

    There are 2 teams in the premier who have had years to prove they’re worthy of such a lofty position but have finished in the bottom 3 last 2 seasons mustering a total of 4 points between them this season from a possible 66. Do you think they should get another crack at it?

    I dont think they should, but I think they will

  6. Teams who have had years to come in to the EOS should not get one crack at a chance of promotion to the premier.  

    Premier, 1st AB, 2nd. 

    Both champions up, then a split to make 16 team premier and championship . After that a closer regionlised 2nd division. 2 up from both 2and and 4 down from championship. Straight 3up 3 down between premier and championship.


    Doesn't need to be complicated.

  7. 12 hours ago, Burnieman said:

    If the lowest level they can enter at offers that opportunity then of course it should. Every club outwith the Premier has that opportunity.

    It can only happen if this season is null and void.

    I'm sure it will be ok for blackburn to keep going in the top league though? A league they should possibly be relegated from 2seasons in a row, but get to reap the benefits whilst others suffer. Hopefully the league stick to going to a 1st division. Only fair option in my eyes.

  8. On 10/02/2021 at 17:34, Stag Nation said:

    So the non-league clubs would be shut off from ever advancing to the SPFL, and participation in the Scottish Cup would be difficult, if not impossible.

    Why not go the whole hog and call the non-league clubs "Junior" to avoid any confusion?

    I'm all for ambitious non league clubs aiming for the high level possible,  but it's been proven that it's very difficult to get to the spfl. Also not very financially rewarding. As for the scottish, why cant they still compete? It's not like their are many non league are in the cup after November, if they are it would be financially rewarding, meaning they could easily support the finances required to play any game after the end of a season.

  9. 8 hours ago, GordonS said:

    Wait, you want non league football on a different season to the league? So the team being relegated would have to wait from May to April to play their next match? And the promoted side wouldn't have a game from October to July?

    I dont care about league football, the way their voting, money distribution, cancelling of relegation etc proves they ain't bothered about a pyramid they were probably pressured into. 

    Non league should think about themselves, the same way the 11-1 spl voting structure proves they only think of themselves. If it were upto me the whole of Scottish football would be feb to November. Barring that xmas to feb shutdown with a june finish for all leagues. Anything but what we have now.

  10. 14 hours ago, Burnieman said:

    The point is, the EoS are probably at the forefront of change. Just look at the last 2 years.  So that's not an accusation you can level at them.

    Summer football won't happen unless the whole game moves to summer football, unless you want them out-of-sync with the rest of the pyramid.  It's also not a very good idea.

    Until the lowland league sort out how many teams they are willing to relegate (3 imo), then I've no sympathy for them not getting their playoff. Therefore all non league summer footy for me. Better weather, possibly better crowds and hopefully more consistent performances.

  11. The weather between November and February is horrendous for football.  You just need to look at fixtures list  before the shutdown to see the amount of Ps.  

    The pitches wont be getting cut up anywhere near as much and can get decent maintenance on them. 

    Nowadays more players work shifts, and go on holiday, stags, breaks all season, without a care for the club. Rather than just the school holidays. 

    As for the saturdays, well your arguments pretty poor as midweek games could easily fit in. Only 1 per week max, rather than the usual end of season 4 games in 8 days scenario.  

    As far as I'm concerned, there are too many people who are deciding our game, who just dont do change. Scottish football will only get worse if we dont do suhn.

  12. 5 hours ago, Jambo'ness said:

    Three down is maybe too much, unless you accept the inevitable that the SoS team promoted would most likely go back down again.

    No different to the non league wanting 2 relegated from league 2.  Imo if the champs of the south aren't licenced, then 3rd bottom get a reprieve. After all they have as much much right to promotion as an east/west big gun. 

  13. The colts and reconstruction idea is fantastic in my opinion. Revenue to small clubs, less divisions and a more realistic competition, not to mention great experience against good honest pros for the best young talents in the scottish game rather than playing against lesser players the same age and size.

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