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Everything posted by Moomintroll

  1. Well given he has lost his job & home, I would say yes until he can get something sorted. Very few people are lucky enough to have savings to tide them over with all the current uncertainty. Plus good luck getting a rental property when you are unemployed.
  2. Already been one edgelord emptied tonight for being a dick to others, best not make it 2 m9.
  3. Shite League though, my 9 year old cousin would have scored a hat trick.
  4. My Granny played for Scotland, she nearly scored a goal.
  5. Three different roles being offered, effectively admin, patient welfare & vaccination itself. There is a long list of requirements but would think those sorts will be kept well away from the actual needles after the selection process.
  6. I received an email from St Johns Ambulance today asking me to volunteer to be involved with dishing out the vaccine down here. I would assume they will be doing it with all the first aiders they have on their records.
  7. Only just realised your avatar features a duck in a suit. I thought it was a Wayne Cochran album cover.
  8. It's lucky for Spurs when the year ends in 1.
  9. I'm honestly fine Ruggy, was an absolute shambles a while back but some heavy duty meds have fixed that. It was an honest post as I don't see the need to niggle at people all the time to try and get a rise out of them, seems like pretty juvenile behaviour from so called adults.
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