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Everything posted by Moomintroll

  1. When it comes to racism, the far right or the far left I totally agree. Odd that some people are applying coloured circles to utterly benign posts however, it is as if they have an agenda or are exerting peer pressure to belittle an individual for no good reason, I am certain there is a word for that but it escapes me for the moment.
  2. I was talking about the coloured circles m876 as well you know, my thoughts on racism are on the EFL thread.
  3. I dislike Anarchists, I despise Anti-Semitism, I dismiss the Far Left & Marxist types as much as I dismiss the likes of Griffin & Yaxley-Lennon as hate filled rabble rousers. The true purpose of BLM is not about people who will predictably hijack any suitable cause, it is about fighting racial injustice that is still prevalent today & that needs to be stopped quickly. The fact that these cretins feel emboldened enough to boo taking a knee and then come out with a "statement" like that tells us all we need to know about how far we have to go yet to eradicate this evil from our society.
  4. Looking at that line up, I am assuming that Defoe is now an impact sub forever more as I thought he was a stick on to start today. Any thoughts on that one way or another?
  5. It would appear that Lennon is causing mass decapitations among the matching jaikit brigade at the moment.
  6. Delighted to report that Derby have just taken the lead, not too many people there so should be easy to identify & ban the racist idiots.
  7. Have we only named 6 subs in a snide, thats all we can fit on the bus dig?
  8. If you can put a team on the park with the go ahead from the LHA I cannot see how they can justify any points deduction, 40k fine suspended until June in line with our financial punishment is the sensible option.
  9. How the f**k do you hang up a combine harvester?
  10. That is some collapse from 49/0 at close the day before.
  11. Any truth in the rumour that Police Squad have raided Tannadice this morning?
  12. Taken from a Cricket group, I had no idea Danny McGrain played Cricket back in the day.
  13. Me too, think of the savings on seat repairs if crowds are back in by the split.
  14. I prefer to see it as a win but I suspect you may be correct.
  15. It might cost us a shot at 6th place but more than likely we will bumble along between 7th to 9th with no real dramas.
  16. Oh God, that's us started with the statements as well. Why do people never get proofreaders in before releasing these things?
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