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Everything posted by Moomintroll

  1. It isn't just Lennon, willy is a Cult leaders dream as he is so brainwashed he is utterly unable to admit a single thing that anyone or anything connected to them says or does could possibly be wrong. The only thing that has changed this year is that the scales have fallen from every other Celtic fans eyes on here & they are no longer circling the wagons to protect him.
  2. Pepp, we get it, Britain bad. Can you just forget that shite and celebrate the mad wee genius on this thread. Said it before but in this era with the protection now given to players he would be head and shoulders above Messi & Ronaldo, for me he is the undisputed GOAT.
  3. Romeo you are shooting too low, you could pick a better team, train & motivate them better & make wiser tactical changes than the current incumbent.
  4. Wise words Drew, I look forward to comical willys take on this one.
  5. Has no one noticed TheDog is clearly someone having a laugh about bipolar syndrome @Tynierose I understand that I have fucked up & I will medicate accordingly, not that it helps sometimes, but that person istaking the piss from a mental health POV.
  6. Sevco's standards seem to be much higher, especially in Europe. I thought you lads were the anti Brexit bunch.
  7. He very much was at the point he posted his disgusting homophobic nonsense. Tynie rightly booted him & said so at the time.
  8. It is to a few cliquey arseholes on here, aided & abetted by the moderating team who are quite happy to let them destroy peoples mental health to perpetuate the echo chamber mentality. As long as they can give each other the appropriate coloured arrow then that is all that matters, I hope @Div has a good pension plan in place as this site is dying on its arse because of those self righteous bullying wankers.
  9. You are even more deluded than willy talking about ra sellick if you are trying to claim that anti-semitism is not an issue amidst the extreme left wing elements of the Labour Party. It is utterly & absolutely endemic, why, after over 2000 years of persecution, do people still hate Jews so much?
  10. I honestly believe that Jeremy Corbyn was overwhelmed by finding himself in the position he did & gave too much power & credence to some of the people who got him there, the noisiest wheels always get the most oil & sadly those wheels were spouting Anti-Semitic, Marxist nonsense that was attributed to him personally.
  11. Ignore me, ongoing shite in the Heads Gone/Coronavirus threads.
  12. I genuinely feel sorry for Jeremy Corbyn, I have actually had the chance to talk to him & I believe he is a good person but he has been led down the rabbit hole by people with darker agendas than him & the decent, socialist aims he believes in are drowned out by a combination of those people who have starkly Marxist, Communist agendas & the media in this Country who consistently painted him as something he is not because of those around him. He is a decent person, he was never a credible Leader of the Opposition, neither would he ever be a Prime Minister.
  13. Yay, the Whatsapp group has a new member, I refer you to my original biblical quote. Ian Curtis was clinically depressed & along with Spike Milligan and Tony Hancock is one of my heroes, I, unlike them, have never achieved anything but I admire them for being able to do what they did.
  14. That is excellent news, hopefully Milne will be outed as the ringleader.
  15. Darkly funny that you have Ian Curtis as your avatar given your complete disregard for people with mental health problems.
  16. I know that Tynie banned him a year or two back for posting a load of cartoons & using homophobic language after being told to rein it in. I also know that Aston Villa are a splendid club who deserve to win the Barclays this year & I solemnly promise not to use the report function either, unless, of course, the clique bully me, but they are a good bunch at heart so I am sure that will not hapoen.
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