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Everything posted by Moomintroll

  1. Are they taking the piss having that strapline on Shaggers top?
  2. I thought that was a shortcut for giving @KnightswoodBear a greenie.
  3. Oh, almost forgot, farewell sweet loafer wearing Prince.
  4. A world of gastric excitement beckons, put a store of cold water by the toilet & stick a couple of towels in the freezer to prep.
  5. 8 for Monday, BJK & surprise, surprise the Periodic Fucking Table. Convinced my brain is doing it on purpose to me now.
  6. The issue is in a lot of cases if 1 was a 6 & 2 was an 8, 1 is still getting the job as it stands. The pendulum needs to swing the other way for the balance to be redressed. It isn't ideal but neither is what has gone before.
  7. You take that back, Cardassians have feelings too you know, unless you were talking about the English. In which case as you were.
  8. Contrived to get married on the same day as the 2011 CL Final, hadn't noticed they moved the Final to Saturday. A few attempts to sneak to the room where they had set up a tv for it did not go down well.
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