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Everything posted by Moomintroll

  1. It was just a shit joke based on an old Spitting Image song, I wasn't being serious but cheers for the info.
  2. Cheers for making allowances for the AFKAM Miguel, always said you were a good lad.
  3. Just f**k off, not you benny, those white (and they are always white) bookburners need to look at the source of their comfortable middle class families wealth before spouting that shite. They are trivialising the issue before settling into their cosseted lives thanks to the very people they are "protesting" against. If you want to make a difference pledge your inheritance to a foodbank or a similar cause, otherwise f**k off.
  4. Not going to lie, Lord Dyer can rearrange my guts any day, please never, ever post Gary Holt on here as a lady.
  5. Lord Dyer of Newham wll be the most handsome Manager by far.
  6. Why would you want to pour custard out the bottom of the tin? Animal. It's the only way he can reach it #amarite.
  7. That is what annoys me about the Green Brigade, when they are in or around a football stadium they act so offensively & actively support proscribed terrorist organisations. Yet away from that they genuinely do a lot of good, if they could scrap that other shite they would leave the racists and fascists hanging without a single shred of whitabootery to cling onto.
  8. Fucking finally, I mean, ahem, thoughts & prayers etc.
  9. No arguments from me, we have a One way system in place & can only allow 15 people at a time into a 30,000 sq ft BC. Seems bloody pointless by this stage but we need to enforce the rules.
  10. Disgusting, really don't know what goes through peoples minds at times.
  11. Probably not but as long as they keep the pretence up it's all good.
  12. I am confident that successful Businesswoman Ann Budge will get the fans to pay for it.
  13. I wish, it's far more boring than that, they listen in then call the Police if we request it or they can hear an issue.
  14. They are generally fine but they have properly lost their shit over this, we just do what we are told.
  15. Btw, I wish I was joking about this but our H&S team are coming in and checking CCTV to make sure it is being enforced. I know someone who has had a Written Warning for failing to enforce it in his BC so I have to be paranoid about it.
  16. @G_Man1985 How are your bosses directing you to deal with it as it sounds like we are being far more hard line than you guys are being.
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