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Everything posted by Caledonian1

  1. That was all so straightforward (for me) Got Fans First for Germany game so delighted with that as I was considring not going if I was shunted into nore expensive seats 9and boy are they expensive) Went for 60euro ones for the other games so cant complain Filled in all the seating requests but lets face it....if yer in, yer in.........
  2. I would have MacInnes back but not the tired version we had for his last 18 months - however, if he were to come back I am sure he would be motivated once again. Those last 18 months the performances were un-watchable and I often felt I was completely wasting time and money going to Pittodrie
  3. Can you just imagine the dodgy deals being done during this visit to Saudi Arabia (and UAE) yesterday
  4. yet another for McTominay......oh potential foul ETA - goal ETA ETA just missed a good chance for his hat-trick
  5. I still have some Dunlop 65's........still in their wrappers Actually someone gave them to me about 25 years ago.....which was years after they stopped being legal....tempted to un-wrap one some day. I am surprised that this rule change is not coming into force until 2029. I am sure it could have been implemented at least a couple years earlier. Perhaps we will see the average tour drive increase from current 299.9 yards to 320 yards by the time of the ball change.
  6. oh dear McTominay now on the deck and appears in considerable pain....physio on
  7. another for McTominay Was watching McGinn earlier and he looked excellent
  8. they have given themselves only 90 mins after sending codes to delay the process
  9. completely agree with this. I am keen to log on quickly as i simply wont go if I have to pay 400euro for a ticket
  10. nah, I would imagine a good few went online at 12 noon without realising the process had been cancelled - they would not have expected another SSC email so may not have checked their inbox
  11. I am currently in that position (12 points go to all home games and dont have a passport at the moment) I used to go to loads of away matches (mostly in the nineties) but my personal financial circumstances make that impossible but always hoped that I could maybe save up (as I have been doing) and go to the finals. By doing this I am not queue jumping simply getting access to the less expensive tickets at the same time as everyone else on 12 points or more. I still struggle to see why those who can afford to travel the world should be entitled to the cheapest tickets. I am only going for the 50euro or 195euro tickets for the opening game as anything more than that is just stupid (in my circumstances)
  12. Bring back Marjory Nimmo. She would probably have dealt with this by issuing tickets to all eligible out of her handbag.
  13. would it not have been easier to advise UEFA to not recognise the codes already issued in error to the 11 pointers
  14. well isn't is only fair and just that those who have sufficient disposable income to travel the world get the cheap tickets and that those who can only afford to go to home matches pay are stuck with 400 or 600 euro ones?
  15. Not sure why they cant tell us when the sale is happening. This is an issue brought on by SSC and not UEFA - as pointed out above it is not their concern how the SSC distribute tickets and they wont even know the difference between an 11 pointer and a 12 pointer. Its quite incredible that this has happened as the SSC know they will publicly get flack if they mess things up - surely they had meetings over the past few days to look at all the potential problems and "what ifs" the system should have been fool proof. They messed up issuing codes within 90 mins of the sale - even a day would have allowed them to rectify the situation and still to the noon sale. As said above, someone responsible will have their jaicket on a shoogly peg......
  16. Why did Belgium substitute their keeper in 90+3 mins? Thankfully they seemed to put Lee Van Gibson in goals and she couldnt get to the header
  17. I have gone from being really excited about playing Germany in the opening match to being depressed about how much a rip off this match is. Don;t mind the 50 euro tickets but for there to be less than 3000 of them for SSC is an absolute joke....fans first my arse. Next category are inexplicably 195 euro - if necessary I will grit my teeth and get one of those but no way will I pay 400 euro for a ticket for a fitba match. Well if I am lucky great but fully expecting to bin any plans for Munich and head out to Koln the week after.
  18. Thats a bit harsh. Kahula Rangers had a few players carrying injuries and a couple of suspensions to contend with. Maybe teams in Sierra Leon dont get penalties for simply being called Rangers?
  19. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=netherlands+v+belgium+woman&sca_esv=588163067&sxsrf=AM9HkKnkGMtH8Un50u_HS4ytgotGBtIz5g%3A1701813408984&source=hp&ei=oJxvZYOmOf24i-gPxOKugAI&iflsig=AO6bgOgAAAAAZW-qsBl6-dWDFIXg4pxWyVCwY07GlMTV&oq=netherlands+v+bel&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IhFuZXRoZXJsYW5kcyB2IGJlbCoCCAEyCxAAGIAEGLEDGIMBMgQQABgDMgQQABgDMgQQABgDMgQQABgDMgQQABgDMgYQABgDGAoyBBAAGAMyCxAAGIAEGLEDGIMBMgUQABiABEigMlAAWK8ccAB4AJABAJgBsQGgAbYNqgEEMTIuNbgBAcgBAPgBAcICChAjGIAEGIoFGCfCAhMQLhiABBiKBRjHARivARiOBRgnwgIREC4YgAQYsQMYgwEYxwEY0QPCAg4QLhiABBiKBRixAxiDAcICCxAuGIAEGLEDGIMBwgIEECMYJ8ICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgIOEAAYgAQYigUYsQMYgwHCAgUQLhiABMICCxAuGIAEGMcBGK8BwgILEC4YgwEYsQMYgATCAhEQLhiABBjHARivARiYBRiZBQ&sclient=gws-wiz#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:8d8970b5,vid:HDcSK4olxtE,st:0 1,33 onwards......pandemonium then "England score, England score....." then....ho ho ho
  20. I like Erin Cuthbert but to be honest she was absolutely honking tonight. Her passes continually never found their target and she seemed to be strolling about not getting involved - thats not what we expect of her and I think she needs to be honest as to whether she should have been playing in that game..........looked awfully like she would have preferred bloody Team GB in the Olympics on that showing If she plays again she has a lot to prove to Scotland fans from now on
  21. I hope that we get some video of the last couple of minutes in Tilburg. Honestly fuming at that Scotland performance (well perhaps more so the selection of defenders and goalie) Hopefully some of those players have played their last games for Scotland.......subs did well though
  22. I hope our manager resigns after this nonsense....sent out a weakened team who certainly were not playing to their full potential. No Team Gee Bee at the olympics............not the way i wanted to see this happen but pleased with the outcome nethertheless
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