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Posts posted by MaggieJacobs

  1. Had a few good ones lately.


    Some truly greats lyrics on this one, and i like the backing vocals by Neneh Cherry.



    The New York scene produced some really great stuff around this 70's era. Ramones, New York Dolls, Television, Patti Smith.

    Barely a weak track on this one and some amazing riffs. Tom Verlaine has a truly unique voice.

    Is it punk? No idea, but its great.



    Was a bit surprised to see this one in the book/generator. But a pleasant surprise for sure. Just finished Tim Burgess book with the same name and its great. Some nice anecdotes from the Madchester era.

    This surely is one of their best albums, imo together with Some Friendly and Up To Our Hips which are both top class.

    Sadly Rob Collins passed away during the recording of this one.

    But the result, with songs like Tellin Stories, One to Another and How High leaves me with no other option than a 5/5 obviously.



  2. 8 hours ago, WilliamBragg said:

    I've been going through the 2016 version of this book.

    I'm on album 892 at the moment which is by Le Tigre.

    It's been a journey but hacmve discovered some new artists and revisited some old classics.

    Nice! Doing it chronologically then i suppose?

    My album of the day is this.

    What a great run of albums they had with Blue Lines, Protection and Mezzanine.



  3. 1 hour ago, Jimi Shandrix said:

    I don't imagine you'll be this lucky  all the time. Slanted is a beast of a record.

    Yea its great for sure. Is it better than Crooked Rain though? Think i need to put that one on now, its been too long.

    I've been pretty lucky the last week with the generator. Think i've had New Wave by The Aueturs, Second Toughest In The Infants by the Underworld, Murder Ballads by Nick Cave and Hounds of Love by Kate Bush. All records i really enjoy.

    But then i also had an Alice Cooper record. Cant like 'em all!

    But its a nice way to listen to stuff i wouldnt bother with otherwise. Epsecially when spending a few hours a day listenting to music in front of my computer while working.

  4. Im letting a god damn computer decide an album for me each day and am enjoying it quite a lot so far.

    Albums are taken from the book 1001 albums you must hear before you die.

    Anyone else up for some album sharing/listening? Could discuss the albums generated in here.


    Mine for today is this lo-fi album. I havent revisited it in a while, but Summer Babe is a great tune.


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