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Posts posted by Caley_Scot

  1. 3 minutes ago, G51 said:

    That would have a huge impact on the league table if we did that. I appreciate where you're coming from but it feels like using a hammer to crack a nut.

    As others have said, these guys are unlikely to be the last. Important not to lose the run of ourselves. I think a fine and a ban for the offenders would be suffice.

    I know its like a hammer to crack a nut. But maybe its whats needed as some of these guys dont seem to be heeding the we’ve asked you nicely approach, so why not go hammer and tongs? Maybe it’ll work or it won’t. But might make them think twice first

  2. 5 minutes ago, G51 said:

    It's just a rumour for now, but I would really struggle to understand the logic behind this one.

    Postponing Celtics games? Yeah, I could understand that. Killie? Bit of a stretch but again, understandable.

    The other teams? I don't see the justification in terms of health risks. If it's about sending a message, surely that is better sent through discipline of individual players/clubs.

    One way to send a message through discipline is that and offending club has to forfeit all their games in the following 14 day window with standard 3-0 loses and as for the likes of what happened on sunday. That result is over turned and the full 3 points are given to the opposing  team and if they also have to call off any games in that 14 day window. Then just its just standard re-arranged games

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