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Rhys McCabe Hype Train

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Everything posted by Rhys McCabe Hype Train

  1. Was hoping club might’ve made public that we’ll be voting against the Conference League by now.
  2. Presumably contracts have officially expired today? Should we be expecting a retained list soon?
  3. Hoping an ITK can let us know if the kits are coming on time this season.
  4. My sources say he was in paying for a block booking on the 5s pitches. False alarm, everyone.
  5. Anyone know what Liam Coogans or Liam Watt are up to these days? Did think from a number of weeks back that Smith would probably be away, very much thought we could tempt Gabby into staying as he offers so much out wide, but as much as I think “let’s see”, we do have to be a bit ruthless this summer. Remember when we ended up in the First Division by default a week or two before the start of the season with a largely assembled Second Division team? Don’t think I’ve seen a shout for Kai Kennedy over the last few pages, would be on the phone to secure his signature pronto. A player who has performed in the Championship for a few clubs. On the other wing, Connor Smith anyone? Big few weeks coming up. Desperate to see a retained list, a link for season tickets and new strips.
  6. 3 year deal and money paid for a player, is something you do not often see at this level unless it’s Falkirk. Any idea what the fee is?
  7. Through a visor of Tennents lager & chicken pakora I think I’ve just about managed to process yesterday’s events. In 2012-13, we were relegated after a futile First Division campaign. We finished 12 points behind Dunfermline, who themselves had a 15 point deduction for administration, and a -48 goal difference. That summer, I moved down south and became as disconnected from the club as I ever had been. Rollercoasters followed. Ownership changes (3, I think?), false dawns, charlatans on and off the pitch, journalists becoming CEOs, Willie Aitchison… every time we thought we’d reached our nadir and then something else would come and take us down another peg. Ten years later and that has all been cast adrift. And what a match to define the previous decade. Dead, buried and deflated with a minute of normal time to go - same old Airdrie, so near but yet so far in the play-offs. And then the goal. And then the penalties. And then the ecstasy. Walking home in the rain last night, it was all worthwhile. Airdrie are great again.
  8. Thought it was a very very nervy first half, clearly both sides not really wanting to be open. Sure enough took a moment of real good luck and a quality run and finish from Smith. Of course it wouldn’t be Airdrie without a red card and Janny obliges. All to play for on Saturday. Better be worth the £30 I’ve paid for me and my nephew.
  9. They look a level above you clowns, right enough. Gibson still looked pretty useful for being 50 odd year old. Wonder where QOTS would’ve been I’ve he’d had played himself.
  10. Can we have Easton on an emergency loan for the play-off final, please?
  11. This seems to be the general consensus. Train of thought that after 6 months on the sidelines & two red cards (one of which in the biggest match of the season) that he doesn’t merit that extra year, albeit that our best form has coincided with his longest run of appearances. Jamieson looked assured yesterday and had a huge smile on his face at full time. I’d be more than happy having him involved in the squad in some capacity.
  12. While 8.5 minutes of McGlynn’s flapping every week has been a highlight of the season, I do wonder why the club allow the media team to let the manager tie himself up in knots for as long a time as they do as it clearly does nothing but antagonise the fan base. And as for the questions that are asked, they’re nearly as bad as the daft bugger’s commentary. Over the last few years I was always frustrated that we would see a maximum 90 second interview after the match but now I totally understand why.
  13. Apparently if we didn’t get Jamieson, Benjamin Siegrist was our other option.
  14. If they have to give refunds on their 10 year season ticket it could be closer than we think.
  15. I mean you’ve just outlined exactly why it was a red card here. That was mental. Never seen a first half like it, then typical Airdrie in the second half. Will go one of two ways on Saturday - same again, or a long hard slog for 90 minutes. Then we’ll probably shit the bed against Alloa. Have a good evening Bairns.
  16. Call me old fashioned, but I’d have thought outscoring your opponent is the absolute minimum to win a game of football?
  17. My only hope for this season is a Fernando win at some point. Hopefully Max & Checo continue jousting so there’s at least a semblance of a title fight, only for one to take the other out at some point allowing Nando to waltz through to a P1. We can live in hope. EDIT: Also if Sargeant continues on his current trend, Williams would be as well dumping him after Austin and just flinging Jamie Chadwick in the car for the last few races. I’m sure she could finish 20th and 20 secs off the pack as well.
  18. If LJ leaves St Mirren after his contract expires, then would his new club be liable for a development fee?
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