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Everything posted by WilliamBragg

  1. I was all for my team continuing to play but understood those who didn't want 6o play. If I'm being honest I am now edging towards cancelling the season. I promise it's not because my team are nearer the bottom of the league than the top!
  2. Ever since Rangers fans claimed Morelos us picked on by refs it would appear he would need to commit a murder to get sent off these days.
  3. The biggest theft of three points I've seen in a long time. Brother Bobby will be raging the Lodge is closed tonight.
  4. It was Morelos running through. Surely that's not a goalscoring opportunity?
  5. This is such a Tommy Burns type Celtic performance I'm half expecting McCoist to score the winner in the second half.
  6. Well it took 20 months but that's all 1001 albums of the 2016 edition listened to. Enjoyed discovering new artists old favourites, realising I really don't like some and delving into various eras
  7. Great manager and possibly a bit unlucky Alex Ferguson came along at roughly the same time as I think he would have won more otherwise. Didn't take any sh1t from anyone and wasn't scare to deflate egos. His style probably wouldn't work with the modern player but he was a man of his time. RIP Jim.
  8. There weren't any other games. Cheers that answers that then. For some reason I thought there was a full card on and we were playing Kilwinning. Need to stop mixing Buckfast with my Advocaat. I've now put down the Buckfast and see the fixtures I was talking about are tomorrow!
  9. Sad day for football. Absolutely loved him at Beith. Along with Sal, Ian Balmer and Stuart Hodge my original football heroes. RIP wee man.
  10. Was that MJC I heard celebrating that second Rangers goal? Never exactly sure who he really supports.
  11. Beith Juniors legend from before my time admittedly. My late dad always told me was a great player and a good man. Part of the great Beith team of the sixties who won everything except the Scottish.
  12. Probably not his favourite ever game he played in! From what I remember they were decent enough lads who were just out their depth in the Junior world. Obviously at that time it is what Hurlford could afford. Which goes to show football changes and teams like Ardeer can rise again.
  13. If I remember correctly Hurlford lost 77 games in a row on the mid 90s. We beat them 15-0 in the 1994/95 Ayrshire Cup which is still our record score. The scorers Craig Shanaghey(6), Derek Love(3), Lapam(2o.gs), Steve Tennant(pen), Peter Conlan, Billy Borthwick and Scott McKernan still trip off the tongue!
  14. Correct it was against Kilbirnie and was to be played on Christmas Eve. RAF boys understandably couldn't get down and were thrown out cup. To be fair to Kilbirnie from what I remember they were willing to delay the tie to the New Year.
  15. How many games are likely to survive the weather of the last few days. More importantly in my case how is Hurlfords park looking?
  16. Does Stuart Baxter actually exist or is it just a name they put in to pad things out? Used to be mentioned for every job going without actually getting it. I think I would be more likely to believe in Santa than Stuart Baxter!
  17. Apologies to all Rangers fans as I had just transferred him into my fantasy league team. I'll accept the blame for him now being out!
  18. I can't disagree he's not the player he once was but is more than capable of still being an impact player. In the 4 years since you reckon he was a good player he has scored important goals to win a league title, West of Scotland Cup and get us to the semis of the Scottish. More than happy to give him a chance to add to his 200 + goals for the Mighty. Anyway football is all about opinions so you're more than entitled to yours. As always the answer will be on the park!
  19. Well done Bankies deserved the win. Hope you go and win the tournament now.
  20. Beith 0 Clydebank 2 113mins. Looks all over.
  21. Beith 0 Clydebank 0 ft. Extra time beckons and if Calum's battery lasts so will the streaming. First World problems!
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