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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. To have outperformed both Cove and Hamilton by such a huge margin despite them both outspending us is yet another mark of how well Mcglynn has used his available budget, his success rate in the transfer market and the way he has been able to either move on or get more out of the players he was lumbered with has been quite remarkable.
  2. Yes, Latapy didn’t have a club after being released by Dundee United who were only one division above us at the time, Arfield is wanted and playing every week for a club in the MLS, the nature of Russels departure from both Rangers then Dundee United for consecutive disciplinary issues probably put a lot of other clubs at a higher level of him to an extent as well. We as a club were also spending quite significantly in comparison to the clubs around us at that point which won’t be the case next season and the wee man was best pals with yogi, I was delighted but not overly shocked when we signed Latapy. Russel got a new lease of life with us under yogi and we probably got him playing better football than he had done for a good couple of seasons, the guy was obviously fantastic for us but the club at that time was good for Russel as well. The two situations are not comparable, they are different players at different points in theyre careers and it’s a completely different era in our clubs history.
  3. Him randomly mentioning he’d like to end his career at Falkirk when he’s finished at the the level he’s currently at is one thing. Downing tools in the middle of an incredibly lucrative contract playing in the MLS against the likes of Messi ect and coming to the Falkirk stadium at this present moment is quite obviously another and was hardly ever a realistic possibility to anybody with half a brain.
  4. At no point ever ever ever ever was Scott Arfield going to be signing for Falkirk this summer regardless of what our playing budget was! Where on earth are you getting this from?
  5. Add to that the McIvor signing and also Mcglynn being kept on in the summer
  6. I actually find it amazing the club have no oversight or input whatsoever when it comes to the foundation, not even a seat on the BOD. It’s something that definitely needs to be looked at particularly when considering the foundation are using the clubs name, brand and facilities as a means of raising money via player recruitment ect. The organisation does seem to have ran away with itself a little and a bit of a re-set might be required to bring everything back to its grass roots.
  7. If he’d been putting in MOM performances or banging the goals in his celebrations the other week would have made no difference and he’d still be up there, I’d suggest he perhaps hasn’t quite set the heather alight is more the reason for his return.
  8. In that case if Raith offered him a deal in theory we’d be due them some form of compensation which probably rules him out as a signing, I don’t think he has anything on the table from them however.
  9. No, think that only applies to players 23 years of age or younger.
  10. I’ve thought similarly, our style of play should actually really suit teams being more open against us next season. We have a lot of pace in the side and are capable of turning defence into attack with a fair degree of speed and precision when given space.
  11. This but apart from Raith. Keep them down and let st Johnstone have one more season up in the premier then the championship title next season will be quite obviously ours to loose!
  12. Even if you had been a little closer, 2nd place is still 2nd place. No chance accies were ever going to pip that Falkirk side to the tittle.
  13. Probably the last good keeper we’ve had in fairness, all the others since we’ve been in this division have been awful or at best ok. The second half of that relegation season Burgoyne had some brilliant games.
  14. Near the beginning of the discussion If you’d bothered to read my initial post I never mentioned PATG (which should also be a thing at this level as well anyway) Do keep up!
  15. I’d presume a loan player or two over and above that as well. Then would also would love to see one or more of the apprentices who have spent this season on loan making in impact for us, guess that comes down to how they perform preseason.
  16. You can literally buy tickets for these games right up until kick off (I’ve done it!) at the stadium if it isn’t sold out. Don’t think it’s much to expect the same for a game in the third tier with a fraction of the crowd!
  17. He’s making it very hard for Mcglynn not to offer him an extension, fair play to the guy.
  18. If tickets are still available they should be sold right up until kick off, what an absolute joke. Every effort possible should be made to get paying fans to games not involving the arse cheeks here in Scotland, instead we put barriers up, mental!
  19. Agree is seems a bit of a missed opportunity, I’m sure the club might eventually be allowed some form of use from any new changing facilities but the appeared lack of communication from the foundation does seem disappointing, the organisation should be working alongside the football club and it does have a feel of the tail wagging the dog a bit here. Any construction should have been in collaboration with the club having some level of input which would have maximised its usefulness to all parties, hopefully there’s still a line of communication there where this might happen.
  20. We need more corporate and hospitality space that is not subject to council charges. That would be a benefit if a way could be found to fund at a neutral or low cost. A stand should not be looked at as black and white as the number of standard tickets sold every second Saturday but viewd as a facility the club can use and generate income from 7 days a week.
  21. Re training facilities: The club do also have use of little Kerse again at no cost other than maintaining the pitches (a club sponsor has offered to do this). That deal was done at the beginning of last season but Mcglynn opted to use the stadium for training instead.
  22. Of course it is but the disconnect from the club and manner in which the foundation is being run at the moment most certainly should be a concern.
  23. How far does the land the club have extend? I wasn’t actually sure where the boundary was. Thought it might just have been in line with where the hypothetical 4th stand would sit and no further?
  24. Precisely, any development should be a joint venture considering ways of maximising benefits to all parties including the club itself. At the very least there needs to be consultation. In an ideal world any construction should sensibly be incorporating a 4th stand where the club already have outline planning permission to build.
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