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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. Said this previously but it’s something the club really need to seriously look at while the foundation are trading and actively using the football clubs brand, facilities and fan base to attract kids. Although unfortunately it appears we actually have very little control over how the foundation operate now with the club not even having a seat on its board so I’m not sure how we’d go about trying to implement change as things stand. The club either need to gain some level of control where by we can influence these things or if push comes to shove the nuclear option would be to stop the foundation using the clubs brand, logo, strips, facilities ect and we look to do something more in house as was done previously pre foundation with Falkirk FC in the community.
  2. It’s completely ridiculous the club have no representation on that board whatsoever yet it’s marketed at kids looking to play football as the “Falkirk Foundation” using the club badge and football strips. That in itself needs to change.
  3. Unless there is some dialogue and meaningful change the club should seriously consider bringing the football back in house and stop the foundation using the clubs name, the clubs brand, the clubs strips ect.
  4. The club need to have a serious conversation with the foundation, if the football side of things is no longer a priority for them and the club have no meaningful control or input to change that then we really can’t afford to be associated/affiliated with the organisation anymore in a footballing sense (particularly when it appears the football side of things and association with the club is now only being used as a cash cow) and should perhaps look to stop the foundation marketing to these kids as being part of the football club. It’s the clubs brand and reputation at the end of the day and if could be brought back in house somehow as it was previously then that may need to be looked at.
  5. Spoke to a parent today , his son has not long left Bo’Ness to play for a foundation ran team and he’s anything but impressed. One coach to 20 boys most of the time, £40 a month and apparently outwith the coaching all the kids get is a strip. The Bo’ness team periodically took the kids away day trips to various places, they got home and away kits along with branded tracksuits, ruck sacks and water bottles ect with lower monthly fees.
  6. Full thing needs a shake up, maybe the club needs to start taking a harder line with the foundation, sounds like a number of hangers on and blazer chasers causing issues within the organisation very similar to how the club once was. For one reason or another the two organisations have drifted way too far apart. The foundation only exists because of the club, previous to the charity being set up the club done this completely by themselves through Falkirk FC in the community, the club shouldn’t be in a position where the tail is wagging the dog here. If the foundation are no longer interested in the football side of things and the club has no meaningful input then a new arrangement needs to be considered. They are using the club brand , club facilities and trading on the back of the Falkirk support where most fans are under the impression the foundation and club are one and the same, that clearly is no longer the case.
  7. Why are the foundation even involved with the south stand bar in the first place?! Surely that’s purely the clubs domain and revenue stream, Sandy Alexander owning the stand and the club paying full rent to him for using it. Get AT to f**k, he was part of the previous regime that nearly sunk the club. It’s starting to sound like the inner workings of the Falkirk foundation have been going under the radar and need a closer look, surely at least the footballing side of the organising needs to run in conjunction with the club with oversight from both parties?
  8. Might be worth raising at the upcoming FSS AGM, not sure how much control the club have over the foundation now right enough but they should certainly be an active partner and able to influence the football type aspects which this is. Pre creation of the foundation it was “Falkirk in the community” which was obviously completely and solely ran by the club so i’d like to think we still have some influence over the footballing side of things which most certainly should include the woman’s teams.
  9. I’d have thought the women’s team would be exactly the sort of thing the foundation should be excelling at, are the issues all purely around funding? I was under the impression the foundation was awash with money. Did they not just receive a 400k government grant? There was also 20k surplus they were given from the money fans raised doing the KM7 stand at the beginning of last season which I am told was meant to be for funding a sensory center within the stadium, as far as I’m aware that still hasn’t happened so presumably the money should still be sitting there, perhaps somebody from the club could politely suggest they use some of those funds to help the girls out if the sensory center isn’t going to happen.
  10. Just imagine what would probably have happened if the club had went for the knee jerk reaction and binned Mcglynn after the Airdrie play off? It would have been yet another cycle of new manager, paying players off, more crazy player turnover in the summer ect ect. Thankfully calmer heads prevailed, on the whole last season was very decent considering where we were starting from, Dunfermline were just that bit more consistent then we cracked up in the later part of the season after it became obvious we weren’t going to catch them. In hindsight I’m glad the Airdrie result wasn’t looked at in isolation and we stuck by the manager and the plan looking at a bigger picture otherwise more upheaval would most likely would just have seen the club continue to spiral.
  11. Ross said he has yet to receive an offer from Raith, I don’t think he’s in a position to be to demanding or picky if we are indeed trying to sign him. He’s most certainly good enough and has shown it when he’s played, only having arguably the two best players in the league in front of him with Miller and Morrison has limited his appearances. I hope we are trying to keep him, having both him and Alfie on the bench gives us excellent depth and has no doubt kept both Miller and Morrison on their toes. A few bad games for either of them and nobody would bat an eye lid at either of them switching out for either Ross or Alfie.
  12. Yes, both had pretty well reported options of 1 year extensions on the table.
  13. I know the new owners are putting extra finance in but are they really spending that big comparatively to the other teams on players? We were obviously able to match or better the extensions they’d offered both Lang and Spencer.
  14. Queen’s Park are also paying fortunes, you think Danny Wilson came back from America for £500 a week? The team or teams relegated will also have players tied up on big money as well which they’re parachute payments will cover, especially if Ross County are one of them where McGregor will predictably bankroll a promotion push like he’s done after previous relegations. Outwith those two or three clubs I’d like to think with a few more FSS sign ups we’d be able to be competitive budget wise with any of the other clubs however.
  15. Must be getting a good few quid extra, might need to put the FSS minimum up to £20 a month! Lol
  16. Some of the Hamilton fans really need to have a look at this to put their season into perspective. Some delusions of grandeur over there. If we had binned Mcglynn at this point last season like they want to with Rankin where would we be now?
  17. A steady reliable goalkeeper would make a massive difference to that 11, it’s the only position I’d say we’ve had any significant issues with.
  18. Thought this as well, Ross was also pretty lively when he came on. Would be happy if that switch was made.
  19. That’s not factually correct is it? The baggage the Goodwillie signing entailed obviously factored in his decision to leave but at the end of the day he was still offered a years extension when Falkirks interest became apparent and despite unrest from some Raith fans he could just as easily have chosen to stay and front it out.
  20. I’d ended because he rejected a contract extension and singed one with Falkirk , don’t see how that changes the fact he finished 2nd with them in the season immediately after promotion.
  21. And John McGlynn is a diddy? He very nearly done the double promotion with Raith the last time he took them up. Probably with less resource than he’ll have at Falkirk.
  22. I hope McCann and Yates sign a new deal, probably Shanley as well and Morrison obviously. Oliver I’m 50\50 on, the rest can go
  23. The Airdrie team than finished 7 points behind a poor Falkirk side last season are up challenging for the playoffs. They literally signed nobody of note in the summer, it’s essentially the same squad.
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