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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. He’s certainly made a few eat humble pie. The folk moaning and bitching at the start of the season before a ball was even kicked about his signing, Yates being our first choice right back, McGlynn being kept on, Nesbit getting a new deal ect ect have been made to look pretty stupid now.
  2. Regardless of how simple it would be I doubt it’s somthing the club would be allowed to do last minute, we don’t live in a world of common sense and there’s probably a bit of red tape involved to do this. Most likely these arrangements are all made in advance through the week being approved by the police match advisor with stewarding and policing all pre planned and staffing arranged in advance.
  3. We only just released Burrell at the end of last season
  4. That’s it, a similar points per game return for Rankin next season probably wins them the league!
  5. He will have been offered a contract extension IMO, whether he chooses to sign it is another matter.
  6. I cannot envisage a situation where Mcglynn does not offer McCann an extension, we will struggle to replace him with better IMO. Another left back to push him/replace him is definitely required but he is a player we should be keeping.
  7. If we are going down this route could Camelon or Tamfourhill not claim ownership here? ……
  8. I’ve no idea why it would be a thing anyway, even if the stadium was in Grangemouth (postcode classes it as being in Falkirk town centre I’m told) why would that be an issue? It’s as much a part of Falkirk as say Camelon , Bainsford, carronshore ect ect
  9. The full main stand will be open should the tickets be needed IMO. If we don’t sell out all our tickets then they’ll keep that bit sectioned off however.
  10. The other thing worth noting is that if Rankin were to replicate the same win percentage (as he has at at this present moment) next season it would most likely be enough to win the league. It’s hard to legislate for a team going on the type of run Falkirk have so far, it’s not been the norm in this division.
  11. Did he not spend a season or 6 months out on loan to Montrose or something as well?
  12. No, we accept we can only pay out what we bring in like 90% of clubs in the country regardless of what league we are in, as has always been the case, it’s not difficult. Should we still be in this division I doubt it would actually be as severe as a part time scenario but the club needs to plan budgets for a worst case scenario as well as a best case. Do you think we are different from the rest somehow? Should we borrow money and put the club into debt? Should we rip up the fan ownership model and sell to a Mark Campbell type? Is there a billionaire sugar daddy prepared to buy us and bank roll the club indefinitely? I’d love to hear what it is you’re suggesting the club could do to increase revenue over and above what is already being done.
  13. We’ll be completely stable but will have to cut our cloth accordingly like every other club has to should we be in league one again. The playing budget will reflect this, that’s life. We can’t keep paying championship wages indefinitely while spending a 6th year in league one.
  14. Well accounts for the current year obviously haven’t been published yet so how could I or anybody claim it as fact unless they are actually on the BOD or mid term numbers had been leaked!? You brought the subject of investment up so I stupidly presumed you’d actually have paid some attention to what’s been going on behind the scenes! FFS, you don’t have to be brains of Britain to calculate the numbers the FSS are now contributing each month, add into that increased gates, a 10% hike in season ticket and PATG prices, sold out hospitality, increased sponsorship moneys, increased merchandise and strip sales, the club actually telling us they’ve exceeded a number of revenue targets for the year already ect ect! Unless they are making all that shit up it quite obviously is going to contribute to an increase in the clubs overall revenue! Last years published accounts also showed increases in these revenue streams , that is there in black and white so yes! It’s is indeed most likely we’ll see that trend continue when this years accounts are published!
  15. Yes, of course we must be! Between FSS contributions and increased commercial income it’s most likely been halved or more in this year I’d say, we’ll see when accounts are published. FSS contributions alone will be contributing well over 100k and membership numbers seem to be steadily increasing as well, are you not happy at how things are being ran? Off the field as far as the club accounts go shows income has been growing healthily, it’s all there on record if you bother to check and i’m guessing when accounts for this year are published that trend will have continued if the reports are accurate regarding pretty ambitious income targets being already exceeded from merchandise , hospitality and sponsorship ect in this year. We could of course just stop trying to grow revenue streams and cut the playing budget if that’s what you’d prefer?
  16. You realise the current board have actually attracted record numbers of investment both last season and this? The pretty lofty commercial targets set have all been exceeded.
  17. I know it’s a long way of before the club is in a position to look at stuff like this but I’d love us to build a proper terracing rather than a seated stand to fill that space at some point, maybe the internal could have a row of windows to incorporate catering or hospitality lounges but don’t see any reason why we shouldn’t be the first to built a fit for the modern day but old school style terracing. As far as I’m aware the current premier league rules no longer forbid this. Presumably it would also be cheaper to construct than an actual run of the mill seated stand?
  18. The members I know (including myself) all certainly do yes. Id imagine a sizeable majority are the same, the FSS probably have numbers on season ticket holders and the majority of the membership also do also buy a season ticket at the very least I’d be happy to wager.
  19. Not for nothing, they are given the shares upfront to secure the 25% while the monthly direct debits continue.
  20. They don’t pay for them, they simply get them. While the remaining shares are then sold in this hypothetical share issue.
  21. Of course it is. I’m told there is or will be a mechanism in place where that 25% would be ring fenced and returned to the FSS in the event any future share issue should arise.
  22. I doubt anybody who has bought shares in Falkirk would care much about a share issue possibly diluting a previous share purchase, most small and medium shareholdings buying into football clubs are essentially gifts anyway. Did we not just see recently people from the PG gifting a sizeable chunk of shares to the FSS? Were those people bothered about their shareholding being diluted? If the Rawlins were concerned about this why didn’t they take up their option to buy more shares when they had it to prevent their percentage being diluted? Do you think SA or MR care much about dropping a few percentage at their ages giving their lack of recent involvement? The question is about whether there is any benefit to the club to continually dilute and issue shares, IMO there isn’t however if you feel so strongly about it contact the FSS committee and if there are enough others like you it’s a members organisation so will most likely be looked at but I do doubt there is any appetite for it amongst the wider fan base. Which ever way it’s sliced my monthly contributions will continue regardless so long as I’m content it’s helping the club which at the moment I think it is, that’s the main thing for me and I reckon for most others. What percentage shareholding he, she or they has I don’t really care about, particularly now that the FSS has security over it’s 25% and the model seems to be functioning.
  23. Raise it with the FSS committee then, I’m sure if there’s an appetite for it that is voiced by enough members it’ll be looked at however I reckon most are very happy with how things are at present (steadily growing membership numbers would suggest that) and IMO your suggestion does not make much practical sense, continuous share issues would not be good for the club or at least has no obvious benefit to the club. I was always of the belief when the target shareholding was met my contributions would simply go towards running and helping the club and that’s exactly how it’s played out. I joined the supporters society to help the club first and foremost , the evidence so far is that our monthly contributions are successfully doing that.
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