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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. Just sobered up! What a difference a performance like that makes in dealing with hangover Sundays! This team and manager just keeps putting the haters back in they’re box, what a statement win that was yesterday after our “wobble” and although I’ve not been wanting to tempt fait this team actually does look like it has the balls to finish the job, love it!
  2. As a few posters have said I think his improved form is as much to do with not having McKay or Williamson either side of him as it is to do with now having a decent partner at center back.
  3. And while we are at it let’s not rule out Morrison and Ross staying into next season (hopefully for a crack at the championship)
  4. https://www.falkirkfc.co.uk/2024/01/26/coll-donaldson-signs-contract-extension/
  5. I think he means there is an agreement in place where by the 25% + 1 is ring fenced for the FSS in any future share issues should there even be one. Also with a 75% threshold needed for a special resolution the FSS would have to vote in favour of any future share issue for it to even happen in the first place so would have to be in agreement with it, your original point is a very “if my auntie had baws she’d be my uncle” type post.
  6. I think they’ll be one more player arriving.
  7. Keep up the good work mate, trust me it is appreciated and I get there is a shortage of fans willing/able to commit time the way you sound like you are. I know you’ll read a few vociferous posters on here that seem divisive almost as if they want things to fail but it’s most likely individuals with some form of personal agenda having had a previous fall out with either the FSS or Patrons group or elsewhere at the club, people need to remember running things democratically as we are means you don’t always get your own way and if a majority of our elected fan reps take a decision (by all means put forward your own opinion at the time but be prepared to move on if the consensus is different) the rest of the members on whichever board or committee that is then need to get behind that consensus and not throw the toys out the pram if not getting they’re own way, it’s the only way the full thing works. Away from P&B in the real world on match day at the ground or in the pub before hand you actually find when speaking to other fans 99% of the support thankfully are very united and happy at how the club is being turned around. P&B in reality is a very small cross section of our support.
  8. The FSS are the board and the board are the FSS. Supporters own the club now. Not sure why you seem determined to paint them as somehow being opposing factions when in fact it’s the opposite and everyone should be doing absolutely everything to pull in the same direction which thankfully they are, I don’t see what trying to divide people will achieve. The two fan groups now own nearly 50% of the club between them having two reps each on the board and the FSS being the single largest shareholder. Nobody has more or less say than any other , it’s a fan own club where everyone should be pulling together in a common purpose. That’s how it it should and thankfully is working.
  9. The 25% + 1 shareholding is ring fenced for the FSS in the contract between the society and the club I believe. So there is no reason the FSS shareholding should ever fall below that figure regardless of hypothetical share issues you speak of that may never happen.
  10. Owners who still have such a significant shareholding in the club (SA, MR and the Rawlins) should definitely be more directly involved in some capacity in a perfect world. It’s not ideal to have such a large shareholding essentially laying dormant, if they wanted to appoint somebody on they’re behalf to the board they could and already would have so the fact that they haven’t bothered in itself speaks volumes. As BPM says it would be good if the right investor existed to bring them in to take over that “3rd leg” shareholding, the bonus is the fans are now in control so we shouldn’t be jumping at the first investor that suggests flinging a few quid around and if that means being cautious and waiting indefinitely to seek the right person or people then so be it.
  11. Well you did so I’m glad you now accept I never called him rotten because I didn’t but that doesn’t mean I think he’s good enough for us at this time. The poster was cracking a light hearted joke suggesting we let Lawal play against us obviously hinting it would weaken cove, thought it was quite quick witted and funny so I got a laugh at that and liked his post, surely that’s allowed! Ola has shown flashes of ability and I don’t see many fans calling the boy rotten as you are suggesting. Good luck to him but the fact is he just hasn’t turned out to be good enough for us so he’s been moved on, that’s football.
  12. Don’t put words in my mouth please, where did I say he was rotten? I don’t think anybody else has said that either, he’s just not good enough for us at the moment and has been overtaken by other players. Football is fluid and what is true one season may not be the same the next, the best decision now for the club and the player is for him to move on and make way for somebody hopefully better and more capable of forcing their way into our starting 11.
  13. I’d say it was worth a punt he would develope given the flashes he’d shown and the fact he’s probably one of our lower earners, I’d also say as a fan looking at McGlynns recruitment and how he’s improved a number of players so far it makes sense to trust his judgement as he’s seeing the player day in day out. The manager was most likely undecided end of last season but given there is raw ability there gave him the benefit of the doubt hoping he’d kick on with another deal, he just hasn’t grasped that opportunity unfortunately. Reports from fans who have watched some of the reserve games haven’t been great either.
  14. He also trains every day alongside his fellow players with an experienced and respected coaching staff watching him and plays in reserve games. The flashes of ability have been there but he quite obviously hasn’t done enough to deserve a game. We have a very competitive squad which is probably a big part of why we are doing so well yet other players have still forced there way into the starting 11 by grabbing the chance in any minutes they have been given giving the manager no option. Last season McCann done this ousting Mackie who appeared to be preferred initially , this season Millar or Nesbit were not getting a steady game early doors or through the league cup group but have now made themselves nailed on to start forcing Alfie out who started really well and they’ll know if they aren’t consistent somebody else will take they’re place. After all this time if Lawal hasn’t been able to get a run of games it’s purely down to him nobody else, there’s obviously something missing with him despite a few flashes of raw ability.
  15. Good move, wasn’t going to get near our starting 11 so this should free up some money to use elsewhere and hopefully he’ll help cove take some points from Hamilton.
  16. The pressure was never going to be on Alloa, in this division in every game we play it’s almost always on Falkirk as we are seen as favourites but if you don’t view this as a decent chance to accumulate valuable points (could well be the point or 3 points that get you into a play off spot come May) while we are having a wobble and you are on a run of decent form it really does seem a bit small time and defeatist to be honest.
  17. Not at all, don’t think any Falkirk fans have ever viewed Alloa with any “hatred” as long as I can remember. If it’s not a commonly held held view or attitude then fair enough, I agree you guys should be looking at this as a home game with a decent chance of taking points and not some sort of “free hit”……. I’m only responding to comments made on this forum which is all I have to go on.
  18. Any person or group can squander or misuse money at any time anywhere, it’s most definitely not unique to football particularly when spending money that fans/public have raised and isn’t they’re own hard earned. Thankfully at the moment the manager and people now put in charge of running the club seem to be getting most of these decisions correct which in itself should give fans the confidence to continue backing the club in the knowledge they’re money is likely to be spent wisely.
  19. Of course! I’m all for Falkirk fans fund raising , not sure what it’s got to do with Jordon Allan tho.
  20. After dishing out a couple of convincing pumpings to Alloa already this might be as good a chance for them to get something from us as they are ever likely to get after a couple of recent poor results on Falkirks part and Alloa seemingly in decent form under a new manager. Hopefully not obviously but any talk of the game being a “free hit” on Aloa’s part considering all the circumstances really does show a proper tin pot / defeatist mentality from both club and fans.
  21. Aye, in this instance the fee is pretty irrelevant. We are probably talking 5k or not much more, it was a token gesture paid to a club who were hard up at the time allowing the player released from his contract a few months early having already signed a pre contract agreement. He’s not a terrible player and we have routinely signed way worse in recent seasons but it still has to go down as a poor signing for me, probably the only one barring our goalkeepers Mcglynn has made in fairness.
  22. As a third choice striker I seriously doubt we are going to find anything better than Oliver (who is a very capable player and played that role successfully for a long period last season) within budget. If there is scope for one more player coming in it would make far more sense to sort the goalkeeping position out or get cover in should Donaldson or Lang be injured. A decent keeper would actually make a huge difference, look at the goals we’ve conceded already this season directly from mistakes. If an experienced 1st choice level keeper can be found get them in and send Long back.
  23. Sounds like he’s similar to Nesbit in that he can play both deeper or wide/in behind a striker. McGlynn does seem to like these players that can play in different positions. Not sure where the boys best position actually is however.
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