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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. Even between the 4 of them I’m surprised it’s as much as that, didn’t realise Moffat and McIntyre still had as many shares.
  2. What constitutes as a large share? He’s obviously not been active for some years now but I don’t think he has very much investment left in the club either (compared to what he once had anyway) would be surprised if it’s any more than a 5 or 6% shareholding now the sale of the recent share issue is complete. Would be interesting to see the ownership make up as it stands, of the former MSG only really SA and MR really remain. Douglas McIntyre may still own some shares as well but it will be minimal.
  3. How much of the club do SA and MR still own? Can’t be much more than 10% between them?
  4. You are continuing to confirm to everyone how clueless your are, the club don’t pay the council anything towards “upkeep”. We only maintain the parts of the stadium and stand we own as would have been the case at brockville. What is any stadium worth on market value? Because we are in no different position to any other club who owns a stadium or part of a stadium in that respect, nobody anywhere goes about looking to buy second hand football stadiums, it’s not like building or buying a house! The pitch generates money for the club as it is used almost 24/7, the flood lights are needed for that. All 3 stands and the pitch have been used for multiple concerts through the summers generating the club a lot of money, the artificial pitch allows us to lease the ground to the Shire every other Saturday again generating the club money, we had 6 seasons in the premier league which were mostly successful and enjoyable that would not have been possible without selling and relocating, space in our north stand is still available for development similar to what SA done with the internals of the south stand should we find the finance, similarly the land on the east side is also the clubs and we already have outline planning permission from the big bad council should we decide to build a stand or develop there. Without being perfect the stadium quite clearly is and has been a net asset over the years , the council owning part of the main stand isn’t ideal but it’s way way down the list of shit that’s been wrong with the club over the last few years.
  5. If buts and maybes, who’s to say we could have won the league again? We could easily have spent seasons festering without top flight football, since relegation we’ve been trying to get back into the top flight ever since and look how difficult that has proven! Also at the time we were told we needed to own our own 6k seated stadium and had already had two ground sharing proposals rejected in previous seasons. We may or may not have been allowed to ground share at some point in the future as Inverness eventually did but we’d had already had our fingers burnt twice and could not have credibly proceeded with another ground share proposal on that basis.
  6. I miss brockville as much as anybody but there is a point where realism needs to set in, (putting aside I actually think TFS is now finally starting to feel like a home anyway). The ongoing costs of maintaining an old stadium like brockville to capacity level are incredible without massive refurbishment, just ask Dave Cormack at Aberdeen who’s been trying to find them a new home since he became chairman for that very reason. Without selling up and building a new ground we also would have been denied promotion again and missed out on 6 seasons of watching the likes of Stokes, Latapy, Gow ect playing premier league football, you could also forget about the stadium being used or even considered for gigs or events like the Killers ect, those concerts in total I bet have brought in the best part of a million pounds to the club over the last 20 years.
  7. Have the club sold off the pitch, north stand and our section of the main stand in the last few days or are you just making things up again?
  8. Only problem here is this is not an accurate description of what’s happened as has been explained to you a thousand times on here by various posters yet you still chose to invent this little boogie man story in your own head.
  9. The gap between 1st and 3rd at this stage in the season is actually pretty incredible!
  10. What was wrong with the Alloa performance? … we were absolutely excellent last week!
  11. On paper that is a very decent side at this level, surprised you guys aren’t doing better actually.
  12. Agreed, think it would leave a bad taste if he was to continue to collect a wage until the end of the season while not contributing on the park. Time to part ways would seem to be now rather than him simply running out the remainder of his contract while being employed elsewhere, would maybe be different if he was still able to contribute on the park.
  13. Surley he is retiring from playing then? Cant be collecting a wage from both clubs and to be honest the money spent on his salary we could better utilise elsewhere if St Mirren would take him off our hands.
  14. If we don’t get promoted which in itself would make up said shortfall then plan B is to cut our cloth accordingly meaning most likely cutting a big chunk from the playing budget. That is the plan B, the club have been crystal clear on this, the more the FSS grows will directly influence how drastic that worse case scenario may or may not be. (unless of course a billionaire strolls in looking to bankroll the club as every fan of every club sometimes dreams of but unfortunately as in real life not everyone can win the lottery!)
  15. Possibly not, we will find that out when we eventually do go through a sticky patch but I predict it will endure (up to a point obviously) certainly think more patience would be shown by our fans now than before. There is a totally different atmosphere around the club in general since the change in ownership/governance and the active encouragement of the ultras section in the south stand has made a huge difference as well. The us and them attitudes caused by some of the previous regimes behind the scenes at the club are disappearing.
  16. You’re just making shit up now, nobody has said this! However people are correct when pointing out the negative atmosphere in the stadium previously was indeed noted and used against us by opposition, this was confirmed by a current player who said it actually made up part of his managers team talk before playing against us at TFS. I’m totally convinced the excellent atmosphere in the stadium this season which has been notable from day one has helped the players massively. Long may it continue!
  17. Deja vous for Falkirk fans here! Crazy he’s been allowed to do this again to another club.
  18. You do realise this is out of date nonsense and basically pure drivel?! The club has already been granted outline planning permission for a stand on that side.
  19. Although they’ll probably feel they’ve underperformed a bit so far Alloa I think do have a decent enough squad on paper and chipper is a very capable coach so I wouldn’t be surprised if they make it tough for us but there’s something different about us this season, even when we seem up against it you always feel we’ve got that extra gear. I’m going Falkirk to win by a single goal and Hamilton to drop points against Montrose.
  20. He will reappear along with Pedro as soon as we loose a game. What this space!
  21. Reported £1500 a week, so my three players was based on them getting a conservative £500 a week. In reality it would more likely only have covered two players however
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