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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. https://www.falkirkfc.co.uk/2023/10/06/agm-update-october-2023/
  2. If they were Falkirk fans wouldn’t they have been at the Falkirk game that day rather than at ochilview?
  3. In my 30’s and I’ve seen us in three Scottish cup finals and a fair few more semi finals, as much as the various cup runs and days out are fantastic I actually don’t like brining it up as some sort of achievement. It all boils down to nothing if you don’t win and I’d probably swap those cup runs for a more sustained period in the premier league to be honest , different story if we’d brought a Scottish cup back of course. For a club like us and most others winning the Scottish cup and the resulting European trip is probably the ultimate but nobody really remembers the runners up.
  4. They do seem to have spent a bit of cash while operating on very modest crowds. Brought in a lot of decent players over the summer and apparently still have money to bring in more while still operating a pretty substantial academy set up, presumably the new owner is bankrolling.
  5. Absolutely brilliant, properly enjoying going to the football again this season, what a difference! It’s not just we seem capable of putting together some exciting football, the attitude of the players always seems spot on and the do go right to the end.
  6. The internal of the north stand also remains undeveloped, obviously the cost implications need looked at but it would be good if the club could utilise that in a similar way to the south stand.
  7. Looks like it. I had hoped Hamilton would make it easy for us by continuing their downward trajectory and being shite but doesn’t look like thats happening unfortunately. Can see it going the distance between the two clubs.
  8. Was thinking that myself, did McIver not have a couple of efforts hit the woodwork as well?
  9. Started off well with us and is at the age where he could progress, wouldn’t have been adverse to us signing him permanently had it happened.
  10. I’m guessing probably the Ian McCall season, we must have been pretty near 100% in the first quarter.
  11. I think timing would have been as much a factor as well, particularly with young players like Bisland who probably wouldn’t have been made available until later in the window when Dundee United had finalised their squad and knew how they were placed with injuries ect.
  12. It might add up to you but like I said I don’t take great stock in a lot of what is posted on here so I’m of a different belief looking at how the squad eventually panned out and think at that point there may still have been a few pennies in the pot for a player at the right price as JS alluded to when asked however McGlynn obviously chose to prioritise signing more expensive type players in other positions. Most of the lower value loan players only become available toward the end of the transfer windows anyway once squads have been finalised.
  13. Like I said, not convinced the budget was completely used up at that point, I think he still had some wiggle room for a player at the right price but if McGlynn was quoted as saying there wasn’t a penny left however then fair enough but I don’t remember it.
  14. Unless it came from the club or FSS I’d never take anything posted on here as fact anyway so to be honest I’m not convinced of either. Not sure if the budget was indeed completely used up at that point nor do I think Tumility was offered a deal. I think if McGlynn was indeed looking for a right back that early on it was more likely going to be a cheaper loan type player (as JW alluded to when asked at the time) to add depth with other positions obviously having been prioritised rather than using up budget on a more expensive Regan Tumilty type. Seems more likely with hindsight Mcglynn always intended on using Finn Yeats in that position.
  15. That was my take on it, don’t think Tumilty was offered any form of concrete deal at all with us as Mcglynn had supposedly used up all his budget at that point. Extra money was then made an available latterly when the remaining shares were sold allowing us to bring in Bisland and Ross, by that point Tumilty had already been snapped up. Pre season we were obviously still trying to move a player or two out the door to allow more to come in and that never happened for one reason or another. In hindsight I now would not swap Finn Yates for Tumility anyway, I think he’s developing into an excellent right back for us which is probably why Mcglynn was less concerned about prioritising that position than some posters on here were.
  16. Haven’t seen a single post metaphorically “getting the bunting out” However it is fair to recognise McGlynn did improve us last season and has improved us further again this season as the win percentages posted earlier show. Fans are perfectly entitled to enjoy it when winning and the football on show is exciting to watch, it’s the reason we all turn up on a Saturday but that does not equate to “getting the bunting out” I’ve seen nobody being presumptuous here, especialy when Hamilton have been keeping pace with us week on week but for goodness sake let fans enjoy the wins and performances in the the moment!
  17. Brad McKay is still available, you would be more than welcome!
  18. Hopefully we keep an eye an his progress and perhaps look to re-sign him if he kicks on.
  19. Despite how I felt sitting at Airdrie that half time it now looks as if sticking by Mcglynn this season has been justified, he’s definitely improved us again this pre season. Recruitment has been excellent despite some of the negativity on here at the time around certain signings and re-signings, trying not to get carried away but we haven’t put in a single bad performance since the season started, long may it continue.
  20. What have Arbroath got to do with our new right back?
  21. I thought this myself, was also a problem for us last season however it did look to have been rectified with the additions of Miller and Aggyman, we’ve definitely mixed it up better getting the ball forward much quicker up until Saturday. Without those two as an outlet we seemed to revert to the constant tippy tappy stuff again and although Nesbit has been decent since he came back in he does tend to drop deeper looking for the ball leaving our striker a bit isolated where as Aggyman in that number 10 position actually plays as a foil for McIver. It’s a shame those two are injured as they’ve both given us that pace and physicality up front we lacked combining well with McIver.
  22. The possession , shots on goal and shots on target stats paint a different picture Marv. Although I would actually say queens did give us our toughest game so far this season, they look decent excluding the time wasting / diving antics and I think they’ll at the very least be in and around the play offs.
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