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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. I remember the 15 to 20 hours thing being quoted when the initial directors were voted on but haven’t seen it mentioned the last couple times, although in an ideal world it would be preferable I don’t think that is a pre requested anymore. At the time it was most probably needed with the mess the club was left in however that may have changed now that some infrastructure is in place and things are more stable /organised behind the scenes. Pretty certain anybody who flings their hat in will be up for election anyway! There was only a single candidate put themselves forward the last time from the FSS and only 2 the time before. I really hope Kenny and Keith stand to be re-elected as directors from the PG, they’ve both been pretty solid and I don’t think there is much appetite from any others in the group to take the job on.
  2. Hopefully Aggyman being rested and isn’t actually injured.
  3. Think we could be doing with a player to play on that left hand side, Miller out for two months then another few weeks to get up to speed and that’s best case scenario.
  4. From the club. Was on FD yesterday, still money for one or potentially two loan signings. An extra 24k was raised selling unsold shares, they said this was announced at the FSS meeting on Friday. Presumably that’s what’s funding it.
  5. Has there been any chatter about a potential new player or players coming in on loan now that McGlynns had a bit of cash made available to him? Hoped he’d maybe have had sombody lined up to cover for Millers injury but it all seems a bit quite so far.
  6. When was the last time we were top of the league? It’s a nice feeling this! Let’s stay here now!
  7. Ok, thanks for the advice and your probably correct so on this subject count me out now. Away to get drunk and try my best to watch the football at this place, cracking day for it. COYB
  8. Mate I honestly think this is boring people now. Maybe the FSS should canvas opinions better but we are now splitting hairs. The outcome is the outcome and it’s a good one! Going forward let’s of course explore ways to make the FSS more democratic but there really are bigger fish to fry, I’d love to have more time where I could actively help but the way my life is right now making my monthly donation is all I can do. I see the FSS as a very new thing that will evolve and devolve and develope as it grows, it’s a process and at some point I’d love to be part of that process but in the meantime let’s all just play nice and keep the thing going please!
  9. You’re correct actually, I’m man enough to admit when I’m wrong and that part was divisive and insulting so my apologies. I will edit it. However the rest I stick by………. See you at the game x
  10. Or maybe I just agree with the decisions taken rather than being a sycophant? 20k new investment, FFS gets the 25% , both club BOD and FSS committee seem united and happy with the outcome but you think I should be in some way outraged because 3 people on here are still flapping creating grievances that nobody else seems to agree with? …….Go to the game today , get a beer(I’ll buy you one) and chill out! More than happy to discuss this in person but I think it’s had its day on this platform now. Accept it and move on.
  11. It is but there’s a minority of usefully used idiots that can’t admit when they were wrong. Ignore or don’t respond on this subject is my suggestion. It does not deserve any more air, let’s move on.
  12. f**k it, said I wasn’t going back to that ridiculous stadium but I really fancy us today and that wee brewery next to the place is awesome. Train from Larbert it is! COYB!
  13. Remember we have until end of September to bring loan players in and I still think that will happen, I also think there is a slight chance Brad McKay could leave on loan as well.
  14. Three things that I hope happen tonight are this. 1, the FSS confirm they are indeed happy with how the club have handled this and give us confirmation the 25% will be reached via the share donation the patrons are planning on making. 2, the club confirm if the remaining shares have been sold raising approximately an extra 20k that we wouldn’t have had otherwise (we will probably now see a couple of new players with that cash!) 3, Although most fans actually don’t seem to be overly concerned about this storm in a tea cup the ones who were will now realise this is a good outcome for both the FSS and the club and change the fucking subject! Let’s see what transpires tonight…..
  15. Thought this myself, run his contract down hardly playing a game then retire. To be honest I hope he gets offered a permanent gig by the BBC or something sooner and his contract can be cancelled mutually allowing us to use his wage on a player that will contribute more, he’ll probably be one of the higher earners.
  16. If individual members of the patrons group want to donate shares to the FSS then let them, it’s is a decision for the individual shareholder to make. I’m sure the guys on the committee of the FSS and the FSS members will appreciate the gesture.
  17. Yes, it is for certain I’m told. Some individual members may chose not to but a substantial shareholding will be handed over with or without the shares of members who have yet to commit.
  18. The FSS own a larger percentage of the club than the patrons do. A number of the patrons are also in the middle of arranging to donate a large number of their own shareholdings directly to the FSS over and above that so your analogy makes no sense in this instance.
  19. Surely if the club voted on a share issue it would be to create shares with the intention of selling them to raise funds? So surely in this instance the share issue would become pointless and no money would be raised if the club then had to hand over all the shares created to the FSS? …Think I’d need some convincing on that one should members be asked to vote. Do you know if any other fan owned clubs do this? Had a quick look online and it just seems most eventually reach a point where it becomes a donation based thing.
  20. I’ve a feeling the club might have external investor(s) (be it from within the PG or other individuals) interested in the remaining few shares, that would obviously bring more money in so makes sense for the club to peruse that route first then look at other avenues to help the FSS gain the fractional percentage shareholding they are looking for whether it be through share donation or something else. The FSS are obviously pretty content with the situation going by that statement and to be honest so am I. Pretty certain the FSS will get to the 25% they are aiming for sooner rather than later anyway.
  21. I’d actually always presumed this would be the case with my monthly direct debit once the shares were bought up, I’m more just happy in the knowledge I’m supporting the club and didn’t really expect anything more tangible than that in return. …….Out of interest what happens with the money each month in the fan ownership schemes at Hearts, St Mirren, Motherwell, Aberdeen ect? Surely they can’t just be creating never ending share issues?
  22. Loosing Miller is a massive blow, might be a big ask now but it would be great if the club could find a way to scrape together enough money for one more player to give us some options in that position. Even it it was just enough for a decent loan player until January, at least by then Miller would be up and running again.
  23. We went again yesterday! Thought it was another excellent performance although I am bit worried about Miller’s injury. He’s another one who’s starting to look like a right good signing.
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