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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. Of course there will be and you can almost confidently predict which poster or perhaps posters said shit stirring will come from!
  2. Do you know if the FSS have had much in the way of interest from members or committee members standing for election as one of the two directors or is it just a case of putting it out there and see who comes forward? Was there any succession planning behind the scenes or did John decide to step down quite suddenly?
  3. Agree on Finn Yeats, he had a cracking game. Long term he may actually develop into a very decent right back as he continues to learn the position. He certainly has the energy and engine needed to play full back. I do still expect us to bring in another right back before the window closes however, even if only as competition for Finn.
  4. Stop digging yourself a hole here man, it’s complete cringe! Your embarrassing yourself
  5. It’s just pretty howling patter and not very funny.
  6. Enjoyed that today! Excellent performance, a healthy support, the young team looked like they were having a ball and our new signings all looked on point. Now 3 goals in 3 games for MacAver as well. I do think McGinn looks like he’s going to struggle this season tho, games seem to be passing him by, I know McGinn is captain but I hope when he’s fit Henderson gets that berth along side Spencer in the midfield.
  7. I did! If you think we are going to be operating on a FULLY part time basis in that worst case scenario you’re not paying attention to the facts. Please show me the quote that states this?
  8. But that isn’t and won’t be the case regardless of what division we are in, please show me a quote from the club to this effect? You’re literally just making shit up now! I heard talk of a possible hybrid set up at the AGM but that’s it.
  9. Really don’t think that would be the case IF we went to some kind of hybrid set up as was suggested MAY happen, it would be more likely young academy graduates would be pushed into the first team as full time pro’s when money is tight supplemented by a few experienced pro’s and some part time players but regardless of that how would scraping part of the academy be it the B team or whatever other facet solve this worst case scenario you are predicting anyway? By at a push diverting enough cash to perhaps sign an extra first team player on a 6 month deal this season? What difference is that going to make in reality? (I doubt the funds saved would even cover that)
  10. Any form of cut or scale back is exactly the opposite direction the club should be moving in, it achieves no tangible financial benefit and harms multiple other areas and dimensions the club has long term. It shouldn’t even be a consideration for any right thinking fan after we viewed the previous disaster under Lang, Thomson, Campbell and Miller. It set the club back years and burned many bridges and alienated many sponsors, we are only now starting to repair the damage.
  11. Binning another academy/youth system or even part of the system would do untold long term damage to the club! For the minimal moneys we are spending on the new system your not going to achieve any form of noticeable rise in first team playing budget but the reputational damage to the club would itself see us loose not only multiple sponsorships that were leveraged by the idea of youth football but the goodwill of the many volunteers involved in the academy. I’d say if we scrapped it for a 2nd time we could forget about ever being able to credibly run an academy again. A proper youth system not only generates money for the club but helps the fan base bond with the first team when they see these young players break through, it creates a sense of pride. Absolute madness to suggest cutting it! We should actively be looking at ways to support the new academy, we already see one or two now breaking into the first team this pre season.
  12. If we are winning, I will enjoy watching it! It’s that simple! I really don’t care what “brand” of football we play this season as long as we get promoted, we can worry about being easy on the eye when we get out of this league. Look at the tactics Dunfermline adopted last year and they won the league at a canter.
  13. Ross MacIver, who else’s has two goals in our last two? Surprised you weren’t able to work that out for yourself despite the initial spelling mistake!
  14. The season Houston was sacked springs to mind, we looked absolutely brilliant in this league cup group stage and then never won a league game in 8!
  15. 2 goals in 2 games for McIvor, let’s hope that continues.
  16. Agreed, chance to progress in a major tournament. Getting out of this group alone is also worth about 50k in prize money which last season allowed another couple of players to be signed after we progressed.
  17. I think you’ve probably nailed it to be honest. Mountains being made from mole hills as usual on here!
  18. Bearing in mind those fans/investors and patrons are the very people now either running the club or elected the people now running the club, that’s not a dig as I’ve actually been very impressed with the new people and with the job they’ve done turning around a sinking ship. The reality is however we are either as a collective fan base be prepared to invest a little more on a regular consistent basis than we have done historically to allow the luxury of being a properly fan owned football club or we consider outside investors taking a controlling shareholding in the club that may be prepared to invest on an ongoing basis. I have my doubts such an investor exists to be honest. There of course is a halfway house where our model and level of ambition with regard to what type of playing squad and what level of the football tier we expect to compete at may have to be reduced, I just hope when/if that was to happen our fans continue to back the club in current numbers and the club does not spiral as we have seen happen with other clubs who at one point probably considered themselves a “bigger club” My own opinion is in the short term the club needs to try and safely speculate to accumulate until we can get up the leagues again where we have a better platform to get the club into that not only sustainable but competitive place and none of that is going to happen overnight.
  19. Some people seem a bit confused between running an operating deficit and running at a loss. Noticed a few posts about the club running at a loss which isn’t what I took from that statement , we are projecting an operational deficit but the money from the cup run and SG fan bank (last years accounts when published will probably also show a profit/cash balance) has allowed the club budget for that while also upgrading the pitch/floodlights. It’s not ideal long term which is why they are obviously still pushing the FSS investment but it is different from spending money the club doesn’t have, the cash to cover this year’s deficit is already in the bank ,the concern for me is going forward after that if we can’t increase investment we will indeed have to cut our cloth accordingly which will directly effect the playing budget and the quality we see on the pitch.
  20. He still attends most of our games despite living down there, maybe just the interaction with other Falkirk fans on a Saturday afternoon is enough for him!
  21. Having spoken to him this morning I can confirm BPM has indeed cancelled his account on here….and it’s only July! Lol.
  22. I’d say quite a few posters probably have been overly negative by already writing us off before a ball is kicked, If you scroll back you’ll find plenty comments of that ilk, can see BPM’s point. Comments along the lines off our new signings being no better or worse than the players that left despite us yet to properly see them. Or comments along the lines of the squad being no where near good enough to challenge for the league which is quite obviously not true, even as things stand (and I’d presume they’ll still be one or two players in and out) we are probably favourites to win the league with most, or we certainly won’t be far away from being so which is rightly the expectation however if you read back and look at the tone of many of the posts (not all) you’d think we were mid table to relegation candidates. I’m quietly optimistic about the new season. I like that we’ve added physicality and Lang, Spencer and Aggyman should be excellent signings added to the fact I don’t see any team going on a run like Dunfermline did this season. Only maybe Hamilton on paper have a comparable or better squad but even that is debatable.
  23. There are definitely more than a few posters with cup half empty syndrome but they soon disappear/stop posting when we win a few games. I’d say either accept or ignore them because the forum in general is actually ok and isn’t anywhere near as bad as one F was IMO, it’s definitely better than the drivel posted on the Facebook page and on occasion can actually be a decent read if your looking to kill sometime. Don’t take it too seriously.
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