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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. Most clubs including ourselves always end up with one or two in the door last minute, yes it would be nice to have the finalised squad before pre season ends but it almost never happens. They’ll be comings and goings before the transfer window closes. It’s nothing new.
  2. I know that but it is not set in stone, possibly the Rawlins yes but I’d hazard a guess SA and MR may step aside for the right investor. It’s not really the point tho, a single cash injection doesn’t cut the mustard. For me it’s only worth considering if by some miracle a Roy McGregor / Willie Hauchey type investor appeared and was willing to continually underwrite loses putting fresh cash into the club each season with nothing in return. It’s complete pie in the sky stuff anyway, we don’t have that type of sugar daddy and I doubt we ever will. We need to make fan ownership work by buying into it collectively and in a bigger way than we are now.
  3. The previous board and owners were hounded out not only for they’re poor record in managerial appointments and resulting poor performances on the pitch but for a multitude of other disastrous decisions and behaviours of which you could literally write a list as long as your arm. These judgements of the leadership need to be based on an overall package of things but I do agree the choice of managerial appointment and resulting footballing performance is certainly one of them.
  4. Pretty sure the club is open to investment from the right people however these people don’t grow on trees. The Rawlins were meant to provide the “3 legged stool” model but have offered up nothing over and above that initial share investment. The cold facts are there isn’t an Arab billionaire or even a Roy McGregor waiting in the wings desperate to start writing cheques every season , we can’t wait about on something that might never happen and if the fans want the club to kick on we are going to have to do it ourselves through FSS / patrons group and things like concerts at the stadium or selling academy players will need to be built into the mix over and above FSS contributions as far as revenue goes. The infrastructure of the club will need to continue to change if we are to keep investing while still remaining sustainable and that takes time. There’s no quick fix but if there is I’m certain the Rawlins or guys like SA / MR would listen to offers for they’re shareholding, new money from the right people is welcome but the 3 legged stool model only makes sense if you can find a third leg for the bloody stool.
  5. The administration of the club as a business, resurrection of the youth academy and the general fan engagement from the club has improved immensely over the last 18 months IMO, the revenue figures showing increased sponsorship and profitability will back most of that up. A lot of improvement behind the scenes yes, however the majority of us fans just want to see the club get out out of this league and play a bit of decent football, most don’t pay attention to the rest of it so it’s understandable that until the football side is sorted many fans will remain in a state of anger. However, as has been pointed out under fan ownership the majority of our BOD were elected via the FSS or patrons group therefore if any fan is unhappy with the running of things they can join up and vote to democratically elect a new board. Or even better step forward and volunteer themselves as a candidate come the time.
  6. The “pragmatic” approach won Dunfermline the league last year. I don’t care how we set up as long as we get results! We can worry about playing pretty football when we eventual get the f**k out this league!
  7. Think it depends on the person, I get every bit as animated at a Scotland game as I do a Falkirk game. Don’t think it’s anything do do with fans being more or less passionate but more to do with the carnival type atmosphere at these major tournaments, you noticed a similar thing travelling away from home to watch Scotland. I’d say it’s less aggressive an atmosphere between fans than it is compared to club football but not sure I agree it’s less passionate, it’s just a different thing.
  8. Hamilton will be like for like with Airdrie if not slightly better, the cove games will obviously be massively under attended in comparison to the Dunfermline games.
  9. I think the source of the information is the reason people are writhing it of as bullshit as much as the lack of supporting evidence when pushed. If it had been from the majority of other posters it might hold more weight but as has already been pointed out Pedro’s one sided views on the clubs new regime and consisted thinly veiled (some not so thin!) attempts at shit stirring and jumping on negative stories yet remaining silent when something positive regarding the club happens haven’t went unnoticed. The boy who cried wolf springs to mind.
  10. Exactly. He was quite obviously being sarcastic!
  11. Don’t think thats the point to be honest, any professional player trying to carve out a career in football going onto a reality TV show like that pre season or mid season kind of shows how committed they are to their club. Not saying it’s the right or wrong thing to do but it speaks volumes of both the guys attitude and how he views Edinburgh city’s relevance in a footballing sense.
  12. You’re completely missing the point! You said we would be these players “last option” That quite obviously is not the case here. Whether they live up to their pedigree or potential is a completely different debate altogether, that comes down to how they are coached and managed.
  13. This is drivel! Did Lang , Spencer or Hogarth only have Falkirk as their “last option” ? We already know Lang and Spencer rejected contract extensions at Raith Rovers to come to us and I’d wager Hogarth also had options elsewhere having just left a premiership Nottingham Forrest and being a Scotland under 21 international his profile / stock would have been high enough he’d probably have attracted interest from other clubs as well. We should be and probably are the most attractive full time option in league one for players both financially and otherwise, there are no excuses this year. The manager has been given all the tools to win this league.
  14. I don’t think that’s the case at all to be honest, no idea what evidence you’ve based that on.
  15. You said we weren’t signing a right back as the “budget was gone” If this is the case i’ve missed that communication from the club so where did you see it? Or are you in fact as I suspect just speculating/shit stirring? As you’ve just pointed out the senior squad was to be 20-22 players so at a squad of 19 we’d expect a minimum of at least one more incoming player and that’s presuming there are zero outgoing players, taking all that into account I’d be happy to wager we will indeed see at least one more player brought in, actually I’d even suggest it’s more likely we’ll see 2 or maybe even 3 incoming before the window closes, there will also probably be at least one leaving us.
  16. Have you read something I haven’t? If you are being factual and not just speculating would you care to share where you’ve seen this as it contradicts what we were told regarding squad size, the last communication the club gave regarding this season was a squad of 22 senior players supplemented by 6 apprentices with the overall playing budget expected to be broadly similar to that of last season give or take a bit pending season ticket sales and FSS membership.
  17. https://ticket.falkirkfc.co.uk/packages/LZEmOKzmpW/e/Rpgn3Zga3q season ticket sales seem to be going well, think we’ll end up there or there about to where we were last season numbers wise.
  18. He wasn’t offered an extension, Mcglynn released him. Hope that decision doesn’t come back to bite us, despite his inconsistency we seen enough to suggest with the right coaching there could be a decent striker in there.
  19. I’ve seen us with worse strips but I do agree with you here. Always prefer the simply navy / white combo’s.
  20. Has he not just been released by a conference side in England?
  21. You’d think he would, I’m just flinging names out here but I’m actually surprised we got Spencer who apparently had a number of offers from championship sides including Raith themselves so don’t think it’s an overly far fetched one to suggest. Almost certain McGlynn will have asked the question given their previous together.
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