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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. Might leave Henderson as more of a squad player, I like him as a footballer and he is capable of playing 3 different positions which helps when running with a slightly smaller squad.
  2. Which players have we signed who have been released or unwanted from Championship clubs?
  3. Daily record reported Lang knocking back a one year extension the same as Spencer did. Not that that holds too much water in fairness but regarding Spencer some of your own fans were on here claiming there was no way he’d drop down to Falkirk having had “offers from down south and other championship clubs”
  4. Except that’s not what’s happed, we’ve singed two of Raith Rovers better players, a club playing in the league above us who had offered both these guys extensions they have chosen to knock back in favour of coming to Falkirk! Let’s not let the the facts get in they way of your blatantly obvious bitter narrative tho!
  5. You’re far to obvious here, try harder and maybe be more subtle next time and you might actually get a few genuine bites. All you’ve done is made yourself look a bit simple with this one
  6. The fact that Watsons going to be joining us for pre season suggests to me McGlynn is looking to sign a center back and is considering keeping him on. If we don’t re-sign Watson I think we’ll see another central defender come in. It will be one or the other.
  7. The point of fan ownership isn’t just to secure a shareholding , it’s always been the intention for the FSS to provide a steady funding stream and in turn give the fans the say on how that money is then used. It was always going to move from simple share purchase initially to an eventual means of funding our longer term ambitions for the club, the fan bank loan has allowed the share purchase to be expedited but it’s imperative the FSS continues to grow if the club is going to get back to where we all want it to be. I’ve also no issue if some fans want to simply donate to the club via the Falkirk Forever thing, if they don’t want to be part of the FSS for whatever reason then that’s fine but at least they are still contributing. I don’t get the thinking behind that myself but don’t see the harm in it either, it’s each to they’re own and any new money going into the club is a positive IMO regardless of which vehicle a fan chooses to donate via.
  8. He flung one in away to Kelty, apart from that I think he was pretty much ok
  9. Let’s see where they end up, if it’s between us or Raith rovers only they quite obviously take the navy blu pound at the Falkirk stadium.
  10. Could you explain exactly what “debt” the club is carrying? The club CEO recently reported we are set to end the current year posing a profit. Fair enough we have made a rip roaring c**t of it on the park in recent years but form is temporary, the fan base, stadium and infrastructure is all in place for the club to succeed if we could just get a decent 11 footballers on the park.
  11. If you’d read the full thing rather than take a quote out of context you’d have realised the loss from that year horrendous as it was came immediately following the Covid season and was mostly covered using the clubs own cash reserves.
  12. Good draw imo, needs to be treated seriously again this year and not as part of a pre-season. There is a more than decent chance progressing to the knock out stages, brings in good finance and with a bit of luck could always end up at Hampden again potentially. I’m sure after the groups there are only two rounds before the semi final.
  13. Wouldn’t surprise me if they both end up here, both have rejected deals with your lot and we know mcglynn rates them with supposedly a couple more players set to be announced next week. Also wouldn’t surprise me if they end up elsewhere as it’s all pure conjecture on my part, I’m just joining the dots.
  14. Same situation with the boy Spencer if we’re putting 2 and 2 together.
  15. Club announced last week they’d sold over the 800 mark I’m sure. They were pushing the early bird prices
  16. Of course, that’s why I said within budget and wage structure. Obviously if the manager for one reason or another wanted to break that for a single player (I.e. griffiths ) or decide to offer a 3,4,5 year contract ect it should probably need proper scrutiny from the BOD. That is not what has happened with Nisbet however, it’s a very run of the mill signing/re-signing which is the managers prerogative.
  17. Depends who it was, our wage structure is probably more competitive than at least 4 or maybe 5 of the clubs in that division.
  18. Well we have people on here suggesting it should be otherwise and the BOD should have some kind of veto on re-signing or signing players. I could go with that if it’s outwith wage structure or a three/four year contract but the extending of a Nisbet type player isn’t that and seems pretty run of the mill to me.
  19. At the time he actually rejected Morton’s offer of an extension to come to us, it was McGuffie they jettisoned. To be honest I agree with BPM in that I’m not his biggest fan either but I can see what he brings to the table and understand the thinking in keeping him, a one year deal might have been more appropriate but I’m not the manager. Mcglynn will live or die by his decisions but they need to be his decisions to make.
  20. He also finished the season with our highest number assists, 9 in total which was the 2nd most of any player in the division and chipped in with three goals. Never let the facts or the opinion of fellow professional players or club mangers get in the way of that tho, the posters on P&B know better. He had a poor end to the season as did 75% of the playing squad, the overall reasons for the form dropping off a cliff from the squad as a whole is what needs drilled into and resolved or the same thing might just repeat itself.
  21. I’d do the same with the few I have in my name as well.
  22. Would be great if the FSS could find a mechanism to unionise all the small shareholders, so many fans out there with small shareholdings that were effectively bought as a gift to the club, these could have been pulled and utilised positively at various points over the years but there was never a vehicle to get everyone under one umbrella.
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