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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. Might be splitting hairs here but the former MSG have went from owning 64% of the club to now closer to 10% give or take, with most of the individual members actually gone completely at 0%. I’d say it’s pretty significant, if you don’t agree that classes as “almost completely”out in the grand scheme of things then fair enough and I’ll just leave it at that but I would beg to differ.
  2. Note my wording “almost completely” The MSG group are almost completely gone and are certainly gone as a controlling or influential entity, with MR and SA still remaining yes but with a now massively diluted shareholding! They are minor shareholders by comparison to the two fan groups. I can’t remember the exact figures but by the time the new FSS investment goes through they’ll barely have 10 or 15% between them. Will certainly be well below the 10% mark individually which won’t even entitle them to a seat on the board should the want one.
  3. I think certainly SA has indicated an intention to do that, MR may well be on the same page.
  4. Have you been living under a rock for the last 18 months? The previous MSG have already been almost completely bought out, between the patrons group and the FSS the fans will own approximately 50% of the club then over and above that there’s probably at least another 15 to 20% smaller shareholdings owned by fans. The whole point of the FSS wasn’t just to buy the allocated 26% shareholding but to provide a continuous funding stream indefinitely that should in theory help the club be more competitive on the park and in terms of infrastructure while also giving the fans an actual say on how the club is ran and they’re money is spent. The FSS is now the clubs single largest shareholder with the patrons group the next largest. We are already now a majority fan owned club. The point of continuing to pay your FSS £10 a month is quite obvious, your money will go directly into the club and it also gives you a vote and therefore a voice on who is elected on to the club BOD.
  5. No idea if it holds any water or not but a St Mirren fans just told me we are in for Joe Shaunesy who’s just been released by them. He’s been playing almost always as a center half at St Mirren apparently but I seem to remember either Houston or Presley playing him as a right for us during a wee loan spell? If true I’m guessing he’ll probably have offers further up the pyramid anyway.
  6. We were told Mcglynn is going to run with a senior squad of around 22 players plus apprentices. We currently have 14 players signed FFS and it’s only the 2nd of June!
  7. I actually don’t see the point of passing judgement on an incomplete squad at all when it’s quite obviously not going to be the squad we end up with when the season is in full swing.
  8. Do you have a crystal ball? I’m guessing approximately another 6 players or so to be added still, are you telling me they are all crap regardless? Think I’d prefer to wait and see who they are at least and god forbid but maybe even wait and see how they perform on the park? (and for what’s it’s worth I actually think Ageman is an excellent signing)
  9. Relatively common. Happened to us with John Baird after playing a certain number of games he automatically triggered a one year extension of which he had the option to take or leave, the decision is then taken out the clubs hands.
  10. They’d be far better all being the one colour, don’t like the sleeves . Always think the simple strips are better looking. The 57 cup winning strip for example, no idea why they don’t make them like that anymore. Look how well the new Scotland strip has sold for an example.
  11. No sure what you’re getting at but it sounds like a cheap shot. The point here is what Shadwell said is pretty accurate, trying to fling in personal shit only shows up your obvious attempt at deflection from what he said.
  12. The shares are still sitting there unsold from the previous share issue, the FSS has been slowly accruing them however this lump investment now lets them buy up the full allocation available in one go.
  13. You’ve lost the plot, this is different levels of bitterness!
  14. Seriously?! There is literally no down side to this news! The club is not liable, it allows the ffs to purchase all its shares in one go while the club gets a lump of cash up front.
  15. Except it doesn’t go to the council, you’ve just made that up.
  16. Been told none of the money goes to the council, get your tin foil hat off please!
  17. Some posters on here get slaughtered if we dare call ourselves a big club in this division but it’s now ok for you to use the fact we are a big club in relative terms so you can shove our recent failures down our throats ? I give up man!
  18. Sorry, my mistake. The comment is in line with some of the actual stuff posted on here recently tho so you’ll forgive my mistake.
  19. If he’s looking for a move it will be up a division or down to England. Certainly not dropping down the Scottish divisions to play for us!
  20. I’ve just worded that wrong, he had OUR most assists. Apologises but I thought the point I was making was clear enough. (Incidentally having just checked he was 2nd in the assist table behind Chalmers with only a single assist less but has scored 3 more goals than Chalmers if we are being pedantic)
  21. Agree on Nisbet, he had a very decent season overall. Finished the season with the highest number of assists in the league and was selected by his fellow peers to be in the team of the year. His form did drop of toward the end of the season as was the same for a number of our players but during that mid season spell he was arguably our best player and it was at that point he was offered the new deal, probably in part due to other clubs sniffing around I’d guess.
  22. Quite a balanced / sensible statement all be it mostly states the obvious. I’m one of the fans now prepared to give McGlynn his two years for “phase two” although the way our arses collapsed in the final quarter of the season worries me, I’m hoping that has been questioned by the board with Mcglynn providing some sort of reasoning and also a solution, we simply can’t be as inconsistent next season if we are to win the league outright. On the plus side the management team did improve us significantly over the pre season and recruitment was better than it has been for a while, if we can get a similar level of improvement again going into the coming season combined with a bit of stability other sides won’t have hopefully it leads to finally getting out of this hell hole of a league. One good signing so far in Agemann with rumours of more to follow, the more time that passes the Airdrie game fades more in my memory and I do find myself becoming more and more positive about things.
  23. Think him going to Livi is every bit as unlikely as him ending up back at Falkirk this summer to be honest.
  24. Can’t see him dropping as low as league one or taking such a hit in wages but he has stated publicly a few times his desire to return to the Falkirk before retires. Extremely unlikely at this juncture I’d say but we can dream.
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