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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. I think he’s alluding to the 1.2million loss we racked up in that year, it obviously made things a bit tight financially! Pretty certain that won’t be the case when this years accounts are published under the new fan ownership structure and BOD. I think we at least start next season on a much more stable footing financially if nothing else.
  2. Technically the best man for the job would be Pep Somethings really do not need to be pointed out. I’d say at the time taking into account our budget and place in the pyramid McGlynn probably was the best available candidate for the job. Hindsight can of course change everything.
  3. I’d like to see us make an attempt to bring Allegria back as well, boy was just coming on to a game when his loan was cut short.
  4. I also think having a functioning reserve side in a league will aid the first team, the manager can use it to keep fringe players fit / try players in different positions ect. It also gives guys not playing a chance to prove they’re worth over and above the obvious benefits to progress the apprentices and academy players. I can’t see how the level of cost is going to be so significant it’ll effect the first team budget in any meaningful way, it’s not like we are going to be bringing in additional players or coaches to facilitate it, it’ll be made up of players who are already at the club between the 16’s 18’s and first team.
  5. Tuesday night or Wednesday I was adamant I wasn’t going but I now will. Fans are a unique breed, it’s amazing how it can drag you back for more punishment, just need the tiniest bit of hope.
  6. You’ve quoted me here somehow but this isn’t what I said. In fact it sounds like we are in agreement.
  7. Generally when a team sets up to go for it yes, that means leaving defensive areas of the pitch open with the intention to increase numbers in an attacking sense. It’s what many on here were calling for before the game, I’d have far preferred us try and get back to how we were playing during that long unbeaten spell earlier in the season. The fascination with two or more strikers does not necessarily mean more attacking football.
  8. Correct! My point was not specific to the formation, he “went for it” on Tuesday playing the two up top, sacrificing a midfielder and looked what happened. Our best spell in the season during that long unbeaten run was where we were playing 4-2-3-1 with the three in behind breaking lines and getting up to support Oliver. There’s been a bit of tinkering since and we have never properly got back to that.
  9. Is this not what we done on Tuesday when airdrie played straight through us? At no point did I want him to play both Burrel and Oliver from the start like some fans were calling for but he did, we missed the extra man in the middle of the park and we lost the game via a combination of airdrie playing straight through our midfield and some calamitous defending.
  10. The difference now being the club is no longer controlled by the MSG and if enough of us feel that way with fan ownership we elect 4 from the 6 guys currently sitting on the board. At the end of the day it was the fans that put these people in place. John and Nigel elected via the FSS, Kenny and Keith elected via the patrons group.
  11. Hard not to think back to that night now, if we’d won in Kirkcaldy rather than draw we’d have been top when the league was halted that Covid season, how different things could have looked now. Fine margins.
  12. I’m 100% certain his position will be being “considered” whether that on balance results in him loosing his job is another thing.
  13. Not sure we had by far the largest budget in the league , the second largest yes but Dunfermlines wage bill I’d guess was slighter more and even if ours was the bigger of the two it would not have been “by far”
  14. I’m on the fence regarding McGlynn. I can see the rationale for both keeping or getting rid. He has improved us (obviously not by enough) and recruitment has been better than it has been over the last few seasons all be it from a very low bar but I do think he might be able to improve us further given another pre season to shape the squad, however the manner of that defeat the other night (I actually would not have played both Oliver and Burrel despite the clamour from a lot of fans, we missed the extra man in midfield and Airdrie were able to play straight through us) coupled with the way our form has crashed following that Dunfermline defeat can’t be ignored, he does not seem to have the ability to change things or approach games in a different manner tactically in the way Mcpake seems to have done over the water and his play off record is horrendous meaning we’d probably need to make sure next season we win this league out right. If the board do decide to pull the trigger it can’t be knee jerk, they need to be sure somebody better is available and to do it properly said person is then going to need another injection of cash we really don’t have to bring his own players in, that cash would need to somehow be found and secured before the decision is taken IMO. As it stands it’s a gamble either way.
  15. You quite obviously still don’t understand the deal or ownership structure between the club and the council when it comes to the stadium. That’s despite a few on here explaining various aspects of it to you at different points in time. It’s clear you’ve obviously made your mind up regardless/despite of the facts and it’s becoming extremely boring.
  16. This would be perfect IMO, the stadium and fans would benefit from having some safe standing rail seats or even better an old school terracing which I’m told is now perfectly legal provided the numbers are restricted. If the structure can be built with community grants from the foundation then so long as the club get use of it on a no cost basis then it’s a win win.
  17. Was very like big yogi attacking headers, totally committed and aggressive when attacking the ball but could also jump well and just hang in the air giving themselves an extra few inches in hight.
  18. Same, prefer plain navy and white. Not fussed on there being any red. Simpler design the smarter the strip.
  19. Actually prefer just plain navy and white, the simpler the better to be honest.
  20. Yep, just watch the appear. Sensitive wee soles that they are
  21. Is Burrel away at the end of the season? Thought we had an extra one year option on him?
  22. I don’t think one single person is going to move from the FSS to this new scheme as there is absolutely no reason for them to do so. IMO anybody who does sign up and contribute for whatever reason never had any intention to join the FSS in the first place therefore it’s a win win for everyone as the club has gained additional revenue no matter how small the figures are. I can’t see this new scheme gaining much in the way of numbers but I also can’t really see it harming the supporters society in the slightest either, any money it does raise (however little) is going to be over and above what the FSS was ever going to so I don’t understand why anybody would view that as a bad thing. In fairness I can’t get my head around the train of thought in not joining the FSS but there is still a minority of fans (I know of at least two!) who never have and still don’t believe in fan ownership but may be happy to contribute to this new scheme or something similar, if it does gets a few of those pig headed types contributing then great, if it doesn’t then we haven’t lost anything by trying.
  23. I’ve asked this question before regarding the long term plan for the FSS, when the target shareholding is reached it’s imperative the money continues to be generated in order to make long term fan ownership an attractive option so it would be good to set out a vision. Perhaps the supporters society money could be ring fenced to fund the academy or to help fund a development on the stadium east side, or even just ring fencing it to supplement the playing budget. The guys on the board and the FSS committee need to get together and come up with something members/fans will continually invest in.
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