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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. As long as any price increase is fair I don’t think it will effect renewals, on top of the fact season ticket prices have been frozen for 4 seasons now we also have double digit inflation as a country at the moment. It probably isn’t reasonable to expect the club to continually absorb all inflationary pressures indefinitely.
  2. Maybe I’ve picked it up wrong, I’m pretty sure the figure was 65% but can’t honestly say I completely took everything in. Maybe someone else who was there will clarify.
  3. That’s true, probably no point in looking at last years accounts in that respect, they won’t provide an accurate gauge as to this years numbers. Regardless of that I’m sure they said the playing budget should be approximately 65% of turnover in this year.
  4. These figures were all made clear as well. 65% was quoted but I can’t actually remember if that was the target percentage or the actual player wages to turnover ratio. Maybe somebody else who was there has a better memory than me? The numbers will all be in the papers sent out as well so shouldn’t be to difficult to work out a rough figure if you wanted to
  5. crudely speaking while in this division I’d presume it means cutting most of that 400k from the playing budget as this was the initial predicted over spend for the current year. We were told at the AGM the club is basically running on a skeleton staff and depends a lot on its volunteers so there is no more fat left to trim elsewhere. Presuming the average wage (and I’m guessing here) for one of or players is 25 or 30k a year then you can do the math yourself on how badly loosing 400k from the current playing budget would effect us on the park which in turn indirectly effects every other revenue stream the club has.
  6. Would not described it as a hit or a punch but he does lift his hand and push the guy in the face, Kennedy then makes a meal of it. Not sure what the rules are exactly but I have seen sending offs for this, particularly watching European football where it seems there doesn’t need to be much contact at all for a ref to act. At best it was silly from McCabe and as the manager he should know better.
  7. In my opinion (and I’m sure others) the FSS becomes less attractive to me as a fan if it isn’t unionised, the whole point is strength in numbers and we vote as a block on a decision taken democratically by all members. If a fan wants to go buy individual shares in they’re own name nothing is stopping them from doing so, in fact I asked this question and the club actually already offers a “share save” scheme of sorts if somebody wanted to buy some shares but pay them up over an agreed period of time they can do so.
  8. A token fan rep on a board is completely different from the actual fan ownership structure we have now! Jesus wept! We must now be one of the most democratically run clubs in the country FFS! If the BOD needs criticism the fans and members can now literally vote them out if we don’t think the 4 board members are performing their role correctly, thankfully up to this point the guys we all elected on our behalf have got far more right than wrong and the set up seems to be working. I see no reason to change anything at this point.
  9. If the FSS were to criticise the board they’d be criticising themselves as they are the board! Your sounding borderline ludicrous , at time when everyone is on the same page and the club is moving in a positive direction why on earth would any fan try to manufacture some form of divide?
  10. What has happened in the past has happened, what’s the point of continuing to drag it up? (It’s already been analysed and done to death) We are now on a programme of fan ownership with fan elected people at the helm who have a long term plan in place. The previous regime are gone and we should be looking forward. (Incidentally nobody thinks everything is now “fine”, we can recognise the progress made in the last year while still realising there is a lot of work to be done)
  11. The fans are now the largest shareholders in the club, between the patrons and FSS I think it’s about a 37% shareholding now which will obviously continue to grow as the FSS accrues the shares allocated, the patrons group also has allocated shareholding that still hasn’t been taken up so that group should grow further as well provided we can find a few more generous souls prepared to part with 10k. How quickly it grows obviously depends on the society’s membership numbers and/or new patrons being found. The figures were put up in front of everyone at the AGM.
  12. Not sure if you’ve done it on purpose or not but you have completely misunderstood and misrepresented almost every single issue you’ve mentioned here. We have already had the clear out at board room level with the two fans groups (the patrons and the FSS) both becoming the biggest shareholder in the club and electing two directors each from a BOD of 5, you asked if the club had cash reserves to cover the loss in the previous financial year and the answer to that is yes (approximately 800k) which was obviously then squandered covering said loss aided by the Covid grant then share purchases from the patrons group and FSS. The loss in this years accounts under the new fan elected regime was forecast to be 400k and a drive was made seeking fresh investment to fund that, this money was then raised via further share purchases from fans groups giving the two groups an ever growing shareholding and also a soft loan of 145k from excising shareholders however as has already been pointed out our recent cup run and vastly improved commercial performance highlighted at the AGM in this year might we’ll actually see us turn a profit. The message from the AGM was about finding ways the club can sustain ambitious levels of spending while remaining liquid and eventually get back to the premier league, now being fan owned the onus is on us as fans to try do that, the alternative was also explained which was simply cut cut cut, this would obviously have a negative impact on the playing budget and current efforts to grow the academy but thankfully a show of hands in the room showed every fan there had the appetite to continue supporting our club in the short term to achieve a longer term sustainability, not doing this we could easily end up in the obscurity Airdrie type clubs find themselves in. Getting out of this league is massive but to give us a competitive advantage and not just simply survive growing the numbers in the FSS is crucial, other fan owned clubs of similar size or smaller were used as examples and all of them have been able to achieve far larger participation from they’re fan base than we currently have which shows there is massive scope for growth for us and that’s not to decry the FSS as it is currently , the society already ploughs nearly 100k a year into the club. Doubling or tripling those numbers (which is entirely achievable based or numbers at clubs like, Morton, St Mirren or Motherwell) would give the club an extremely solid footing long term, that’s the project the club has embarked on and with time and effort I’m sure it’ll happen. If you are still curious here’s a link to the FSS website. https://falkirksupporters.org/
  13. So sad it’s funny. The most bitter and raging “well done” in history!
  14. Win the Scottish cup. No hesitation from me on that one! …..obviously both would be nice!
  15. I actually think Airdrie will be doing well to make the plays offs never mind the play off final. Having just played Alloa twice in quick succession I think they look a better all round side and then there’s Edinburgh City who seem to have Airdrie’s number.
  16. Totally clueless, you guys were 10million in the red! We are currently struggling to cobble a budget together year on year in this league but the club has zero debt bar a 145k interest free soft loan put up by a fan. Worst case scenario is we don’t go up and the 300k needed (and raised) in this current financial year to plug the gap can’t be found again next year so we have to cut the playing budget. How on earth can you draw a comparison with your shambles??! You really can’t see the difference here?
  17. Making a tit of yourself here. You do realise that was for the previous financial year ending last May? The loss has already been covered and paid for in full, unlike your mob we pay our bills.
  18. True, fans of the former rangers football club now tend to support the club we know as sevco however. Incidentally they even use the same stadium as rangers once did.
  19. Did Airdrie fans not let their club die due to finances? Same way the sevco fans did?
  20. I don’t think I necessarily agree that we are continually asking the same individuals to keep contributing more, it may well end up being the same 5 or 600 fans that end up doing so again but the way I’ve interpreted any messaging from the club, the patrons group or FSS is them trying to encourage the other core 4000 or so fans who aren’t members of one of the two fans groups or who tend not to contribute anything more than the price of a ticket on match day to sign up to one of these initiatives (if they can afford it) so as we don’t keep having to go back to that same small section of the fan base continually and the responsibility of having a fan owned club (if that is indeed what fans want) is spread amongst a wider proportion of the fan group. I have reservations about it but the “forever Falkirk” thing is obviously another attempt at doing just that, trying to engage those fans who could afford to but haven’t yet joined either the FSS or Patrons groups.
  21. McGlynn himself said it was entirely doable, pointed out that he nearly done it with Raith on a smaller budget than he’s working with just now. I actually found it quite refreshing and a change from the normal cautious/generic statements managers fire out. On the flip side if the club can’t grow the fan ownership model between now and May and we are still in league one it sounds like it’ll be the playing budget that’s cut as there is no more fat to trim elsewhere and the club don’t intend on starting the year with a retrospective deficit to fill again, actually think promotion this season could be pivotal as to the type of club and football team we are going to watching in the years to come. There’s going to be a new scheme “Falkirk futures fund” run by the club in conjunction with season tickets this summer along with what sounds like ticket price increases to try and keep us competitive but the preferred scenario for me would be more fans simply joining the FSS or the patrons group where we actually get a level of control and influence for our money as opposed to simply just handing over more cash. I’m hoping the guys running FSS have the energy in them to make one more big push for sign ups between now and May, there is obviously still scope for growth. Nigel Serafini quoted a figure of 1500 members which in my opinion should be entirely achievable, it’s the same as St Mirren have, Motherwell have 3500 and even Morton have Managed 1000.
  22. Never actually thought of it that way but you might be right, it’s just kinda hard to imagine myself being seen as a “glory hunter” while having suffered supporting Falkirk all these years!
  23. Where are you getting this from? I’m not hinting at anything merely asking a question playing devils advocate. Not a single Falkirk fan I know doesn’t realise we deserve our current “status”…….. We have dropped into this division because we have been piss poor on the park and that is where football is played. The club was badly miss managed behind the scenes for a while culminating in us having our two worst seasons on record on the pitch consecutively. I’d love you to show me a single quote from a fan saying we deserve to be any higher purely because historically we have been a more successful club or have a larger support than some of the teams around us in this league? Football is played on the park, everybody realises that and you’re only as good as your last game. I think your perceived issues might all might all be in your head to be honest…..Incidentally I’ve no particular issues with Airdrie fans other than the racist right wing element that once attached itself to the club, hopefully your club has managed to eradicate that now.
  24. No need to dig yourself into a bigger hole here by putting words in my mouth. Nobody has complained or “moaned” merely asking the question due to most Falkirk fans in my circle generally having a bit of a soft spot for Steny.
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