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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. Well deserved! Little surprised Nicky got in and obviously McIver not being in most probably wouldn’t agree with either but we’ll take it. You almost never see a near clean sweep like this, massive well done and deserved.
  2. No great ball control? His first touch is fantastic! Almost always controls it first time and either finds a man or has the intelligence to hold the ball up and allow the three in behind to get into space, without McIver up there doing the job he does Miller, Nisbet and Morrison can’t properly play the game they have done this season. Over and above getting a decent number of goals and assists his overall contribution this season has been massive! Does you brother not watch much football???…
  3. Agree looking at it now our ticket prices are probably on the cheap side comparing to what the clubs around us will be charging, fans do have the option to buy a “managers fund” season ticket at the cost of an extra £60 which I hope those who can afford it go for. Even then our ticket prices for next season will still likely be lower than what a Dunfermline or Dundee utd are charging this season.
  4. Ross is out of contract, he’ll have no wages at all in less than two months time and Tait is a loan player. I don’t think any of them are particularly far fetched signings.
  5. But Tait would be on loan, surely Hibs pay his salary and we contribute a percentage? Also not sure who is going to offer Ross any more than us, considering he’s obviously not wanted by Raith and he’s been used mostly as a squad player for us this season. Have you heard a club higher up the food chain as being quoted with an interest? I’d a have thought we would have a decent chance at getting both if we wanted them.
  6. Our season ticket prices are very cheap by comparison so a voluntary donation over and above the base line price is a good option IMO, those who can’t don’t have to but those who can have a way they can directly help improve the calibre of player John Mcglynn will be able to sign over the summer. If fans own the club then fans fund the club, we are only going to get as good as we pay for and the money that’s supplemented the playing budget has quite obviously been spent wisely so far. More of the same please.
  7. 100% this! The full thing works when every component part pushes in one direction, no ego’s, point scoring or wee personal tantrums from individuals. Just everybody putting the club first with no caveats and looking at the bigger picture, on and off the park everything is starting to click but it has not happened by accident.
  8. He’s been fantastic, his stats are obviously decent enough but anybody paying attention to the actual football over and above that can see he’s been far and away the best striker in the league. It can’t be underestimated how crucial keeping him fit this season has been for us as we don’t have a like for like replacement, he’s the focal point in our attack to where all our forward players perform and use mcivor as such.
  9. Agree with this, we have not had it easy. Hamilton are a very decent side and to absolutely body them the way we have is remarkable.
  10. They are guilty of financial doping and the fact this shit still happens in Scottish football is disgusting. We should have some form of domestic ffp rules like they have in other countries. Any sane football fan should be against clubs operating in this way! Particularly Falkirk fans with us being fan owned and having fallen foul to diddy clubs like Livingston or Ross county in the past. ……Having said all that an away day at Hampden will be fun!
  11. Because the club was being badly run until the fans took matters into our own hands and bought the club! Maybe Hamilton should take note …..
  12. These folk are a tiny minority, you never meet them in real life but they can be prevalent on here and will appear from under a rock as soon as we eventually loose a game so be prepared! lol.
  13. Nobody is particularly “desperate” about it. It’s just looking at the facts and stating them, i’e. Points gained, league position and the opposition he’s been up against. Taking all that into consideration he’s probably been decent. I’ve no idea why Hamilton fans are so desperate to convince themselves this Hamilton squad was ever going to be good enough to finish above a Falkirk side of this standard that is on such an extraordinary run of form, it’s borderline delusional.
  14. IMO there is as much chance of winning the lottery as there was of that Hamilton squad being able to finish above this Falkirk side regardless of who the manager is. Managing a smaller club and gaining 2nd place behind a bigger club but still with a healthy points total is no disgrace for Rankin, only 2 players or maybe 3 at a push from Hamilton would be considered starters in the current Falkirk squad.
  15. Would you have finished any higher than 2nd place this season with any other manager ?
  16. Ross is out of contract at Raith and as yet they haven’t offered him an extension.
  17. I actually fancy Hamilton to get through the play offs, they’re points total would suggest they are not a bad side. In any other normal season they would quite possibly be sitting top of the league or at least still in contention, this Falkirk side going on a season long run of form like it has is extraordinary and can’t really be legislated for, it’s for that reason I think the Hamilton fans are overly harsh on Rankin. He probably deserves a 2nd crack at it in the same way McGlynn did after finishing 2nd last season.
  18. I get there is a level of political correctness when these teams are selected at the end of the season and they try to be inclusive of the full league but having watched both play in the flesh no way does Burrell get chosen in front of McIver by any sane football manager IMO. In fact it’s hard to see past any of our starting 11 bar the goalkeeper if you were going to be really ruthless about it.
  19. It’s not clear whether that’s in the form of a loan or a simple cash injection. You’d presume it would be some form of soft loan but it does not say one way or another.
  20. You’d presume so but it doesn’t say that one way or the other, the owner may well be funding the shortfall by way of soft loans against the club but could also simply be doing a Roy McGregor and writing the money off. Either way it’s still unsustainable and should not be allowed, it’s crazy there is still no form of FFP legislation in Scottish football whatsoever. Sooner or later clubs ran in this manner inevitably hit the buffers when the sugar daddy gets bored or runs out of cash.
  21. Doesn’t say if they are sitting with any debt or not, just says they ran at a 2.9 million pound loss.
  22. I’d take him in a second and your correct in that the goalkeeper is the one position we’ve not properly addressed this season although I still think there could potentially be a keeper in Hogarth if he can improve his decision making as he is actually an excellent shot stopper, he’s also at an age where time is on his side.
  23. I think the way McGlynn has been using the 4 of them has been perfect, it’s great to have those options on the bench and the 4 of them all keep the pressure on each other to perform. I’d be keeping all 4 if possible.
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