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Everything posted by Tattie36

  1. Well unless we get a few signings in during the week and have a completely different approach then I can’t see it being anything other than a Partick win. We have been nothing short of abject this season. 5 games, 5 terrible performances. It would be easier to accept if we had been playing half decent and creating opportunities but we’re not. Our normally reliable top performers are playing badly, looks like we’ll be missing half of our defence, Nicky Low appears to be leaving and we are lacking players to put the ball in the net, not that we create anything anyway. I don’t think it will be a hammering but I can’t see it being anything other than a comfortable away win.
  2. I think it’s very interesting and highlights exactly why it’s attractive for many guys to stay part-time. I would imagine our top players will be on a pretty healthy wage, add that to their day job salary, which for some will be very good, and there are few clubs in the whole of Scotland that could match that. I would actually go as far as to say that the vast majority of our players earn significantly more than the average Championship player.
  3. I fail to see the relevance of what Wighton was doing 4-5 years ago. How good a player was Jacobs 4-5 years ago compared to now? The simple fact is that Wighton hasn’t fulfilled his promise… yet, I really hope he finds his form again as he’s obviously a good player and he was excellent in his first spell for us. However I would rather have the Shanks playing now than what we saw of Wighton last season. One is going in an upwards trajectory and is hungry, one isn’t.
  4. I think that’s a bit unfair on Shanks. Personally I think he’s potentially a much better striker than Wighton. He’s scored more already this season than Wighton did last season, with a fraction of the game time and he looks strong, sharp and has the ability to create goal scoring chances out of very little. He looks the real deal to me although obviously a bit raw. Bring in an experienced striker to play alongside him and I think we’ll get a very good return. My worry is that he’s put out on loan, Dick obviously doesn’t think he’s quite ready although hopefully his performance last Saturday has changed his mind.
  5. Yeah, you’re right but I wasn’t suggesting Craigen on the left - just those 4 in midfield somehow, however that wouldn’t work so yeah, drop McKenna into midfield and push Allen up to 10.
  6. We need to shore up the midfield for this IMO so would be tempted to line up a bit more cautious. Drop Bobby to the bench and start with Craigen Low, Alan and Stewart in midfield with McKenna at 10 and Shanks up front. Or even start Jacobs (I know) but we have to get something, anything out of this game.
  7. No he didn’t - it was O’Brien, our number 5.
  8. He accuses others of not even going to games yet he doesn’t seem to know the difference between Little and O’Brien, and didn’t notice that Fosu and Donnelly swapped positions in the first half.
  9. Been going since 1978. Donnelly and Fosu swapped position during the first half - were you there?
  10. Painful watching it again. Queens really should have hammered us. The difference in styles is stark. QP play neat, slick passing with loads of pace and movement - the amount of times, and the ease with which they sliced through our defence was scary and worrying. By comparison, we were predictable, laboured, slow and very basic. Long ball or crosses - meat and drink to QPs big defence.
  11. The only thing I can think is that Donnelly and Hilson are fantastic in training. The management obviously really rate them and are desperate for them to come good. We all know it ain’t happening though and, while I admire Dick’s loyalty, they are simply not good enough. I don’t think they’ll go though, they get far too much game time to suddenly just be moved on. I would much rather Paterson came on instead of Hilson today. Paterson is a better player and has scored as many goals this season as Hilson did the whole of last.
  12. Dick’s post match guff was kind of endearing last season but it’s getting a bit embarrassing. We all like to slag off Billy Dodds etc for their deluded one-eyed view of how games went but this is on another level. Did he spend the first half on the shitter or something? 0-4 would not have been an unfair score at the break.
  13. I’m not sure putting McKenna in there is the answer. Aside from his (IMO) big drop in form, he’s just not that kind of player. His natural game is to attack, I can’t see him being happy/able to play that role. Allen and a big physical holding midfielder should do the trick.
  14. In the first half? We only had four on target all game - the goal, Linn’s free kick and Shanks’ two other efforts late on. Shanks had 75% of our on-target efforts, in 20 minutes.
  15. Mental - We never had a single proper chance in the first half - QP could have been 4 up by the break.
  16. The reality is - we’re in big trouble. Sounds melodramatic but it’s not a blip, that’s four league games played and four terrible performances, we’re in serious danger of being cut adrift already. I don’t think a striker and midfielder will change that much unless we have a fundamental change in lineup and tactics. The best striker in the world won’t score if he has no quality possession or delivery. You expect one or two bad performances every so often but this is becoming a habit. Out played all over the pitch again today. If not for Gaston that could have easily been 5 or 6. Even in the second half when we had the wind and the vast amount of possession, QP had the better chances. We could have scraped a draw in the end but that would have been an injustice. Our defence are being ripped apart by pace and movement - Ayr did it, Dundee did it and QP did it - and are showing uncharacteristic errors and nervousness. This has a lot to do with our midfield losing the battle every week, it’s just far too lightweight. I feel sorry for Nicky Low as he tries his heart out and is playing well but he can’t do it all himself. Desperately need a big, physical holding midfielder to allow Low and Allen to do their thing. Donnelly starting there today is astonishing, might has well have started with 10 men. Craigen, Gold and Fosu would all do a much much better job, and Fosu did when they swapped. The decision must have been because Donnelly was having a shocker so why keep him on and put him up front where he’s even more ineffective? Let’s get another thing straight - Luke Donnelly IS NOT a striker - a striker’s job is primarily to score or create goals. His return is dreadful, I don’t know the stats but I would bet our entire back 4 have a better goal scoring record than him. He doesn’t create anything either or impose his size so what’s the point? As has been said by others, the starting 11 was all wrong as were the subs. Bobby should have stayed on as, even though he wasn’t at his best, his delivery to Shanks could have worked and he also had our best chances before he was hooked. Shanks has to play, no argument - could have had three today. Last point and one I’ll get stick for again from some - McKenna was really poor again. Seems to have lost his pace and touch and desire. You can blame it on him being doubled up on all you like (he wasn’t) but he did nothing of note again today apart from lose possession, be muscled off the ball, fail to pass to a team mate and Sclaff his one decent opportunity. Amazing turnout again but can’t see it staying like that for long. Today was abject, yes QP were good but we were rotten.
  17. Could have sneaked a draw at the end, excellent keeping from Ferrie. Having said that? It would have been unfair on QP who were streets ahead of us. Really worrying the lack of creativity, hopefully Allen changed that and he looked good when he came on. Mind boggling that Donnelly and Fosu get played up front in preference to Shanks. He could have got 3 in the time he was on.
  18. Dire. 1 attempt on target. Wouldn’t argue if we were 5 down.
  19. Worst I’ve seen us play in years. QP look good but we look clueless. Defence is shambolic too. Can’t totally blame the wind as I’ve seen us play well against worse. Need a big second half.
  20. Totally understand that they’re a good side but we’re at home, where we’ve not lost a league game in over a year and we’ve beaten better teams than them - home and away - last season. The psychological damage a poor result and/or performance could really set us back. We need a win and today should be approached as a must win game.
  21. Need to play 2 up from the start imo. Shanks and Fosu for me. If we can’t approach this game with the confidence to score a few then when can we?
  22. I wonder what utter guff he’s going to blame for this pumping - thistle’s white shorts, not windy enough, the floodlights were too bright. Looking forward to his post match interview.
  23. I couldn’t agree more. As I said, I really like him and would love to see him get more game time. However, I think it’s fairly obvious that the management don’t think he’s ready for the championship.
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