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Everything posted by Tattie36

  1. Our midfield is getting fucked over. Hancock completely lost, doing nothing going forward and not covering back enough leaving Hammy exposed. Need to get Shanks on, Fosu to midfield to add a bit of presence there.
  2. Aye and they weren’t demoted either, they were relegated. There is a big difference.
  3. Nice to see/hear BBC R2 promoting a series of upcoming programmes to celebrate Jamaica’s 60th year of independence and how it’s enabled the country to flourish. I was under the impression that independence was divisive, nasty, inward looking and racist. Independence for everyone else = good. independence for Scotland = bad.
  4. If you don’t mind drinking in a chain bar/grill type place surrounded by families eating then it’s fine for a pre match pint. Wouldn’t call it a decent pub though. Would also say it’s more like a 15 minute walk to the ground and if you can get a bus from the city centre to there in 5 minutes then it must be on one of those new fangled jet propelled flying busses - not sure if they’re even on that route yet will take easily 20+ minutes on a Saturday afternoon.
  5. Nope. Nearest decent pubs are literally miles away.
  6. As far as I’m aware you can buy a full season ticket any time you want, right up until the half tickets go on sale I would imagine. It’ll be full price so won’t make much sense after a few games.
  7. Club has just announced 1332 season tickets sold so far. I still know a couple who haven’t got theirs yet either.
  8. That’s not a bad idea. McKenna would give a bit of bite and physicality in the centre of midfield, something we’ve been sorely lacking since Williamson left. Would also give McKenna an opportunity to rediscover some form without the pressure of being expected to bang the goals in, while still being a threat from midfield. I can’t be the only one that’s noticed his form has dipped a fair bit in the last few months.
  9. Never thought I’d see the day that Countryfile would get political. Currently putting the boot in to the Scottish Government re the ferries issue and putting words into people’s mouths. The entire feature was a thinly veiled opportunity to have a dig. Not saying that the SG are innocent, far from it but there are other factors involved.
  10. Yeah and what ever you do, don’t criticise LD or Lichtie23 will red dot you. Seems like he’s the only one allowed to criticise players or the manager.
  11. Seriously, what is wrong with Billy Dodds? Such a graceless, whinging twat. I know Dick Campbell likes a moan but this guy takes it to a different level. Imagine being interviewed by the host club after a match that you were lucky to draw and moan about not only the moderately strong wind (which both teams has to play in) but also the pitch, which is in fantastic condition and one of the best in the country, total lack of respect. Also noticed he had to be taken off by security after confronting the ref at the end. Yes the ref was atrocious for both teams but I think we probably had more reason to complain than ICT. Classless buffoon.
  12. What three part-time clubs? There’s only two - Queens Park have been full-time for a couple of seasons now.
  13. The best thing about today is that we don’t have to play ICT again for a good few weeks. Had most of the game but never really looked like scoring. Say what you like about Ridgers but his positioning (against us anyway) is unreal. He’s always in the right place - doesn’t matter what we do, he always just effortlessly plucks it out of the air or it’s straight down his throat. Thought Hancock, Fosu and Low were our best players. Donnelly did well in parts but he’s so frustrating. He’s obviously a good player with excellent close control but everything he does just feels a split second too slow and he is dreadful in the air - Corfe won more headers in his 20 minutes on the wing than Donnelly did in 70 in the centre of midfield. Every goalkeeper kick out was a free header for the ICT midfield. I agree that he gets more criticism than anyone else, undeserved at times, but he’s mostly brought it on himself. Got to see the highlight but Jesus that ref. Anyway - one point better off than this time last season and we’ve got both of our bogey teams out of the way unbeaten.
  14. Yeah that was a weird one, signing/s to be made prior to the game v Ayr. A week later and not a peep. Very unusual for the club to be so uncommunicative.
  15. The problem we have with seating, and I’m pretty sure the reason why they’ve increased the price and made it pre booking only, is simply because we don’t have enough of it. We really should have well over 1000 seats for where we are now, to meet the demand and to be in line with the wants of some modern supporters. If we continue to perform at this level then we are simply going to have to look at (sympathetic) ways of increasing the seating capacity by a few hundred. I am not for one minute extolling the benefits of seating as, personally, I will stand until no longer physically able to do so. However many fans much prefer sitting at the fitba particularly elderly, disabled or fans who are used to it and don’t have the option of standing on a weekly basis. When I used to take my kids when they were very young they liked to move around the ground - stand in various places and then go to the stand for a bit. Can’t do that now unfortunately but totally understandable as the larger our crowds get, the more people want to sit and the only way of guaranteeing that at the moment is to buy a specific ticket. I do agree that £2 extra is a bit much, perhaps £1, however I would imagine the majority of those purchasing stand season or match day tickets will be concessions
  16. I’m sure she knows it. I think the emotion got to her, she was physically trembling.
  17. Excellent total. Should be very close to 1300 by Saturday. I’m pretty sure our 1200 total last season included around 150-200 half season tickets so looking to be a 25-30% increase on this time last year.
  18. I think we need to see how the loans pan out before we get too despondent. I actually think our squad is at least as good as it was this time last season, some loans aside. Remember, it took Nouble and Dowds, in particular, a while to get up to speed. The additions so far are mostly positive - Gill looks far superior to Antell, Shanks is very promising and Hancock is, by all accounts, an extremely exciting prospect. The only one who’s disappointed so far is Jacobs but he may come good. 2 or 3 good quality loans in the next week or two and I think we’ll be fine. We also need to temper our expectations - if fans are expecting another season like last then I fear they’re in for a disappointing time. As I’ve said already - we’re already 1 point better off than we were at this point last season.
  19. Not feeling enormously confident about this one. ICT were our Kryptonite last season - 1 goal against them in 570 minutes of football and that was with Nouble and Hamilton is some of those games. Perhaps a completely new strike force might break them down. Also (aside from a striker) I think we’re desperate for a strong, physical central midfielder. We’re far too powderpuff there at the moment.
  20. Definitely wouldn’t walk it. It’s pretty much all uphill, a lot of it alongside a dual carriageway, and through some not great areas and industrial estates. Would take well over an hour and there are no pubs on the way for a drink.
  21. Personally, if there’s more than 2 of you or if money is no object, then I’d get a taxi from a rank in the city centre. c£20 return journey, the bus will be approx £4.50 each for a day ticket. Also reckon it’ll take a lot longer than 15 minutes by bus as traffic can be a nightmare on market street on Saturday afternoons, I would think it could be closer to 30 on a bad day with the lights against you. There’s also a 5-10 minute walk once you get off the bus and, of course, you’re at the mercy of the timetables. Familiarise yourself with where the ranks are - Back Wynd, Chapel Street, Dee Street, Exchequer Row - park yourself in a nearby pub until as late as possible (2:15-2:30) then a 10-15 minute drive and be dropped at the door. Call a taxi to pick you up after the game or get a bus back as there won’t be the time pressures.
  22. Exactly. If anyone thinks we played constant swashbuckling football last season, easing past everyone we played, then they’re deluded. We had many games where we ground out a win or a draw even with Nouble etc playing. Personally I’m delighted with a point after a poor performance and some loans still to come in. The bottom line is, we’re a point better off than we were at this stage last season.
  23. Happy enough with a point today. Ayr have been a bit of a bogey team for us so got to look at the positives. Come away from a difficult place with a point after not playing well and being down to 10 men for 15 minutes, I’ll take that. The biggest positive is that we’re 1 point better off than we were at this time last season. Onwards to next week where we have a great chance to exorcise the ICT ghost and get our two bogey teams out of the way with a decent return of points.
  24. Just can’t play against Ayr for some reason so happy enough with a point. Sounds like a poor performance though and losing ToB to suspension so early in the season isn’t good. Take the point and move on to our other bogey team next week.
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