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Left Back

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Posts posted by Left Back

  1. 34 minutes ago, GAD said:

    I reckon well lose heavily tonight, never be in the game at all, but manage to stay just close enough to give Wales the title, the absolute worst result possible.

    Hoping we either win by 8+ or lose heavily.  f**k Wales.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

    It’s a bit scary that in terms of hospital and ICU numbers we are going to be in a better position within a few days than we were in during last summer when a lot had opened back up, but still be 7 weeks away from being allowed into another household or even having more than 4 people in a group together in a hospitality setting.

    Yeah but we had vaccines when we opened up last summer so nothing was going to happen....

    ....oh wait, I’ve got that the wrong way round haven’t I?

  3. 1 minute ago, Todd_is_God said:

    On the assumption they will have something in place, this is infinitely preferable to domestic vaccine passports IMO.

    Depends how much you have to pay for it.

    Also imagine the scenes if someone comes up positive.  Does everyone around them then have to self-isolate?  Waited all year to go to your festival (or whatever event) and you get told to bolt because the person in front of you in the queue gets a positive test.

  4. 18 minutes ago, Scosha said:

    Vaccine passports can get in the bin. I’ll be fucking seething as a 25 year old this summer if I can’t get into the pubs etc as I won’t have had 2 doses, whilst the elderly and vulnerable who I’ve sat inside for for the past year to protect are out having a laugh. 

    It’s going into the pub that leads to a dose when you’re 25 so it’s for your own good.

  5. 1 hour ago, Detournement said:

    Haouas is starting for France so it will be a lively reunion with him and Haining. 

    Ryan Wilson is a good sub to bring on. 

    Should have him on from the start.  Proper WUM and could easily induce a French heads gone/red card imo.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

    A reminder that the SG already extended theirs until September without so much as deeming a parliamentary vote necessary.

    But we'll be "at least level zero" by late June 🤥

    Sure I heard the other day on the news it was something to do with allowing them to continue Furlough (the WM powers that is).  Wasn't really paying attention as to the details though.

  7. If domestic vaccine passports become law (which I don't think they will) then you really have no choice but to get one if you want a normal life.  If they're voluntary them any premises that asks me for one simply won't be getting my business.  There will be enough outlets in all sectors out there desperate for business that I can use instead.

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