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Left Back

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Posts posted by Left Back

  1. 11 minutes ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    Morelos didn't touch the ball, Bitton fouls Morelos easy yellow professional foul, unsporting behaviour,obvious goal-scoring opportunity no chance.

    What has Morelos touching the ball got to do with anything?

    you clearly have no comprehension of the laws of the game and your glasses are tinged greener than a football pitch so I’m out.

  2. 1 minute ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    How can it be an obvious goal-scoring opportunity if he didn't have the ball M8?

    You don’t need to have the ball.  One of the factors the referee has to consider under law 12 is the general direction of the play.  The play was moving directly towards Celtic’s goal and there is no way on earth that Morelos wasn’t getting to the ball first.

    if you pit Usain Bolt where Ajer was Morelos is still getting there first by a considerable distance, with plenty time to move even closer to the goal, hence DOGSCO.

  3. 37 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

    They're producing them all over the place, we'll probably get most of the UK ones. I'm just hoping they don't decide to prioritise the South East where it's getting out of control and Scotland has to wait a while.

    A while back they said they’d produce 1.2bn doses of AZ in 2021 so they must be knocking them out in more places than the UK.  AZ have plants all over the gliobe.

  4. 26 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

    5 days a week ffs. That is pathetic. In the middle of a pandemic where we are under the tightest restrictions of people’s lifetimes and they won’t work weekends to produce more vaccines. Unbelievable.

    I agree they should be working weekends but are there not multiple doses in a vial?  Sure I read 5 for the Pfizer one.

    if so this would equate to 3,750,000 per week.

    I doubt we’d be able to stick that many folk is so.  We could send the excess to Europe in exchange for some fish.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

    Has Longridge regressed so much that he can't even get a game for Queen's Park now, or was he just rested tonight? 

    Queens Park are a Championship level outfit.  It’s no surprise a Raith Rovers reject can’t get in their starting line-up.

  6. 52 minutes ago, Bring Your Own Socks said:

    Eternal debt. No stadium or assets. Ever decreasing talent pool in the area. You tumbled out the championship, straight through L1 and then two seasons in L2 finishing 10th and surviving the relegation play-offs. So four really bad seasons in a row. Then a modest sixth the year after and last season fourth. You were on a slide when the league got wrapped up. QP, Stirling and Elgin would all have been above Cowdenbeath last year had it gone it’s length. Deny it all you want friend, unless something spectacular happens with your finances Cowdenbeath will remain on the trapdoor short list. And if Kelty get promotion this year you’ve probably got two more years to get it sorted, at the most.

    Cowdenbeath had been sitting in third place for a large part of the season.  Elgin went above them by beating them with a late winner in the last game to be played.

    Cowdenbeath still had a game in hand against a poor Albion Rovers.  Winning that game in hand would have put them 8 clear of Stirling with 8 games to play (and also back above Elgin depending on when it was scheduled)

    Elgin and Queens both still had to travel to Central Park when the season was curtailed as well.

    Not sure the facts back up your assertions about the league placings last season.

  7. 9 minutes ago, git-intae-thum said:


    A quick bit of research of the comparison websites shows the price for two weeks in the states using the example of  a 60 year old with an existing health condition ain't coming in at anywhere near 20 quid. Try timesing that by five......and that is for the shitiest basic full of loopholes cover.

    The reality is nearer two hunner quid......for 2 weeks in the US.

    Twenty quid.....What broker did you use?

    No idea what broker I used.  It will have also been found on a comparison website.  I’m also not 60 and it would depend on what the pre-existing condition was.

  8. 4 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:
    9 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:
    Perhaps but don't call me liar or accuse me of making it up. 
    There are lots of holiday doctors who want money up front because competition is fierce and they need the cashflow to pay the bills.
    The schemes and promises of the government schemes are worthless if the practitioners can't afford them.

    It depends on the country, if you were holidaying in Ireland you would have to pay the initial 60euros to see GP or 100 for A&E but everything else would be free with your EHIC. You get the same as the locals as an EC citizen and card holder...and that's what you'd be offered

    Agree with this.  Broke my arm in Norway a few years back and showed my EHIC.  They charged me around £20 for my treatment.  Didn’t even pay it there and then as their machine wouldn’t accept any of my cards.   They sent a bill to my house and I posted them a cheque.

  9. 3 minutes ago, git-intae-thum said:

    This is just stupid.

    If you have existing health conditions and are of a certain age, it does not cost "a couple of quid" to get travel insurance for the states.

    It might do for Europe .....at the moment.....because of ehic

    EHIC has zero bearing on the cost of travel insurance.  If it did it would be a pre-requisite to getting an insurance policy, which it isn’t.

    I never said it was a couple of quid to the States.  I said to Europe.  I said it was very cheap to the States.

    I have a pre-existing condition and my last policy to Europe was around £10.  My last to the USA around £20 and a worldwide annual policy 3 years ago was about £60 I think

  10. 13 minutes ago, git-intae-thum said:

    I am sure that will last when every man and their dug no longer has EHIC and has to claim on their insurance.

    Get real. It will end up just like every other health insurance system on the planet, from the American health care system to pet insurance. They will cover you to be sick once. After that you pay premium or you are f@cked.

    Travel outside Europe has no EHIC.  Still very cheap for decent cover, even to America, the land of the wallet biopsy.

    i’m genuinely astounded that people are latching onto health insurance as a big loss. It costs a couple of quid for insurance travelling to Europe.  Why on earth are people thinking that will suddenly skyrocket?

    i’m even more surprised people would travel to Europe relying on their EHIC for medical cover.

  11. 1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

    With pre-existing conditions and no reciprocal health care deal, insurance costs would be prohibitive. My current provider just point blank refused. I'll be going anyway, just uninsured. 

    I have to ask.  If you have conditions so serious you can’t get insurance and travelled just on your EHIC how did you expect to get home if something did happen?

  12. 1 hour ago, virginton said:

    Yep, WFH would be a great option for most if you can waltz down to the pub (or at least out to the garden/park in summer), as well as having some external office space to use as well when needed/to mix things up. Living in your workspace indefinitely when it's raining sideways outside and dark apart from 11-3 at best provides none of the disconnect that is needed to function properly.

    This is why they should either f**k off with these restrictions or ramp it up to full public holiday status instead and bin off all non-essential work that can't sit and wait for three weeks: which includes education.

    Some people are quite happy to work from home.  I work in a team of 11 and the only person that really wants to get back to the office is the team leader.  He’s a clown that insisted on continuing to get on the tube every day to go into the central London office pre the March lockdown despite it being official company policy at the time to WFH.

    I don’t have external office space and have been in a pub once since March and function perfectly well.

    Your sweeping generalisations are totally off the mark.  I know it’s not for everyone but very few people I know have a desperate yearning to traipse back into an office every day.  I would add that most of my friends work in IT and have been using Skype and/or teams to work from home on a semi regular basis for years.

  13. I have no idea of the circumstances behind the Rovers postponement but as long as Rovers haven’t breached protocols as a club then it’s (correctly) a postponement.  If Rovers have breached protocols then it should be a 0-3 loss according to the precedent.

    When Aberdeen players decided to go on the piss that wasn’t the clubs fault, so the game was postponed.  Killie and St. Mirren not observing protocols during official club duties is an entirely different matter.

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