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Posts posted by uni

  1. Just a couple of things.

    1. Got a job interview on Friday for a full time job finally, hope I nail it but slightly shitting it as well.

    2. Thinking about cutting my hair, had it long for about 4 years now and I think it's best that I cut it now but I'm adamant that I don't suit short hair, thinking about going for it anyway, the long hair is starting to piss me off now.

    That's all P&B, have a swell day today!

  2. Agreed. Very self-centred from uni, paranoid android (mental issues) and Richie 'deathsdoor' Edwards.

    Hopefully the idiots that took umbrage at your perfectly sensible suggestion will develop into life and that Richie will find god, or a friend to talk to (pm me fella if you want).

    Depression isn't a happy topic, but it's not an excuse to commit crime or destroy the lives of others.

    Sorry but because I suffer from depression and understand those who go through really dark stages of their life means I am self-centred? Get tae f**k and never return ya c**t.

  3. I know it's for the responsibility of not crashing it. Not avoiding dafties on the line. It's not like they can swerve. Station staff are responsible for disposing of the mush not taken away by the ambulance. But richey still fancies it, that's? the main thing. Why in the depths of depression is it necessary to put on a show. Some pills and drink and go to your bed.

    Deary me.

  4. I doubt anyone will care but just to gauge the progress of recovery from my breakdown I currently feel happier than I have ever been. I have been back at work since just prior to New Year and am enjoying my work again. I also have a very loving and understanding girlfriend now and our time together has brought us both alot of happiness.

    I am still on my medication but I sometimes forget to take it. When you feel happier you don't exactly think to yourself "I better take my antidepressant" every morning.

    That's good to see you are progressing and moving on with your life positively. Although it may seem a good sign that you are forgetting to take your medication I would strongly recommend you continue. I stopped taking mine earlier this year and it was a disaster and has knocked me back severely, if you think you need to change your medication or approach I would recommend seeing your GP who will be on hand to give you sound advice. Nonetheless it's great to see that you are heading in the right direction :) .

  5. At the game on Friday, frustrated at yet another mistake made by Aberdeen's answer the Shrek (Josh Magennis) I decided to stand up an bemoan this man's lack of any footballing ability. Some fat c**t behind me pipes up and tells me to "wrap it" or he was going to "fucking kill" me. I told him to kill me and he ran off and told a steward, I was then warned for being threatened by someone and stating my opinion on my team at the game itself. This isn't the first this has happened either. <_<

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