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Posts posted by uni

  1. A lot of people who claim to be depressed are just moaning c***s, ones who stick things about it on fb are the actual worst! Sometimes I wonder where all the men went!

    Do you even know how bluntly offensive your post is? As someone who is suffering from severe depression I cannot help but find it very destructive and horrible that someone links depression to not being a "real man". What is a "real man" anyway? I'm intrigued.

  2. Thanks for sharing so much. Its useful in that perhaps someone reading this thread sees something of what they are going through in this and perhaps takes a step closer to getting help.

    There should be no more shame in being depressed than breaking an arm. It can hit anyone almost anytime.

    These days I manage my symptoms very well, but only if I recognize them. They can sneak up and be causing me grief before I realize I am having a bad time. It is likely people on this forum, reading this thread, will be suffering symptoms and not really see it as being much more than moody or a bit down.

    Comedy moment but when things were at their worst I had what I called the 'Coldplay test'. Back in about 2006, if I got emotional and weepy at a Coldplay song I knew I was suffering a bit of an episode and to take the necessary steps. If on the other hand I wanted to throw things when Coldplay or Athlete were on, I knew I was in good mental health. biggrin.gif

    Just noticed this post now. Thanks for the response! As I don't know anyone here personally it doesn't bother me that people will know what I suffer, to P&B I am merely uni the Aberdeen fan.

    As for the Coldplay test I have my own, the R.E.M test! (No disrespect to them, decent band) but when their songs mean more to me when I'm going through a bad time! It is a good indicator! :lol:

  3. So there hasn't been one single false diagnosis of depression ever? Every single person going to the doctors with depression is depressed?

    It's too easy to hand over some pills, so the quack doesn't feel guilty if some poor sod tops themselves.

    I stand by my opinion, its over hyped and in lot of cases, people are being doped up without reason. Where does it say you should be happy all the time?

    Yes but you claimed that depression is over hyped and over publicised which everyone knows is a simple lie. If it was over publicised why is there still people out there too scared to seek help for what could be a mental issue. You also used the example of a person close to you who suffered badly from grieving. Yes it is natural to feel sad when something of that manner occurs. However there is a difference between being "sad" and being "depressed", having gone through both I can assure you when you are sad you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, you know you won't be sad for long. When going through the worst of depression you cannot see an end to it, to put it simply it's absolutely torture.

  4. I'm not one for opening up but I suppose that was my downfall earlier so I might as well share my experience. It is encouraging to see the P&B is capable of maturity...sometimes! :P

    Depression and mental illness is something that can cause a lot of damage in one's life. Sadly I found out the hard way when I finally bothered my arse to see the doctor earlier this year after suffering major symptoms for over a year. It started off with panic attacks and anxiety, I was finding it difficult to socialise in groups unless we were outside in the open, I thought I was just developing some form of claustrophobia but when i started happening all the time that was when alarm bells starting to ring. My depression hit it's worst (I hope!) in September of this year. I went through a horrible break up, quickly became disillusioned with life and I could feel myself drifting further and further away from my friends and family. Thankfully I did seek the help and I am currently going the therapy and I'm on anti depressants. It was essential that I sought the help as it was slowly grabbing a hold of my life. In order to get better I am currently signed off work and have been since October and my state of mind meant that I had to throw university after a mere 30 days. I was gutted but I knew there was no chance I could do it whilst battling severe depression. I don't education is for me now anyway, if there is one thing I have picked up from suffering from depression it can sometimes let you take a step back and assess a lot of things in your life. I have no "career" that I want to pursue (genuinely I don't, I never have and I never will) however I do have aims of where I want to be in the future, a steady full time job is certainly the long term option and the job hunt will probably begin at the start of 2013. To be honest the vast majority of this year has been a write off for me.

    During the really bad times I had it convinced that everyone else would be better off without me and other depressive thoughts. These are common for depression, even mild depression. If you have little or no self esteem and you suffer from thoughts like these regularly I would recommend seeking help, even if it's just therapy it will do you the world of good! For some it can be severe problems with self confidence. I also have been living quite an unhealthy diet however it's not because I eat too much, it's the opposite. Thankfully I could be doing with losing some weight so no major physical problems will come as a result but a deteriorating or vastly increasing appetite is something to also look out for. I genuinely went a day and a half without eating anything and when I did it was something small like toast or something. This is not good for any recovery, a healthy body gives your mental illness a better chance.

    As for your friends and whatnot I would say you do learn a lot about them when you tell your friends that you are depressed (if you chose to). Sadly for me one of my best friends of many years has not reacted that well and I get the impression he doesn't want to spend time with me or he thinks I'm a mad man or something, I don't care what his motives behind him talking to me are but I'll leave him to it and move on with my life. One of my friends has been particularly supportive and understands what I'm going through and just knows what to do but then again I help them through their bad times as well, I didn't know this person suffered from depression until they told me when they thought something was up with me and I told them what I was going through so you would be surprised how close depression can be.

    Can't really say more without repeating what others have said (which I have basically done anyway), fell free to chuck a PM if you want to talk or anything.

    I highly recommend Breathing Space by the way, good to see it has already been mentioned in the thread. Especially if you feel you are heading towards a "bad" period of time (it's not like the Samaritans, it's slightly different and offers more therapeutic help and advice for those who are feeling depressed/down, they recommend phoning Samaritans if you are feeling suicidal or if you are going to harm yourself etc). Although it's not available 24/7 its free.

    Here is the website (has some good stuff to read); Breathing Space

    Phone number 0800 83 85 87 (Available Monday to Thurdays 6pm-2am, Weekend Friday 6pm to Monday 6am)

  5. Personally I thought the 3rd episode was pretty poor but I have never found adventure call funny, personally I think its his weakest sketches. I will watch it again though as it may become more funny on second viewing like the first episode of the series.

  6. I was having a discussion with my brother today, I was thinking about making a thread about it but it's about Hearts vs Hibs so I can't be fucked with starting a playground riot. What we were discussing was who is better. Rudi Skacel or Derek Riordan BEFORE he moved to Celtic. I said Skacel but my brother was on the other side.

  7. Having a discussion with with my ultra right wing grandfather who has managed to blame the following people for the "downfall of society"

    Drug Dealers

    Drug Takers



    African people who fought against the British Empire

    People who support Scottish Independence

    Always enjoyable speaking to him, until next week I guess! :lol:

  8. I actually woke up fucking raging at the result. Took me until after my shower to calm down.

    The missus asked me what the f**k was wrong with me :lol:

    Waking up raging! That's excellent! The worst I had was when I dreamt that Aberdeen equalised against QotS in THAT semi final then went on to win 6-4 AET then beat Rangers 2-0 in the final. I was sitting on top of the world! Then I woke up and actually just thought to myself "for f**k sake!" <_<

  9. I don't know what's more annoying, the machines not working or listening to half a dozen of them echoing:

    Thank you for shopping at Morrisons... Do you have your own bag, Thank you for shopping at... notes are dispensed from the lower slot... welcome to Morrisons, do you have your own... please choose your payment method, welcome to Morrisons, please wait, the assistant is coming... do you have your own bag... notes are dispensed from the lower... do you have your own bag... please wait, the assistant is coming... and so so on.


    Tell me about it. On a Sunday I work with 8 of them for 7 hours. If I was schizophrenic I reckon that would be the voice I would hear.

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