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Kdy Par

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Posts posted by Kdy Par

  1. It hasn't. It might yet which will send Kirkcaldy into one big massive cum fest. Talk of making us field a youth team is hardly surprising. Raith fans are the archetypal hypocrites about most Pars related matters.

    Meanwhile a player has covid and may or may not be really ill.....but to them it's all about 3 points.

    As I said before it’s the only way they’ll take 3 points off us.
  2. In as much as there were people with no idea asking questions and people with no information answering them, yes. 
    It's all just interminably boring, isn't it? Do both your goalies use the same massage table? Did Declan McManus stand too close to Dom Thomas at some point over the last eight days? Who cares? 
    It's just a vague notion of tribalism driving a wave of indignation that's totally unwarranted and uninteresting. 
    It's not even like breaking Covid regulations gives you a sporting advantage. If - and I really don't imagine it is the case, any more than it was for the Rovers a month or two ago - Dunfermline have been lax with the Covid protections, then they've failed in an obligation to their employees, but it's not going to help them win football matches. 
    Some people are always going to be desperate to find a stick to beat their rivals with, but this is on a level with finding out that the guy who drives the team bus doesn't technically have the right category of driving licence. It's so far removed from actual football, there's no point discussing it. 

    Where has it been confirmed the Pars have been lax with Covid protocols? The players will have wives who work and children who goto school. How can it be possible to stop asymmetric transmission into a football bubble?
  3. Training together has not equated to a 'close contact' in Covid terms with other outbreaks. Sitting on adjacent seats on the bus for 30 minutes, yes. Sharing a pitch? No.
    In most other outbreaks, there have been 2/3 'close contacts' identified after a positive case.
    Dunfermline have 1 positive case. How can they not fulfil the fixture. If so many players have been identified as close contacts meaning they can't field a team, what on earth have they been doing.

    Where is it confirmed that there is only one positive case?

    Why was it ok for the Wee Team to have there game against ICT postponed by it’s not ok for us?

    You’ll be praying you are awarded a win as that’s your only hope beating us this season.
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