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Erih Shtrep

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Everything posted by Erih Shtrep

  1. Lucky it didn't come after your first shot, you'd never get the 2nd.
  2. One of my children is of similar age and normally my wife does the school run as I earn more and are a greater mortgage asset. Last time I was down at the school pick up I was ear dropping two groups of parents. The first a group of 4 women talking about "My wee Rory's been playing great" "How's Sophie getting on with her alphabet" "Aww that's sweet - she's such a wee cutie" Then there was two guys talking "What you got tonight" "Went BTTS again,mate" "That's twice Shakhtar Donesk have let me down" Proud to be a ruddy bloke.
  3. Such a shame Ruth Davidson doesn't wear glasses then her ears would serve a purpose.
  4. Toss up between Thierry Henry and Harry Souttar
  5. Conservative voter pretending to care about the 'us and 'them' schism imploring us to remain in one of the most unequal country in the OECD.
  6. If the SNP wins a majority a 'grand coalition' waving the biggest Union Jacks cannot take place. Plus I suspect DRoss was just playing politics with his tweet - nailing the position of the Conservatives as the party of the union 'at all costs' and forcing prospective Labour leaders to answer whether they'd be prepared to dance with the (toxic to some) Tories.
  7. I'm suggesting I'm more sympathetic to the current lockdown that I was in summer '20. I'm also enjoying some time off work for the first time in 80 years.
  8. Then it's a sage idea to keep things locked down for the next 10-12 weeks until the 'at risk' groups get vaccinated. The (lack) of sensible response to the whole pandemic has been an eyeopener - as they haven't a scooby doo, but I support closing schools and businesses till as soon as we get the vulnerable vaccinated.
  9. Wouldn't this be lovely if our scientists manage to reverse the damage of this truly awful disease. https://www.edinburghlive.co.uk/news/edinburgh-news/game-changer-discovery-edinburgh-scientists-19654065?fbclid=IwAR01E_ZURm15f1U1v8AosCR00XyOyDUICIiOREKITIXxXCyDcStaiPHLPTw
  10. This is so bad you can guarantee @The_Kincardine will love it.
  11. 1260 deaths in English care homes last week.
  12. I suppose we've all have bad evenings on a online community forum. You'll learn to deal with it better in the future.
  13. Hi KT Take a month divide the number of days by 4 and then multiply by 3. The only people I need to prove too I'm working is HMRC. Would you like to see my latest SA302 and my 5 (five) figure income?
  14. Hi. I read that twice and didn't really grasp what you were alluding too but I read it a third time and then I had a lightbulb moment because unfortunately my bulb blew in the living room leaving the monitor illuminated which actually accelerated the reading/ thinking process. And I put it to you virginton that you are a man with very poor taste in tinned soup and you want a private reg plate but you can't quite afford it and you're wrong on the figures because 1/2 of deaths are in care homes, and adopting the Boris approach would lead to a 3/4 of a month delay in vaccinating 100% of care homes. And that's not my opinion, that's statistics.
  15. Saka seems to be the English 'Golden boy' of Arsenal. I much prefer Smith-Rowe.
  16. I actually disagree. We're discussing political tactics so there isn't a black/white answer just personal ideas of what strategies should be used. I find Pep to be quite passionate about Scottish football and Scottish politics and fairly knowledgeable about both. I appreciate his level of posting is a little bit "in your face" but apart from that I don't mind his contributions.
  17. Happy to get it any time night or day, and I'll also be getting the Covid Vaccine.
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