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Posts posted by Highlandmagar

  1. 3 hours ago, BFTD said:

    After witnessing a dribbling meltdown from an amateur virologist/lawyer a couple of days ago, could I make a polite request for those of you who are similarly-minded?

    If you're asked to wear a face mask when entering a place of business and feel this is somehow unfair in any way, retire to your home and write a letter of complaint to the high heid yins who've set the rules. This would be either the appropriate department at the organisation you're unhappy with, or your political representatives.

    Do not turn into a ranting, aggressive shambles with the minimum wage staff who are employed to uphold the rules that their employers have laid down. You will achieve nothing other than displaying your irrationality to anyone in the area, and possible injury when you're forcibly removed from the premises. The rest of the world thanks you for your decency.

    Well said. As someone who works in retail, I have had a few 'incidents' to contend with due to pandemic rules, including having to separate customers being millimetres to close to each other. The morale in stores is low and people are getting out. I have never seen so many managerial vacancies in the company I work for.

  2. 8 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


    Does sound like an interesting candidate, although "Leave with a joint" was an unfinished sentence he never got round to finishing. Also, he only polled 19 votes so his message, whatever it was, didn't seem to get across!

    Now if that was a joint of meat he would romp home.

  3. 2 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

    North Shropshire, parliamentary by-election result:

    LDEM: 47.2% (+37.2)
    CON: 31.6% (-31.1)
    LAB: 9.7% (-12.4)
    GRN: 4.6% (+1.4)
    REFUK: 3.8% (+3.8)


    A definite rejection for Labour as well.


    Nonsense. Labour voters there lent their votes to oust the Tories.

  4. 8 minutes ago, diegomarahenry said:

    He played Crawford and Murdoch out wide most weeks for us. He seems to sign a quality player when he gets the chance, regardless of whether he needs them or not. 
    then rearranged the whole team to accommodate them.

    I don’t think McCall will take Thistle up, or if he does, keep them there. But he will get them to be a top 4 championship team. The key will be who you replace him with and don’t be fooled by the stability he creates. It’ll all fall apart within weeks.

    he is a great manager at this level, like Dick Campbell, he can get players to run through walls for him but he’s never managed the next step. He maybe peaked at Ayr and didn’t have the interest to rebuild and he’ll maybe do the same with thistle if a better job comes up. 

    I think he is hoping that Thistle will be his last job and he moves upstairs.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Meldrew said:

    can i ask, what has the date got to do with it ? Are you saying, 25 year old women today {just using that age as a reference} are different to 25 year old women in 2011 or 2001 ? because in both those time frames i've heard my female friends say such things as ''he's getting pumped''

    Getting pumped? Ah! Them were the days!

  6. 5 minutes ago, Taxi for De Massis said:

    Having Kenny Miller onboard might actually help bring either a decent striker to us or bring out the best in who we have. Perhaps too much of a stretch for Jaime Wilson (who looks to me older than Miller).

    Really curious what our new coach has made of what he’s seen. 

    If Holt is going to stay, then the only involvement in contracting players should involve pressing a button on the photo copier, or putting the paperwork through a stapler.

    Cautiously optimistic that we may actually see a team putting in that extra 10% on Saturday, which will take us up to 10% total effort.

    Jesus! If you only want an office boy for the wage he must be on, I will do it for half.

  7. Just now, diegomarahenry said:

    McCall is one of the most organised managers in Scottish football. He has plans in place months in advance and it would be a massive mistake if Thistle got rid of him.

    He needs good coaches working under him and is always suspect defensively. He needs a good coach who organises a deep defensive line.

    Im sure you could tempt Duffy for the right price 🤞

    I can only say what he is doing at Thistle this season. He is wasting Turner playing out of position to keep Bannigan and Docherty in the team. That combination does not work. We have no creativity in midfield. We rely too much on Tiffoney and when opposition snuffs him out we are fucked. McCall still doesn't know his best side yet and we are well into the season. He does not have the quality to take Thistle further. He has a decent budget. He signs decent players, but has no clue on how to use them. Be glad to see the back of him. It won't happen unfortunately. 

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