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Posts posted by rowsdower

  1. 16 minutes ago, Busta Nut said:


    I'd also like to say, if you are in favour of the Barmack deal, you are a fucking idiot.

    There's been a few folk said or suggested it and were asked to speak a bit softer but f**k that. Only a moron is still in favour of it.

    Past caring who's feelings get hurt.

    I'm right with you there. I've seen a couple of folk say that an offer like this might never come around again (I fucking hope so), but can't provide any reason for supporting it other than jibes against the Well society, which many of them aren't a member of.

    I genuinely don't know what some folk think they're getting.

    On hurt feelings, f**k that. There was one person that literally said they're voting for the proposal because the WS hurt their feelings. What a world.

  2. Wilson publicly supporting the offer without addressing the glaring holes in it, clearly helping his old pal.

    My position has always been that some new thinking and external investment is desperately needed just so that we can compete at the current level. However, I have been 100% against the Barmack deal from day one, primarily because it's asking for way too much control for the money offered.

    Everything that has come out since then has only shown this proposal up for the joke that it is, with multiple red flags that doesn't take a forensic accountant to notice. 

    The selling point of this deal is supposed to be the business experience of the Barmacks, and their claim that they can get famous folk to invest. But what we've seen so far is that they are complete amateurs at this, pulling numbers of of twitter, proposing figures that don't add up, and showing zero understanding of our club, it's community, and football. If they can't do that right, how on earth are they going to persuade anyone else to part with their money to invest in us?


  3. There are many motherwell fans that will absolutely die on the hill that player salaries that are posted on the internet are real, because they are posted on the internet. Not surprised to see EB is one of them. American sports teams salaries are generally public knowledge

    I also saw someone post the other day that they'll be voting on the EB proposal because someone on the WS hurt their feelings. We're the best.

    On the sports docs, the Australian cricket one is awesome, especially the first season where they're all gimps with feelings.

  4. Just now, camer0n_mcd said:

    Saw earlier today that I've become a 'rising contributor' on the absolute shit stain that is the Motherwell Facebook groups. One of the worst days of my life.

    I accept that I could do with being more receptive to other points of view when it comes to motherwell things, but f**k those c***s. I joined one of those groups a while back, and realized that supporters of the same team can live on different planets <grandpa Simpson gif>.

    Also, I watched a terrace podcast breakdown of our begging video and want to punch a window.

  5. 12 minutes ago, KirkySuperSub said:

    See aw this utter pish, the constant references to Ryan Reynolds at Wrexham, if Google is to be believed - (I know!) - Ryan Reynolds has a net worth of about $350m...

    The bold Erik has already stated on this board, he can't afford the, less than, £2m up front...

    It's not even comparable...!

    He might be closer to a billionaire, he recently sold Mint Mobile (he had a 25% or so stake in it) to T-Mobile for over a billion.

    Anyone making Wrexham comparisons with our deal is going ro be very very disappointed.

  6. I live and work in the USA, and I have to explain to folk that Im from trainspotting scotland, not Braveheart/Outlander scotland.

    My colleagues exclusively talk about the English premier league when it comes to soccer, and know about motherwell through me, and thought the investment video was hilarious and cringe. They couldn't care less about the USL team in the city, Memphis 901 (with Stephen glass as manager) who are actually half decent. The people who do care, cosplay as ultras and copy songs off the telly. They're allowed Pyro though, and there's memphis BBQ nachos.

  7. I made a couple of comments on Facebook, as I feel that we're pretty much on the same page here. I tend to come across as a c**t when fighting my corner though, so we could do with some of the diplomatic types on there.

    Someone did trigger me with something along the lines of the Society's being vague but that Barkacks one at least had numbers. Nothing about the numbers being bullshit and made up though.

    I still really want to know what the pros think this will achieve. Like, are we going to start buying players off st Mirren.

    Agreed on a docuseries being shite as well, it will die when the American audience realizes Motherwell isn't the scotchland they were hoping for.

  8. 9 minutes ago, steelmen said:

    I do think that McMahon is desperate here. He wanted, and might have paid for, the video, got to make that look a success.

    He wants to stand down, and on the face of it has done nothing to facilitate it. EB has come in with the least worst proposal with a few words of I will work with the society and he's approved it. This allows him to walk away safe in the knowledge he has left the club in a proper businessman's hands.

    The only real urgency here is McMahon's insistence on getting this done before he leaves, and his need for a "legacy" could tear the club apart.

    Like said above, this is deemed as the "least worst" proposal, and it is terrifying that some are fine with it in that regard, when there is no genuine pressure for the club to accept any terms for investment.

    Imagine three folk rocked up to your door and said they wanted to buy your house, with the best offer being half the market value, but you had to redecorate and build a conservatory. Then Imagine trying to persuade your landlord to accept the offer.

    Also no surprise that this offer is fine with the contrarian racists in our support.

  9. 1 minute ago, capt_oats said:

    ....... is whether or not The Executive Board have actually sought any advice about these aspects that seem key to Barmak’s plan (IIRC he mentioned he had presented a deck to them early on) ......

    The exec board: Ooh, a deck, WITH TRANSITION ANIMATIONS, AND IT HAS OUR BADGE ON IT! Bring in this business whizz post haste!

  10. Will the club put out a statement to say that EB has some good ideas (he hasn't) but we had already planned to do some of them anyway?

    An app and an expensive CRM, f**k me. Each of these things in isolation will cost a fortune to implement and maintain, with no chance of us making our money back on them in any reasonable timescale.

    Most cloud based CRMs like salesforce are in the hundreds of thousands annually, and any professional service contracts to maintain or optimize them would be just as astronomical.

    It has been mentioned a few times that the club already has a CRM, what's the deal with that? Are we hoping to get a volunteer or an intern to run it?

    Outside of this whole investment fiasco, we need to take a hard look at how our club is staffed.

  11. Oli Shaw was shite, but he barely played. There have been worse players that have played a lot more minutes. The whole Shaw thing is just a bit.

    Now I need to think about who the worst player that played the most minutes was....

    Probably a good distraction from arguing with moon howlers on Facebook.


    Edit - some candidates:

    John Hendry - 36 appearances, 3 goals, cost 200k

    Kevin Christie - 38 games, bombscare

    Craig Samson - 36 games, palm the ball to the middle of the box.

    Greg Denham - 50 appearances (maybe skewed by a disaster against Ayr.)

    Nathan McGinley - 45 appearances

  12. There is no rational and sane reason for voting for this Barmack proposal.  I can only assume that those in favor of it haven't read it, or just hate the Well Society.

    The Society really need to do more to dispell this false sense of urgency, and make sure the facts get out before this vote. Are there any public forums planned from the Society side?

  13. I'm not comfortable with the June 10th cut off for WS members that can vote, it should have been those who were signed up before this shite started.

    I'm looking forward to the WS plan coming out. From what I saw in the focus group a few months back, and my small involvement in one of the work streams before I had to bail, they know what they're doing and have plenty of people with the experience to deliver on it.

  14. 5 minutes ago, Jim McLean&#x27;s Ghost said:

    Brilliant execution from Moses.

    Keeper well and truly caught out.

    From what I saw we did ok today. Hard to keep the ball against Twente and some ropy defensive moments. O'Donnell had a few and Casey had a howler. Oxborough made some good saves, no chance with the first gaol (which was a handball)

    Miller looked really great when he had the ball. And his free kick was decent. Maybe a better keeper saves it.

    Twente had a decently strong side out. IDK who they have away on international duty but they had about half their first team on the park and guys who were getting on regular game time last season. A very positive sign.

    Oh and IDK what dimensions the park were but I think it was Tom Sparrow managed to put a throw in all the way to the back post. caught me interest.

    Balmer has the rocket of a long throw.

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